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Jesse Jackson a couple of years ago referred to Chicago as 'hymie town' and nothing was said or done to him and he didn't have the excuse of drinking. Also he has referred to whites as 'crackers' and has spew mutiple other racial slurs against several ethnic groups....Mel Gibson his tongue loosened by alcohol said something stupid has admitted it and is trying to make amends.....this all seems a little strange to me. Also consider comedy central....mind of mencia, the chapelle show...there are more racist remarks made in 5 minutes on their shows about every ethnic group and no one calls them on it, perhaps because its done in a 'joking' manner its ok.

2006-08-03 01:44:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in News & Events Current Events

you're right it was ny, sorry i was looking at a letter from chicago when i typed this...but he did not apologize right away, he denied it then tried to make excuses then finally made an apology to jewish leaders. when the jewish community got angry the reporter that posted the story threatened them with the words 'if you hurt this 'brother' it will be the last one you hurt'....bottom line jj has a long history of ethnic slurs and no one has done anything about it but one man (a white catholic) does and its open seasn on him....it just doesn't seem fair with all the crap being spewed out there.

2006-08-03 01:54:42 · update #1

no one mischaracterize the truth if you don't believe it and are too lazy to find it out then thats your problem....its ironic that you would call me a liar and you don't even have the facts...

2006-08-03 05:40:43 · update #2

i want to also add that the passion did not point the finger of blame at the jews it pointed it at the corrupt pharasees...the fact that people automatically say mel gibson or any other person is saying all jews killed jesus is just utter nonsense its like saying all whites killed martin luther king...no it was a lunatic, a bad man who was white. too to say that all rappers killed tupac is wrong....no it was idiots and murders who killed him...they just happened to be black....to say all men rape and murder women and children...thats wrong too, its terrible and sick men who do those things....can't some of you get it in your thick heads it generalizing, its the bigotry at its worst

2006-08-03 05:45:01 · update #3

** j.j. by his own admission when working @ the jack tar restaurant in his hometown of greenville, sc bragged that he spit in whites food then served it with a smile, quoted as saying it "gave him good psychological gratification'. he associates with known bigots like al sharpton &louis farrakan. his rainbow/push org. has a sports division: rainbow sports, charles farrel the director was quoted as saying 'its just a good ole' boys southern redneck cracker sport" meaning nascar...look up the stats for membership...there's some really rich good ol' boys out there. juan williams who broke the story of j.j. calling ny hymietown and jews hymies was threatened by farrakan's men because of the story and called a 'house 'N' ( i won't print the word)' and a 'hanky head'....yeah ol' j.j. paid for his bigotry didn't he...whether its hymie or cracker or threats from his 'bigoted' friends...j.j. walks but gibson says one thing, one time dui & all are ready to bury him...

2006-08-03 06:40:51 · update #4

HYMIE FROWN - so you think all whites are 'segergationist racist pigs' and you verbally attack Gibson ! btw the tapes of what were actually said by him haven't even been released yet. biogots like yourself make it hard to trust anyone or race relations to ever get better.

2006-08-05 03:47:18 · update #5

13 answers

See, as usual, people are not getting the entire story. The man made a movie about Christ and was withstood by the Jewish powers dominating Hollywood. The man lived under extreme stress because he made a movie about Christ. Why? Cause Jews hate Christianity. See, the bigotry started there, with Jewish hatred. Who are they to try and stop or pressure Mel for making a movie about Christ? They did just that. It was they who started the stress on his life. That stress was building up and hurting his career in a city dominated by Jews. When he got drunk, all of that stress just poured on out.

How does Hollywood become dominated by Jews? Who gets a movie? Who gets a promo? Who gets advanced? Why so many Jewish actors getting jobs? Are Jews promoting Jews, to the hurt of other non-Jews? Why am I anti-Semitic for pointing out bigotry?

Mel was not an anti-Semite. If he is now, surely, it's the Jews doing. How is a man supposed to respond to pressure like that? Except to hate them. (and still Mel doesn't hate them) And again, why do Jewish people have such a dominating stronghold over all the media and so many other areas of our lives?

2006-08-03 03:37:27 · answer #1 · answered by io_sono_paolo2000 2 · 1 2

I hate to say it but because Jesse Jackson is black that's why he is allowed to say and do what ever he wants and he was sober when he said those things.....just think about all the stupid stuff that you would never do or even think of doing while you are sober. If you have a one night stand with a really ugly and stinky man while your drunk does that make it your life long goal or something you've always wanted? No! When you are drunk your judgement is impaired that's why you arent able to make simple decisions like driving and your speach is slurred...havent you ever watched cops and those people cant even say their alphabet let alone walk right....and they've been doing those things all their lives....I just wish that the media would stop this massacre cuz their is a war going on right now that's really important and their are people starving and people that live in the southern states that are still hurt from the hurricane....people that are in so much more trouble than mel gibson...just cuz he's a celebrity we have to announce it to the world that he is actually a human being that makes mistakes....just think of the last mistake you made and wonder if you would want it televised????

