Good Point. I agree, I think that people just dont like to be kicked when they are down. When you have a lame duck president and you are one of the people who voted for him, its like,"oh yeah, that was me, i am the idiot that voted for him, SO I am gonna get pissed off and tell you that you cant do that cause I dont like it" actually that is more like a little kid that lost in the game on recess and decided to take his and say I am never gonna play with you ever again hmmmpff!
2006-08-02 11:34:26
answer #1
answered by mr_e_mn007 2
If a standing President has taken an Oath to defend the US Constitution and then violates that Oath. Then it is the Right of "We the People" to complain. This country was astablished under the rule of law and when the chief executive violates the law the country stops being a nation of laws but becomes an outlaw nation.
The US Supreme Court has already stated that the line item veto of the president are unconstitutional. The 800 plus signing statements that Pres. Bush has made on 100 laws passed by Congress, are nothing more then line item vetos.
HE is claiming War Powers when the nation is not in a declared war.
The government was also instituted for the protection of the rights of the people, not to destroy the rights of the people.
2006-08-02 18:50:26
answer #2
answered by DONALD H 2
The people who bash Bush are obviously not very supportive of their own country, the rights afforded them by servicemen and women, nor do they have any pride in being called an American. Who has ever heard of someone "bashing" their alma mater? It just isn't done. There is a sense of pride in organizations we belong to, and as citizens of this country, we should have even more pride. We should support our leaders and try to help where we see things that need fixing. We should not sit back and whine and criticize the people who are trying to make this country better. It is still the best country in the world, and I personally think all these people who complain ALL THE TIME need to seriously consider moving to Iraq or Iran or wherever they seem to think our military should get out of. They have NO IDEA what they are talking about! NONE! Quit Bush-bashing, support your country, support the leader of the free world (aka Bush), and do something to better your community!!!!!!!!
2006-08-02 18:49:55
answer #3
answered by Amy R 1
The problem with most Bush Bashers is that they are mainly pissed of Democrats that will find anything to complain and wine about if it has anything to do with Bush or Republicans. It almost doesn't matter what the issue is. They are still pissed that Gore lost the election, still deny Clinton was impeached, and the Republicans control most of the Senate. I can respect an intelligent argument, but tell me why it is a Republican or Bush issue before so many general unsubstantiated statements are made. I feel like I'm listening to a bunch babies most of the time.
2006-08-03 02:43:58
answer #4
answered by fortuitousoppty 5
"I decided it when I started hearing idiodic ideas like yours. The Bush Bashers don't care about rights, they care about bashing Bush. They are pissed that Gore lost the election and that Clinton was impeached. Your ideas don't matter a whit."
As I see it we are fighting for the right to bash bush and the right to be upset that gore lost. And our ideas do matter, just because their not your own do not discredit ours.If you want to be on a politcal website pleaze get your facts right. And to those of you who said that ppl who do bash bush dont know the facts here they are plain and simple:
1) We are in Iraq
2) Our first reason for going into Iraq was a WMD threat, which we never found. Dispute it as you want we never actually found them.
3) Our second reason was to install a democracy. They are now in pretty much a civil war.
4) Our third reason was a war on terrorism, yet we have more troops in Iraq then in Afghanistan (the country that attacked us on 9/11)
Those are the facts. If you wish to debate me my sn is awaitingprince92.
2006-08-02 18:57:56
answer #5
answered by luv2bactin 2
People who are against "bush bashing" as you call it aren't against freedom of speech. They are against hearing the SAME crap a million times from different people.
And you must admit, most people who do go badmouthing bush know absolutely nothing about politics, they are just influenced by other people who hate bush. Personally, I love freedom of speech, but it's quite annoying to hear some ignorant 13 year old kids post "WHO THINKS BUSH IS A DUMB IDIOT!!! LOL!!!?"
People should show more respect for things that they are completely ignorant about.
2006-08-02 18:34:33
answer #6
answered by Steven B 6
People oppose Bush bashing because speaking negatively against the White House has become unpatriotic. You are for Bush or you are for terrorism. This is one of the rules of fascism.
2006-08-02 18:47:10
answer #7
answered by walkingcontradiction 1
I decided it when I started hearing idiodic ideas like yours. The Bush Bashers don't care about rights, they care about bashing Bush. They are pissed that Gore lost the election and that Clinton was impeached. Your ideas don't matter a whit.
2006-08-02 18:32:16
answer #8
answered by gtoacp 5
You liberals seem to forget that freedom of speech goes both ways.
People not only have a right to say pretty much what they want, and other people have a right to object, argue & even ask for an apology.
2006-08-04 06:53:15
answer #9
answered by Smart Kat 7
personally, your rights are your rights, now i like bush, but besides who amoughst you all who answers questions has been president? he and all presidents befor ehim have a very stress ful jobhe does was right for all, now i dont disagree, with people allowed to speak there mind, but to speak it with out considering all the questions involved seems more of a moron then anything, i am a disabled american veteran!
2006-08-02 18:51:19
answer #10
answered by close_my_eyes2002 3