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it was a woman singing the song, I believe it was from a movie from the past 5 years or so....

2006-08-01 10:47:03 · 2 answers · asked by valkkyrrie 1 in Entertainment & Music Music

2 answers

It sounds like Nina Gordon's "Tonight and the Rest of my Life"

Down to the Earth I fell...
Dripping wings, heavy things won't fly
And the sky might catch on fire
And burn the axis of the world that's why
I prefer the sunless sky
To the glittering and stinging in my eyes...

That's one of my favorite songs, amazing lyics

2006-08-01 10:51:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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Angel Wings of Love

Chapters: prologue, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32

Prologue: The story short.
Patricia has been killed in an accident, caused by a drunk driver. She is been chosen to be a guardian angel. Her first job is to watch over a famous singer who is in a group. She will be send to earth to help him out for a couple of months. But the rule of a guardian angel is never to get involved with their subject.

Because Patricia her time hadn’t really come the day she died, she can get a second chance in life.

But she only gets that second chance when she is loved by someone, more specified by her subject. To the group she will be known as the assistant of Fatima, the choreographer and as the girl who stands in that everything is ok at the hotels and on tour.

Will Patricia get her chance for a second life, or will she be a guardian angel forever? Who is her subject and can she keep her promise to follow the rules?

Chapter 1: The guardian angel job
I walked the white stairs up. I had a meeting with the guardian angel leaders. Today I was going to get my first guardian angel job. I died a week ago. It was an accident, a drunk driver lost control over his vehicle and hit me. So here I am up in heaven, chosen to be a guardian angel. The only thing I know is that my subject is a famous kid. I shivered with the thought that someone famous needed a guardian angel. They have everything and spoils himself proberly, so I would rather be the guardian angel of someone who really needs one.
"Welcome, Patricia" leader GA 1 said.
"Thanks, so why do I get a famous kid for my job" I asked a bit irritated.
"Patricia, no matter who you get, you have to do the job if you want to earn your wings. The big guy knows who he has to give to who." leader GA 3 tells me.
"Yeah but doesn’t he have already everything by now, I think there are other people enough who need some help" I complained.
"He has a hard time coming up and no matter how much you have you always need a guardian angel." number 3 continues his speech.
"Ok, so tell all the details, Six" I asked.
"You will be known as Patricia De Leersnijder. You are going to be the assistant of Fatima, and help her with the boys choreography and you will stand in that everything will be ok at their hotels and on their tour. You are 19 years old and you are going to be one of the boys best friends. You have no family, they all died in a plane crash. Here is the info on where you are going to live and here is a book with all the info on your subject, about himself, his family, his friends, his girlfriend, well just everything you need to know about him." Six answers my question.
"You will also have some special powers, you can use to help your subject out. Powers like reading someone’s mind but only when they don’t block it and some more you’ll find out yourself Patricia" Seven said.
"Here is a amulet, if you take it in your hand and you concentrate very hard on him, you’ll be able to see where he is, if he needs you or if you feel that he’s in trouble." Eight continued. "And remember if you do your job good you will earn your wings." I went to the last leader and he explained me the hardest part of my job.
"You can only get involved with him as a friend, nothing more. No matter what, you always have to be there for him. Even when he doesn’t want you around him, you must and will watch over him. Now I’m gonna tell you something that is going to be a hard decision for you to make when the time is right. You will get a second chance of living. It’s your decision, you will not remember dying, you won’t remember anything except for your subject. Only if the person loves you, you will get the second chance to live, but only you decide. Take good care of his heart and we’ll see you soon and we’ll keep contact. This is your first job, so good luck Patricia and god bless you" leader GA 9 said and they all left.
I opened the book to see now who was going to be my subject. The one who was going to be my new best friend. The book told everything from his birth till now what went on in the present. His name was Nick Carter, he was 19 years old and he was a member of the world most famous pop group The Backstreet Boys. I knew them from since I was alive but then I wasn’t kinda into them, though they looked cool. And now I’m stuck with them for about 8 months. I’m his angel but he’ll never know that.