2006-08-03 01:51:05 · answer #2 · answered by tinker143 5 · 1 0

Why mischaracterize the truth to attempt to make a point? Jesse Jackson called NY "hymie town" and the jewish community jumped all over him just like they jumped on Mel Gibson and anybody else who they feel have made an anti-semitic remark. Like Gibson, Jackson came out and apologized to the jewish community. Unlike Gibson, Jackson did not make a feature film reminding everybody that jews killed their saviour.

Where is the different treatment you have alleged??

Also, WHEN did Jesse Jackson call whites "crackers"?? Please tell me WHEN and WHERE this took place. I believe you completely made that up.

Lastly, if anyone has a problem with Dave Chappelle they have a right to express it. Perhaps there has been no backlash because no one cares about anything he has to say. I don't believe he has ever and will ever be taken seriously.

2006-08-03 03:29:20 · answer #3 · answered by 33 2 · 0 1

Remember, what ever media you decide to watch (Fox, CBS, ET, etc) it is selling something. They have to make up their own news to appear like they are scooping each other. In reality, they are merely bringing someone down.

The only one that should have been truly insulted by Mel's triad was the Deputy arresting him. However, like most seasoned officers, he realized that he was dealing with an asshole with a big mouth and discounted it (comes with the territory - if you can't take a few verbal assaults, then you shouldn't be an officer in the first place).

Mel didn't insult the entire Jewish community, he just made himself look stupid. As far as The Passion of the Christ, Mel merely put into visuals what was long told in the Gospel. Whether or not your believe it personally is a moot point.

Do I think Mel is an anti-Semite? Who knows - everyone has their own prejudices. It is just dealing with these and learning how to appear to accept others is what counts.

As far as Jesse Jackson. I used to respect the man very much. However, by cheating on his wife, fathering a baby with his mistress, and triads against everything including the Jews, and legitimate business, my respect has dwindled. I don't think Jesse speaks for the disenfranchised anymore, I think he speaks for himself and his own pocketbook.

Just my two...

2006-08-03 02:02:29 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Wherever the old race card can be used the press goes numb. Naturally their duty to report the news without bias has long ago been blocked by politically correct advocates. The correctness is in the eyes of the NAACP an Rainbow Coalition. Look at how Jackson used money donated to the Rainbow Coalition to pay his Mistresses. That story died quickly but the same media can harp on crackers that fall under their biased watchful eyes. Jackson is a bloated con man who has rushed to too many camera opportunities with the same old story of subjugation of the Negroes. BULLSHIT.

2006-08-03 04:32:09 · answer #5 · answered by mr conservative 5 · 1 0

I feel sorry for Mel Gibson.He has a very big family and wealth but something is missing for him.To me it's good that he's trying to make amends.My only thing is that he was driving and someone could've been hurt.He should be more sorry for that.I don't think that anyone should spew racial slurs but unfortunately will live in a world that does.I'm half spanish and my dads mom and dad were black and white.So I know how hurtful these words can be.I don't think its nice to use it in a joking matter but people love that.They think it's not meant for 1 individual personally so it's ok.I always liked Mel Gibson so we can't always blame it on alcohol.I think they should focus more not on what he said but what the problem was and that's drinking and driving.He has a problem and the media is going to do everything to knock him down.They wait for celebrities to make mistakes.

2006-08-03 02:09:19 · answer #6 · answered by redanimalmuppet 3 · 0 0

Mel Gibson said he doesn't have beef with the Jews When he made Passion of th Christ. Proberly in order to get a great box office. Then he did that and his life is based on the fans and the fans are the one who can sink his career. Jesse Jackson on the other hand doesn't need the hype.

2006-08-03 01:50:18 · answer #7 · answered by keke 3 · 0 0

Mel Gibson makes a hugely popular anti-semetic film, spews the most virulent anti-semetic garbage at a jewish cop, and supports his insane holocaust denying father. Then, within hours it seems, he gets forgiven by most mainstream jews and is invited to speak to jewish groups. Jesse Jackson cracks a stupid ethnic joke and for the next 25 years is treated as if he is the next Hitler. And what's wrong with spitting in the food of a bunch of violently segregationist racist pigs?

2006-08-04 21:50:17 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I have no idea approximately the Jewish men and women however I considered him in a different way after the ones feedback. I am a realistic Christian lady and discovered the ones feedback totally disgusting and thoroughly uncalled for. I have no longer visible any of his films for the reason that and don't have any want to...all of a sudden he isn't close to as wonderful to me as he was once earlier than both.

2016-08-28 13:25:19 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually there was a lot of attention paid to Jesse Jackson's remark. You heard about it, didn't you. I think the reason Gibson is being paid attention to is because he has presented himself as such a morally perfect Christian qualified to judge and condemn everybody else, and here he is exposed as a foul mouthed bigotted drunk. Its his hypocrisy!

2006-08-03 01:54:55 · answer #10 · answered by jxt299 7 · 0 0

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