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Yes please name all hte ones you can make. and then tell how. Cause I want to know some more than just those three.

2006-08-02 18:54:46 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

I'd prefer the ways to make them on Myspace like &hearts ; but without the space. But anythingwould work.

2006-08-02 19:03:25 · update #1

3 answers

lucky for you...i know thw answer...

ASCII Key Combinations:


0022 - The contents of your clip board UNSELECTED
0026 - The contents of your clip board SELECTED
0030 - Triangle UP
0031 - Triangle DOWN
0033-0127 - Standard Keyboard ASCII codes


0128-0160 + any 0021-0254 Creates foriegn text ie. Japanese, Chinese, etc...

So if you were to hit ALT+0128 then ALT+0254, you'd get some sort of foriegn text. I believe that the ranges 0128-0160 are reserved for the different languages.

0161 + 0161+ Are math symbols. For instance, if you hold alt and type 0161, release alt, rehold alt and type 0190, you'll get a plus or minus symbol. Range 0161 is reserved for mathematic symbols.

0162 +

0161 - Arrow Right
0162 - Arrow Going left and Right
0163 - Upsidedown A
0164 - Backwards E
0170 - Degree Symbol
0178 - Epsilon Symbol
0179 - Pi Symbol
0180 - Circle surrounded by four dots
0181 - Degrees Farenheit
0183 - Triangle Left OUTLINED
0184 - Triangle Left FILLED
0185 - Triangle Right Outlined
0186 - Triangle Right Filled
0187 - Spade Outlined
0188 - Spade Filled
0189 - Heart Outlined
0190 - Heart Filled
0191 - Club Outlined
0192 - Clube Filled
0193 - Circle Outline with dot in the middle
0194 - Diamond Partially Filled
0195 - Filled Square inside Square Outline
0196 - Half Circle Left
0197 - Half Circle Right
0198 - Dot Matrix
0199-0204 - Squares filled with assorted patterns
0205 - Hot Food Symbol
0206 - Telephone Outline
0207 - Telephone Filled
0208 - Hand Pointing Left
0209 - Hand Pointing Right
0210 - Music Symbol
0211 - Cross
0212 - Double Cross
0213 - Arrow pointing up and down
0214 - Up/Right Diagonal Arrow
0215 - Down/Left Diagonal Arrow
0216 - Up/Left Diagonal Arrow
0217 - Down/Right Diagonal Arrow
0218 - Musical Note OUTLINE
0219 - Musical Note Filled
0220 - Musical Note
0221 - Musical Note
0222 - Funky K inside a Ying Yang? :P
0224 - No. (Abbreviation for Number)
0225 - Co. (Abbreviation for Company)
0226 - TM (Trademark) symbol
0227 - am Symbol
0228 - rm Symbol
0229 - Tel. Abbreviation
0230 - Funky Symbol (Hard to Explain)
0231 - R encircled -- AKA the Registered Symbol

It appears that 0162 + random combinations are the symbol sets. So far its the only symbol set I've found.

0163 + 0161+ Is a different font set for Gunbound. Its a smaller crisper font.

0164 + 0161+ Is a random foriegn language set.

0165 + 0161-0185 - Here are a bunch of Roman Numerals you can use

0166 + 0161-0229 - This is a bunch of line intersection fonts used for math.

0167 + 0161-0239 - This is a bunch of Chemistry fonts.

0168 + 0177+ - These are circled symbols, letters and numbers
0205-0230 - These are the codes for circled lower case letters a-z
0231-0245 - These are the codes for circled numbers 1-15

0169 + 0177+ - These are bracketed symbols, letters and numbers
0205-0230 - These are the codes for bracketed lower case letters a-z
0231-0245 - These are the codes for bracketed numbers 1-15

2006-08-02 18:58:08 · answer #1 · answered by pyr0maniac 3 · 1 0

i found a website which is similar to myspace, http://www.friendscyberclub.com/ this website has all the features of my space like the photo upload, view pictures and profiles, forum, chat, message board, also there is a leader board, just like this one, see your name on the leader board, and you can also get to the top of the leader board, this site has both the features of yahoo answers and myspace,

2006-08-03 03:36:59 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How can anyone top PyrOmaniac...he should easily get the 10 points!

2006-08-03 02:01:15 · answer #3 · answered by photonic_beam 4 · 1 0

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