Chapter 2 : The first meeting
I woke up the next morning and I heard a very loud beeping.
"Geez what is that? I didn’t know there was so much noise in heaven." I groaned opening my eyes. The only thing was, I wasn’t in heaven anymore but I was lying in a king size bed, in a beautiful room.
"Oh that’s right, my first job starts today" I thought. I got up and went to explore the rest of the apartment. In the kitchen I found a note from the big guy and from GA leader 1. It said good luck on your first day and you have to get to the dance and recording studio called Dance Fever. It also said that there was standing a blue BMW for me across the street of my apartment. I looked outside and there it was a beautiful car, the car I always dreamed of.
"Wow" I said "this job will be better then I thought. I went back to my room and opened my closet and drawers and they were filled with everything I needed. I took a shower and put on some blue training pants and a matching top. I grabbed a sweater, put my hair up and I left the place that would be my home, well at least for a while. I got in the car and I knew where I had to drive even though I never went to the place. I ended up at the dance studio and got inside.
"Nick, get your lazy butt over here, we need to rehearse the new dance routines!!" I heard a women yell. I followed the voice and I got into a large dance hall. I saw five guys and three women doing some warm up exercises. I was staring at them when someone came up to me.
"Hey, you must be my new assistant Patricia, right?" she asked.
"That would be me and you must be my new boss Fatima" I smiled shaking her hand.
"That’s right" she smiled back.
"Guys, Jasmine and Rana please come over here" Fatima said to the group who were like all staring at us.
"This is my new assistant Patricia and the person who is responsible for everything at your hotels and stuff. So she helps us with the dance routines, the tour and appearances. And when I say that you have to listen to her, I mean it." Fatima said with a serious face. I almost had to laugh at the expressions on their faces when she told them.
"Hey Patricia, I’m Kevin. Nice meeting you. And these are Brian, Howie, Aj and the chaotic one over there is Nick" Kevin said and he held out his hand.
"Hey what about us" the girl besides Kevin said.
"Oh sorry honey" Kevin said as he gave the girl a sweet kiss on her lips.
"It’s ok Kevvy but don’t dare to do it again" she joked. She introduced herself as Jasmine. She was a very pretty girl and my senses said that she was exactly the girl for Kevin. They looked perfect together. The other girl introduced herself as Rana and she was Howie’s girlfriend. She had beautiful hair, it was black and it was half way down her back. She was really sweet.
"Ok, lets do some work people" Fatima yelled.
"Hey Patricia, welcome to the next few hours of dancing hell" Nick said and he smiled. He just looked gorgeous and he was my subject.
"This is going to be hard, not feeling more then just friendship" I thought to myself. The next two hours we worked on the new dance routines the for the upcoming new tour and for their new video. They really worked hard and I was impressed by their dance moves, they just knew how to do the moved perfect. I really started to like this new job.
"Good work today guys and give Patricia an applause for being and angel and putting up with you all, especially with you Nick" Fatima said and they all started to laugh. If she only knew how right she was about the angel thing. They started clapping and I bowed. I enjoyed the attention.
"Hey Patricia, you gonna go get some lunch with us?" Brian asked.
"Sure, I can’t say no to food" I said smiling.
"Ok lets go to McDonalds" Aj yelled.
"Oh no ***** not McDonalds again" Brian said.
"Fine, then what is your choice, B-Rok?" Aj said a bit irritated.
"Do you mind telling me about the weird choice of nicknames" I said to Nick.
"Don’t worry we’ll have one for you soon enough. Well as you heard we call Brian , B-Rok and also Frick, Howie is Sweet D, Kev is called Train and I'm Frack" Nick laughed.
"Well people used to call me Patty before I d…..I mean before I left to go working here." I said and almost let out what I shouldn’t say.
"Ok guys, let’s go. I’ll call Sabrina and ask if she, Lindsy and Joyce will come along too" Brian said. Well I thought that would be the rest of the girlfriend group.
"Good idea" Nick yelled. I almost forgot that Nick had a girlfriend and I kinda didn’t like the thought. But I have other things to worry about, like why Nick needs me and what or who was giving him a hard time. Well little did I know I was going to find out really soon.

