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do you think they are mad or their strategic plan is to wipe-out Israiel?
if this regime is not a state terrorist and if thery are not a main source of Terrorist islamist groups, why they try to keep Middle-east in chaos?

2006-08-03 01:59:24 · 15 answers · asked by Better life @ Better world.com 1 in News & Events Current Events

15 answers

YES IT IS TRUE - Iran's Leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Iran want to Wipe Israel Off the Face of the Map.

They are MAD -or- Is their strategic plan to wipe out Israel. There is No difference - It amounts to the SAME thing.

Here are just a few snippets from the media:
Aljazeera.Net: 3 August 2006 Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has said the solution to end the conflict in Lebanon was the "elimination of the Zionist regime."

Evening Standard 2 August 2006: Hezbollah has said "Israel is Useful because it is Easier to KILL ALL JEWS if they are in ONE place". Simon Sebag Montefiore: "But the hysterical Anti-Israeli media and NAIVE Protestors (are you listening KenHallonthenet) here Miss the point that, for Al Qaeda and Hezbollah, Jews are the personification of the West and Enlightenment - they are Us and We (The West) are Next".

The Spectator 5 August 2006: Hezbollah Cells await Iran’s orders
At a recent Stop the West rally (yes, I know, but that’s their real agenda) demonstrators waved placards proclaiming ‘We’re all Hezbollah now’. Really? If so, why were they allowed to parade in Trafalgar Square? In a sane society they should surely all have been arrested as a self-proclaimed army of holy warriors whose explicit aim was to murder untold numbers of innocents, destroy Britain, America and the free world and subjugate them to the dictatorship of the ayatollahs.

Because that’s what Hezbollah is. Literally designated the Army of God, it is a military force funded, trained by and answerable to the Islamic Republic of Iran. The Iran that is pledged — as it has been since the Khomeini revolution of 1979 — to the destruction of Israel and the genocide of the Jews, as a prelude to destroying the West and infidels everywhere. The Iran that is steadily developing nuclear weapons so that it can achieve these aims.

Many on the British Left mistakenly believe that Hezbollah is merely another Muslim liberation movement to add to its collection. (The thinking which leads the Left to classify genocide as liberation is a story in itself.) As a result, the comrades of ‘Stop the War’ march behind placard images of their new hero Nasrallah, while George Galloway MP proclaimed at the demonstration, ‘Hezbollah is not a terrorist group and I am here to glorify the Lebanese resistance movement.’

In Britain there are thought to be relatively few Khomeinists compared with Sunni terrorists. But there are enough to form a serious potential security threat if Iran decides to unleash Hezbollah against targets in the UK. And that is now a real possibility.

According to German and Israeli intelligence sources, Hezbollah sleeper cells are present.....Margaret Beckett has told the Commons that ‘there are indeed concerns’ about Iran-backed terrorists attacking the UK.

And now Iran has explicitly singled out Britain as a target for attack - not because of Lebanon or any other recent event.

In an Iranian TV interview on 23 July, Iran’s president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad claimed that ‘England was the founder of this sinister regime’ Israel and, like America, was ‘an accomplice to all its crimes’.

Breitbart.com: 8 Dec 2005 Iran's Ahmadinejad says Israel should be moved to Europe. Iran's hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that if Germany and Austria feel responsible for massacring Jews during World War II, a state of Israel should be established on their soil.

Ahmadinejad, who sparked an international outcry in October when he said Israel "must be wiped off the map", also repeated his view on Thursday that the Jewish state was a "tumour".

BBC News: 5 July 2005 Austrian prosecutors are investigating allegations that Iran's president-elect was involved in the 1989 assassination of a Kurdish leader in Vienna.
Austrian politician Peter Pilz said there was "credible evidence" to link Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the murder of Iranian exile Abdul Rahman Ghassemlou.

PS KenHallonthenet - believe it or not - I don't listen to Fox News (not that there is anything wrong with their coverage) or some other innacurate and biased media. I watch BBC News, Channel 4, Sky and CNN. Does that make my Opinion Invalid.

According to Reuters:
"Although the main cure is the elimination of the Zionist regime, in this stage an immediate ceasefire should be implemented,"

"Ahmadinejad is clearly talking about the dream of an end to Zionism, an evil and racist ideology. Not an end to Judaism."

Ken, if you believe that then you are even more Stupid and Naive then Neville Chamberlain (who was also an Anti-Semitic pig). Do you Really believe - this Mad Man - Ahmadinejad wants "Peace in Our Time". Ken you are so silmilar to Chamberlain trying to tell us that Ahmadinejad is a nice man, and is a gentleman after all.

Ken, tell me WHY is it so Evil for Zionists and Jews to have a state in Israel? I hope you have the guts to give me a decent answer.

Are you against an Islamic state in Iran? Are you against an Islamic state in Aghanistan under the Taliban?

Gay Muslims, Women and Children have a better time and more fun in Israel - then they ever would in Iran or Taliban Afghanistan where they would all be hanged. SHAME ON YOU Ken.

Ken, when Hitler said he wanted to "wipe Russia from the face of the map" - believe it or not - he didn't just mean Communism and the Soviet state (read Zionism and Israel today), he meant the GENOCIDE of the whole Russian people including the Jews there (read Judaism and Jews today). SHAME ON YOU Ken.

