its a difficult situation but i would send him to hell and tell her to go with him !!! What a nice sister and nice Husband you will be better without them !!!
2006-08-02 11:41:17
answer #1
answered by Dayan 4
Well first of all, How do you know your sister is telling the truth? Has your husband ever gave you any reason or had any other affairs before? It could be that your sister is jealous of the relationship that you have with your husband. The best advice I can give you is to check with your man! Don't ever take a female's word at face value (even if it is your sister).
If your husband says he did not sleep with your sister and he has never given you any reason to doubt him before, then you should belive him.
If he admits to it, then you really do have a lot of issues to work out.
If he said he did not, but she still persists that he did, have a paternity test done. DNA never lies.
Please don't let this make you bitter, if it turns out that everything is true, FORGIVE them both and you will see that the Lord will bless you in the end.
2006-08-02 19:19:55
answer #2
answered by ladysea8 3
Does your husband not even know that you know about the two of them? I'd call a family meeting with the two of them and get him to admit it in front of her. If he tries to tell you that it was nothing, just for the sex, I'd tell him to pack his sh-- and get out. If he can live with you and not feel guilty about what he is doing, he's a loser. You and your kids deserve better than this. He has no respect for you to mess around with your sister. It's bad enough if it's a stranger, but your sister. I'd call your mom, dad, brothers, sisters, aunts, his parents, his sisters, his brothers, and tell them the whole story and what you plan to do about it. Don't beat yourself up or get depressed. You are not the problem here. It is him and he deserves to be with her and you deserve someone that will love you and respect you. Only you.... Good luck to you and your kids. He's chosen to mess up your life and his..And he is the one that will have to live with it.
2006-08-02 18:57:21
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
As hard as confronting both of them in this situation you definitely need to get out now before it gets any harder for you and your children. If you're in a position to kick him it!!! Let him and your sister take full responsibility of their despicable actions!!! Ooohhh, and talk to a lawyer before you confront them. Your husband is going to paying alot of child support in your situation. Make sure you have your support system of close family and friends nearby. It's unfortunate that your sister would do this to hurt you, but after your confrontation do your best to avoid her. Good luck with everything.
2006-08-02 18:52:51
answer #4
answered by Ruth R 3
Oh My God, that is SO TERRIBLE.
You poor thing....I can not believe what a selfish little bit$@ your sister is. With sisters like her, who needs enemies.
Gee whiz...
Well, what goes around, comes around. Your sister WILL get it back, one way or another..As for your low life husband, this is a tough one. You have 3 children with this man--what are you going to do? I mean, I cant tell you to just divorce him because you have children to raise. I dont know'll have to Pray, Cry, and Search your Soul until God guides you and tells you the best thing to do. Only YOU can answer this question.
Good Luck.
2006-08-02 19:22:09
answer #5
answered by Plus-Sized &Proud 4
I would talk to husband privately about the situation and see how is his thinking. You know sometimes little sisters lie. It is very normal for sisters to be jealous of one another. So check the story out first by talking to hubby and then go from there. Good luck.
2006-08-02 18:48:22
answer #6
answered by kitcat 6
Dear Heart: Please address this situation, the sooner the better. If you allow you husband to sweep this one under the marital bed, then you have no reason to complain about anything in the future. He commited adultry, you are well within your rights to divorce the philanderer. Guess what you get the house, the children , alimony and child support. What to do get a Lawyer, a cut throat lawyer, go for his gonads, do not feel ashamed . He cheated on you.
2006-08-02 18:54:10
answer #7
answered by TWINKLES 4
Are you mad you should be....seriously if that were me I'd be telling my sister I'm telling the family mum dad etc and I'd expect she do the right thing by you and herself and terminate seriously what right does she have.... Than my husband divorce is the option I see that and take him to the cleaners he's a cheat a liar and dam well deserves a wake up call.
Seriously run this by your friends and family they will help you...
2006-08-02 18:46:47
answer #8
answered by lol_des 4
He needs to cheat on you with someone else too if you are that weak. You need to tell him to go to Hell, and ask your sister to go with him. This is not what a family member does to someone they love, and a husband who has any type of moral should do to his family & wife. You need to make up your mind on what you want from him, the lies he'll tell to keep you or his going on his way so you can find happiness without stress for you and your kids.
2006-08-02 18:44:54
answer #9
answered by msthinkpositive 5
Well even if you get rid of him, he'll always be in your life. If you think him cheating on you was truly a mistake, then maybe you can work it out. But if not, then you should leave him. That's my opinion anyway. I wish you the best of luck and hope you feel better! I know you probably hate everything right now sweetie, I don't blame you. I just hope you can find the right path for you!
2006-08-02 18:44:07
answer #10
answered by Caffiene Junkie 4
First of all you walk to your bedroom and pack his stuff and put his cheating *** out the door. Once a cheat always a cheat. Then tell your sister how you feel about her breaking the cardinal rule. Then never trust her again. Its up to you how you handle it. But always remember if he would do it with your sister then he would cheat with anyone. Good luck
2006-08-02 18:40:55
answer #11
answered by Texas_at_its_best 4