Chapter 3: New friends
We went to a local Italian restaurant not so far away from the dance studio. There you could get the greatest pizza’s the boys said.
"So what pizza do you want" Nick asked me.
"I vote for one with lots and lots of cheese" I said.
"Me too, and I guess Brian will vote for the cheese one too" Nick smiled.
"Yep, we are the cheese lovers" Brian said with his Donald Duck voice. I started to laugh and then three girls came towards our table and they joined us. Brian introduced Sabrina as his girlfriend. She was pretty, she was about 5’7, she had sparkling blue eyes and she had long brown hair. Lindsy was Aj’s girlfriend, she seemed pretty wild, just like Aj, so I guess they make a perfect couple. She had brown hair and greenish eyes. She wasn’t very tall, around 5"5 or something but she was really nice. Joyce on the other hand seemed to be a little rude. She kinda looked fake to me. She looked at me as if I was her enemy cause I was sitting next to Nick at the table and if she could have shot with her eyes, she would have shot me. She was blonde, had blue eyes but was wearing way too much make – up. My angelpower told me that she was what we call a bad person. Well I’m gonna try to like her anyway I thought to myself.
"Hey Patricia, nice to meet you. Brian told me you were a good dance teacher. So tell us a little about yourself" Sabrina said.
"Well there isn’t much to tell, I’m 19, I’m a dancer and I love cheese pizza. There is not much else to tell" I said a little hesitantly. She gave me a warm and reassuring smile, like she knew that I didn’t want to say more. Well I got the feeling I found new friends in Sabrina and the rest of the girls, except for Joyce. I had the feeling she didn’t like me.
When Nick asked me if I had a boyfriend, she gave him a look like she wanted to say "Don’t dare to like her."
"No I don’t have a boyfriend. I’m young, I still have time enough to look for mister right" I said with a fake smile but felt sad about it, I was young yeah, a young dead one, I’ll never get the chance again to look for mister right. Joyce was getting on my nerves, she was complaining the whole time and I saw that it annoyed the others too, except for Nick. There was something wrong about her, and since I’m a good angel, I had to find out. I didn’t want that Nick got hurt by it.
"So what are ya plans for tonight" Lindsy asked the group.
"Well Nick and I still have that Playstation competition going on, and we thought we could have a little barbecue after it. So Nick you in? Brian asked.
"Oh man not again, but I’m in, I wanna see my baby kicking Nicks butt" Sabrina laughed.
"Hey why don’t you join us tonight so we can talk and bond" Jasmine asked me. Just what I was waiting for an invitation.
"I’d love too and I’m pretty good at Playstation" I smiled.
"Oh really" Nick grinned "I’m sure I can take care of you on that".
"Oh yeah, you’re on buddy" I yelled.
"Nicky, I thought you were going to take me to a fancy restaurant tonight" Joyce whined and she ran of to the bathroom. Nick ran after her.
"Is she always like that?" I asked the others.
"Yeah all the time, she’s just nagging and whining and she wants this and that. I really can’t understand what Nick sees in her. At least I have a nice girlfriend who loves me for me right honey!?" Kevin said and he too Jasmine in his arms and gave her a sweet kiss.
"Right, sweetie" she answered his kiss.
"Yeah we all have nice ladies, except for mister chaos." Howie said as he looked tenderly at his girlfriend Rana. She blew him a kiss.
"Well he’s young and he’ll find out soon enough" was the last thing Kevin could get out before Nick returned.
"She left and she’s mad at me" Nick sighed.
"She’ll get over it Nick. When she’s mad, she’ll get happy again" I said giving Nick a smile.
"Yeah she always puts up with me, so she’ll be back." He said and a little smile came on his lips. He looked so adorable and so vulnerable, I wished I just could stand up and give him a hug.
"Ok we’re leaving, Sabrina and Lindsy, since your ride left you come with me and Brian. Kevin and Howie take Rana and Jasmine and Nick if it’s ok with Patricia you can go with her." Aj said.
"Is that ok?" Nick asked.
"Sure" I said and we all left and went to our cars.
"Wow, great car you got there" Nick said surprised.
"Thanks, say you thought I couldn’t handle such big car huh? Watch me" I said as we both got in the car. The ride to the boys house was very amusing, Nick and I found out we had a lot in common and he seemed to have forgotten that Joyce was mad at him.
"You got a beautiful necklace, looks kinda exotic and mysterious" he said pointing at the amulet the leaders gave me.
"Thanks I got it from my friends, when I left home" I lied, though I was right a little. I had left heaven for a while and I got it from my leaders. Suddenly I could hear Nicks thoughts, well it was one of my powers as an angel.
"She’s so nice, why can’t Joyce be more like her. Well I hope we can get good friends" I heard Nick thinking. I smiled cause now I knew Nick trusted me, well a little but that is a beginning.
When we arrived a couple of fans were screaming and some journalists were taking pictures.
"You realize that we are going to be in every magazine now all over the world." Nick laughed.
"Well, I hope I don’t look to cheesy on those pics then or the mags will be ruined" I joked back. Nick and I started to laugh and we even didn’t hear the rest coming.
"Hey what’s so funny, can we laugh too" Brian asked.
"Nothing, that’s our little secret" Nick said.
I suddenly heard someone yell and I saw a little version of Nick come running to us.
"Hey Aaron" Nick said and he gave his bro a big hug.
"Who are you" Aaron asked me after Nick put him down.
"I’m Patricia, but you can call me Patty and I’m a friend of your brother and the rest of the guys." I smiled.
"Cool, you can be my friend too. Do you want to play some videogames with me" he asked.
"I thought you never would asked" I laughed. He grabbed my arm and dragged me into a huge room.
"I hope you are nicer then Joyce" Aaron whispered in my ear, being sure Nick wasn’t around.
"Well, I’m very nice, and to prove you that, you can have one of my magic candies, ok?" I said and I handed him some candy that I brought with me from heaven, candy people never could buy here.
"Hmm, that’s good and I like you already" Aaron smiled and we started to play some videogames. Well I had made another new friend today and he was a cute as his big brother Nick.