Ahmadinejad is an Iranian Hitler in the making. There are already many uncanny similarities to Hitler:-
- He is short and has a "Napoleon Complex" just like Adolf.
- He has survived several assasination attempts.
- he uses the Same Arguments and Rhetoric against Jews that Hitler did - which you Ken - like all the other Anti-Zionist "bleeding heart liberal" ranters - sadly fall for.
- and just like Hitler - Ahmadinejad is Wanted for Murder - but is currently above the Law. Your Hero Ken!

"I also would like to see a complete and permanent ceasefire by Hezbollah and their complete disarming and Lebanon allowed to function as an independent democratic state."

Ken, change Lebanon to Czechosovakia in 1938. And this is like history repeating itself. We didn't get Peace and Democracy by obeying Hitler then, and we sure ain't going to get it in Lebanon today by listening to Ahmadinejad.

Of course - just like Hitler - Ahmadinejad is using Jews, Israel and Lebanon (Czech) - as a smokescreen - to hoodwink the United Nations and the World - to divert attention away from his Nuclear Armaments Programme.


PPS KenHallonthenet are you Hezbollah in Disguise???
Are you and Bia Bia in a Sleeper Cell???
What its like being a member of The Army Of The Godless???
Why don't you have the Guts to admit that you are an Anti-Semitic Scumbag and you Hate Jews.

2006-08-03 04:52:18 · answer #1 · answered by Hebrew Hammer 3 · 5 2

yet again you are listening to the warped Fox news or some other innacurate and baised media.

According to Reuters:

"President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other Muslim leaders demanded a halt on Thursday to Israeli attacks on Lebanon and Gaza and said they wanted to strengthen U.N. peacekeeping forces in the area."

"Although the main cure (to the situation) is the elimination of the Zionist regime, in this stage an immediate ceasefire should be implemented,"

he is clearly talking about the dream of an end to zionism, an evil and racist ideology. Not an end to judaism.

I also would like to see a complete and permanent ceasefire by hezbollah and their complete disarming and Lebanon allowed to function as an independent democratic state.

Israel and hamas and hezbollah are WRONG!

2006-08-03 09:16:28 · answer #2 · answered by kenhallonthenet 5 · 0 0

the president of Iran is an educated moron,he is like the moron in north Korea,or like some kid going to Hollywood he wants to get on TV.when he is making statements he embarrasses the Iranian people,as well as himself,Iran will have nukes,but they will not use them.they just want to be part of this invisible nuke club,this moron makes all these statements,yet still sells the us and Britain oil,still ha sent changes forebears from visiting his country.Iran is not innocent for their actions with Hezbollah.and i think this whole thing was a set up by Iran,they do hate Israel,and what will they do if Israel was whipped of the map,then what,i dare them to take on a big gun country,like the u.s.a that would get real ugly.that would trigger WNW3 and we would see the end of this human era,this Lebanon-Israeli conflict will end,with just words from other country's,and the sorrow deaths of innocent lives in both country's.

2006-08-03 12:08:11 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Many says they don't want the Middle East to develop specially talking about the women developpement. They want to keep it backward by using terror to persuade people. I think they are afraid of what will happen to there too religious way of living if their people start to modernize. Of course they want to wipe out Israel completely, isn't it the only country which does not share their religion in this area? Isn't it the only country which is really modernize? Arabs have too accept Israel and let everyone leave in peace, instead of usind their God's name for wagging wars.

2006-08-03 11:40:08 · answer #4 · answered by olde finnn 4 · 0 0

There is method in his (Iranian precedents) madness. I understand that he is a subscriber to an extreme religious view that a major global conflict (a world war) will precede the second coming of Al ah. That being the case this guy wants War at any cost. The bigger the better. Israel is a logical place to start but this will spread.

2006-08-03 11:15:55 · answer #5 · answered by Jack 3 · 0 0

In response to Anthony W's comments about the USA making money off of this-- Get your facts straight. The USA gives Israel 5 Billion dollars a year to help them with their defenses. We also give 5 Billion dollars to Egypt who quietly supports Israel. So 10 Billion dollars a year to help protect Israel. Israel is a small country in comparison to other Middle Eastern countries, and as a World Power, we must do what we can to help protect them.

2006-08-03 09:25:35 · answer #6 · answered by AnAvidViewer 3 · 0 0

Not the most diplomatic of questions but the answer that you are looking for is national power .... all countries want it and they tend to get it by the sabre rattling of their fire power or whatever. This is particularly important for developing countries with increased technology. The world really needs to get together and share resources rather than deploy them against each other. Are you listening, MR Blair and Mr Bush??

2006-08-03 09:11:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think you finally get it. No matter what, Iran, Hamas Hezbollah, want to wipe Israel off the face of the planet. How can we have peace in the middle east with radical states and organizations like these? How can you compromise, when it is black and white to them....

2006-08-03 09:07:05 · answer #8 · answered by 345Grasshopper 5 · 0 0

They're only blustering and bluffing. Eventually Iran will get its nuclear weapons and there's nothing we can do about it. It is primarily the misguided and uninformed policies of the Bush administration that has caused destabilization in the Middle East and it is for American hegemony and American profit.

2006-08-03 09:17:46 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am so sick of Israel-bashing. That poor country has fought hard for its survival for years.

The president of Iran sounds like a nutcase to me.

It is too depressing and frustrating to deal w/all that is going on in the Midde East right now.

2006-08-03 09:07:15 · answer #10 · answered by 60s Chick 6 · 0 0

They are crazy idiots Iran will get its just desserts,and Syria as soon as Hezbollah are wiped out you can guarantee that Israel will sort the two terrorist mongers out.

2006-08-03 09:05:10 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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