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2006-08-03 01:12:07 · 25 answers · asked by geotown 1 in Politics & Government Politics

wow. thanks for all (or most of) the great responses. I cannot choose the best answer because it seems there are so many good ones nor do I feel capaple and/or informed to do so.

2006-08-03 01:40:11 · update #1

25 answers

permanent peace in Palestine is the only solution

2006-08-03 01:23:59 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 8 1

The short answer is no. To explain why though, takes a bit of twisted thinking-- one must try to think like a terrorist/bully in order to get an accurate answer.

Terrorists are cowards, and like Al Quada, and Sadam, when someone starts to fight back, they run to the civilians for protection. Sadam had the "Human Shield" mentality, in which he would have his fighters staying in citizen's houses, schools, and other public places where civilians are at.

As it stands with Hezbollah, they currently are hiding in hospitals, and densly populated communities. There were reports on the news about Israel hitting a hospital, but when the terrorists are taking over hospitals to hide in while they kill Israeli soldiers, then there is little option other than striking the hospital. If memory serves me correctly, just a couple of weeks ago, Israeli forces found a cache of weapons in an elemetary school in Lebanon, which is one of the places the Hezbollah forces were hiding.

Like the playground bullies who are always surrounded by other students, terrorists surround themselves with innocent civilians because they know that the opposing fighters will either not go after them with innocent people around, or if the opposing fighters do go after them, then the innocent civilians will be hurt or killed and will make the opposing fighters look barbaric in the media, hurting the opposing fighter's cause.

So there is really no effective way to erradicate Hezbollah without so many civilian casualties because Hezbollah are surrounding themselves with innocent civilians and hiding in hospitals, schools, etc.-- places where innocent civilians are probably going to be.

It is unfortunate, but terrorists/cowards do not play by the rules.

I, like everyone else, wants peace in the Middle East, but until the terror groups and radical groups are gone, that is not going to happen.

2006-08-03 01:29:52 · answer #2 · answered by AnAvidViewer 3 · 1 0

No. Hezbollah is taking civilians and keeping them as human shields at gunpoint. Many of the so-called civilian casualties have actually been shot in the back by Hezbollah as they attempt to flee.

These are serious war crimes.

Also, since Hezbollah is firing rockets non-stop (solely at civilian targets) into Israel and have stated publically that nothing short of death will stop them, there is some urgency in the matter. It is completely inappropriate to expect Israel to allow the non-stop attacks to continue or to blame Israel in any way for the deaths.

Israel goes out of its way to prevent civilian deaths. Every time they destroy a target, they drop leaflets and call people to let them know they are coming so they can leave the area, well in advance. The reason they can't is Hezbollah holding them there at gunpoint. If Israel doesn't attack that area, it continues to kill to launch rockets at their people.

If anything, Israel is being foolish in this matter. Lebanese casualties do not matter. Their responsibility is to their own people. What they should do is carpet bomb the area and stop the missile attacks cold. This would kill thousands of people.....but that's irrelevant. Lebanon and the UN had almost a decade to solve this problem while Israel waited patiently, but with concern as more and more rockets were moved into the area. They can't afford to do that anymore.

2006-08-03 01:22:01 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

First off.... anyone telling you that "Israel's Morality" is being used against them is beyond reproach. If Israel had such high-morality, how did we end up in this situation? For a group of people that point to all the pain and suffering they have endured over thousands of years, how can they, in turn, oppress another group of people.

Yes, taking land and 'bullying' another group of people is oppression... even if it doesn't quite stack up to Hitler or the Pharaoh. But they have been ,mistreating the Muslims, their neighbors('covet' commandment), for a long time and the only people who have actually said anything are the oppressed. The rest of the World Community has ignored the situation.

No, hiding amongst civilians is not okay. It's cheap and spineless and all it says is that they are outmatched in personel and fire power. This is what they resort to...... and it is despicable.... as despicable as Israel indiscriminantly bombing towns and villages on a widespread basis. Hell, even the UN has been freaking out about it (they have lost a number of representatives from a number of countries due to the "excessive" bombings).

Is there a more effective way? Yeah, it would take omnipotence and omniscence.... something the Israelis do not have.

2006-08-03 01:43:45 · answer #4 · answered by whydothedumboutnumberthesmart? 2 · 0 1

Hezbollah has learnt well from the Vietnam War and has successfully adapted the methods of guerilla warfare of the Vietcongs - the military might of France and the US could not eradicate a force of peasants and finally quit after 3 decades of fighting - Communist north tookover the whole country.

The futility of force then is as vaild now in fighting 'terrorists', insurgencies, militias who wage guerilla warfare against the mightiest - they are able to absorb, brush off casualties within their ranks. Can the US, UK or Israel do the same for an extended period of time? Doubt it. Hezbollah and the likes can fight forever.

US, UK, Nato troops are still fighting Talebans in Afghanistan and insurgents in Iraq long after they eradicated the leaderships in those countries. Modern armies now realize that "shock & awe" is not effective strategy anymore against the streetwise non-uniformed combatants who mingle easily with civilian population just like the hardy Vietcongs did.

There is a more effective strategy but one which none of the Western country can provide - winning hearts & minds - this any of the Christian-based society that formed the West simply cannot achieve in the Islamic world. Impossible.

2006-08-03 01:35:36 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

The problem is that the Hezbollah hide behind ordinary civillians, and fire missiles from the top of apartment buildings.

Israel is trying its best to avoid civillian casualties. Even though it is a stategic mistake, Israel drops flyers warning the Lebanese before an attack. Israel also calls to warn people.

Israel has to act to eradicate Hezbollah, because all of northern Israel is being bombed up daily. Sitting around and not reacting is not an option.

If you are interested, you can watch a short movie explaining Israel's efforts: http://www.aish.com/movies/Lebanon.asp

2006-08-03 01:20:50 · answer #6 · answered by Victoria 6 · 1 0

When your enemy chooses to hide behind civilians and civilian targets... and when some of those civilians aid and abet the enemy, there is very little choice.

War is an ugly endeavor. It's never been pretty or neat. People die, cities are destroyed, entire countries can be laid to waste.

Tell Hezbollah to come out from hiding behind the women and children... and fight in the open like a legitimate army.

2006-08-03 01:18:17 · answer #7 · answered by sincityq 5 · 1 0

That is the price they pay for embedding themselves within the population. The people who tolerate it are a problem also as they become an accessory. Same problem in other parts of the mideast. When you hide behind civilians, someone is going to get hurt.

2006-08-03 01:17:24 · answer #8 · answered by gtoacp 5 · 1 0

Unfortunately No - as Hezbollah use the sad people as human shields. Why dont the people of Lebanon kick these mad fanatics out of their country ?

2006-08-03 01:16:45 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 1 0

Not until Hezbollah stops hiding among civilians. That is the problem, they deliberately hide where civilians congregate. Hezbollah is using Israel's own morality against it.

2006-08-03 01:16:16 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

the more effective way would be for the civilians living in lebanon who do not agree with hezbollah's point of view to rise up and assist israel. hezbollah is a terrorist organization, and they have effectively scared the lebanese (sp) into standing by while they do as they please. if the northern lebanese would stand up for themselves and fight terrorism, the only ones left in the crosshairs for israel to shoot at would be hezbollah.

2006-08-03 01:17:28 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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