Chapter 4
"Ah man, I got beaten by a girl" Aaron yelled when we went to the kitchen where the rest of the group was, "but I like her anyways"
"Yeah girl power" Jasmine yelled and gave me a high five.
"You got a beautiful place here, so near to the ocean" I said to Nick.
"Yeah, I loved this house from the minute I laid eyes on it. But now let me show you how a professional plays the Playstation" he said. Brian and Aj started to laugh.
"Ha ha Nick, no offense but you aren’t what we call a professional" Brian grinned.
Nick and I got back to the room where the playstation was. We both were equally good at it. I beat him and then he beat me.
"Ok, who loses now will buy the other one a pizza" Nick said. "You’re on" I smiled. Just when we wanted to start a new game, Joyce came into the room.
"Nicky baby, I decided not to be mad anymore. Can we go shopping or something, I’d like to spend some time alone with you" she said with a fake smile.
"Yeah I guess we can go shopping but let me get ready first" he answered her, but I saw that he was a little disappointed he couldn’t finish the game.
"You owe me a game" Nick said as he left the room and I went back to the kitchen with Joyce. A few minutes later Joyce left for the livingroom, she said she wanted to wait there for Nick. Something told me I had to follow her and I asked the others where the bathroom was.
"It’s there next to the livingroom" Brian said.
I went over to the livingroom but instead of going to the bathroom I stood at the door of the living room where I heard that Joyce was making a phone call.
"Baby you know I love you more then anything on this world. But you can’t afford anything right now, so I have to stay with Nick and let him buy me some expensive clothes and jewelry and then I go back and get the money for it….Oh that will be around the thousand dollars honey…Well yeah I have to go now and I’ll see you tonight. I love you, bye!" She hang up and turned around and faced me. "Oh it’s only you" she said rudely.
"I just can’t believe you are doing this" I said and I knew my eyes were filled with anger.
"Come on, like you wouldn’t do it to get money" she laughed.
"Actually I wouldn’t do it for anything" I said.
"Yeah right, oh and something else, stay away from Nick, you hear me. He doesn’t need a pathetic little dancer like you, so stay away from him and you better keep this between you and me" she spitted at me.
"Are you threatening me?" I asked her.
"Just don’t piss me off, or you can kiss your dance career goodbye" she said and left the room.
"Hey girls, Joyce are you ready?" Nick asked.
"Yeah I am sweetie oh and Nick this girl here said she wasn’t feeling alright, she won’t be able to come to work tomorrow" Joyce lied. "You better take care of yourself, we can’t miss you tomorrow" Nick said and he gave me a kiss on my cheek. Joyce just could have shot me at that moment.
"Nick, if there is something in her eyes that doesn’t feel right, then don’t try and look through it. You will regret it." I said going back to the kitchen to the others, leaving Nick wondering and Joyce who was really pissed of now.
"Well I gotta get going, I need some sleep. Thanks for a great afternoon and a delicious barbecue" I said.
"Ok and we’ll see ya tomorrow" Jasmine said and I left to my car. But I wasn’t sleepy, I just wanted to make sure that Nick was alright and I had to keep a close eye on him. I had this strange feeling Nick was going to do something he would regret.
Well it was time to use my next angel power, the power to get invisible and then I hit of to follow Nick and Joyce all evening.

Chapter 5
Nick and Joyce went shopping. I followed them around all evening and the funny thing about it was that I was always was sitting or standing right next to them without them even seeing me. Well that’s the part I like of being an angel. All that Joyce did the entire night was ask Nick for this and then for that. I wondered why he puts up with her, well I guess it’s true what they say, love makes someone blind. They were getting outside to their car when Joyce said she needed to call her mom. I followed her to the phone and I heard her talking to the same person, she talked to earlier on the phone at Nicks house.
"What am I going to do?" I asked myself and then I decided to check in on Nicks thoughts.
"Why do I buy her so much? I mean I love her but she can afford those things herself. I don’t even know if she loves me too. And what did Patricia mean earlier? Damn why do I keep thinking about Patty, geez I’m already giving her a nickname. I wish Joyce was more like her, so kind and sweet. Oh my god I’m not making any sense today. What takes Joyce so long, she never calls that long with her mom. I could use a pizza." That were Nicks thoughts.
"Nick could you take me home right now?" Joyce said acting mad. "Hey why are ya mad, did something happen at home? Have I done something wrong" Nick asked her concerned. Nick looked in Joyces eyes really hard now. I smiled, he decided to follow my advise. "Patricia was right" that was all he was thinking. He brought Joyce home and then headed for his special place. Well that’s what the book told about the place he was sitting now.
I decided to go to him cause I knew he needed someone to talk to but first I got to a local Pizzahut and got a large cheese pizza. I drove back and Nick was still sitting there.
"I want to know what Patricia meant?" he yelled to the ocean. I decided to wait five more minutes then I got out of the car visible again.
"Oh hi Nick, I didn’t know you knew this place too" I said. Nick turned around, surprised to see me there.
"Hi Patricia, what are you doing here?".
"Well my friends back home told me they had found this special place when they came here on holiday and I should visit it everytime I feel lonely. And since I’m hungry I brought myself a pizza, want a piece?" I smiled. He smiled back.
"Just what I needed" he said and grabbed a piece of the pizza.
"By the way, you can call me Patty ok?" I asked.
"You got it Patty" he said. We were sitting there just being quiet till I broke the silence.
"Nick, I don’t mean to impose or anything but you look like something is wrong. If you need someone to talk, I’m right here." I said.
"Yeah well, it’s Joyce. I don’t think I really know her. She’s always so mean to the others and then again nice to me. And I don’t know if she loves me. And what did you mean about regretting something this afternoon." He asked and I knew he was hoping to get an answer.
"Well it just had to do with something I overheard, something that Joyce said to someone" I said but I wasn’t sure if I should tell Nick what I heard.
"Well what did she say?" he asked, insisting on an answer.
"Well, uhm, I heard her on the phone talking to someone and she said that she loved him and that she’s only using you for the money" I said looking at him.
"What, but why? Are you sure you didn’t hear her wrong? Why would she love someone else, she gets everything she wants from me, so why?" he said getting upset and tears falling of his eyes.
"Nick, I only can say what I have heard. You have to decide for yourself if you want to believe me or not, it’s up to you. The truth has been there all along." I said starting whipping his tears from his cheeks.
"I’m not sure if I can believe you or not. I mean I just met you and Joyce is my girlfriend" he said a little annoyed.
I heard him think again "I don’t want to believe her but I think she’s right, Joyce has been acting so weird the last days and she never wears the presents I gave to her. But why?"
"Nick, everybody is looking for that something, the thing that makes it all complete. You have to follow your heart and you will find that thing, even on a place where you never expect to find it." I said hugging him and I left. Nick just stared at me.
"Why do you always speak in a mystery way?" he yelled when I almost was at my car.
"Find the key to the mystery, the same key to follow your heart and you’ll know what I mean" I yelled back. I got in my car and left to my apartment. Nick stayed there, thinking about what I had said and I think he tried to find the answer in the stars he now was staring at. If only he knew that I was the only person he needed to trust right now and if he only would believe that his beloved Joyce wasn’t the person she claimed to be.

Chapter 6
The next morning I woke up in a bad mood. I had to go to the studio for practice and I didn’t feel like it. I showered did on my practice outfit and got in the kitchen to make myself breakfast. There I found a note from the GA leader 1. It said: Great job Patricia. Nick trusts you but he still is in doubt. Keep a close eye on him. That was all the note said. I smiled cause now I knew I was doing my job good.
A half hour later I arrived at the dance studio. I was early and everyone was already there. When I walked in the room I heard the mad voice of Nick and the whining and annoying voice of Joyce jabbering at him. I looked over at him and gave him a smile but he brushed it off.
"Great, just make it hard on me" I said quietly but loud enough for Jasmine to hear.
"What did you say Patricia?" she asked me.
"Oh nothing I was just humming and please call me Patty, it’s shorter and easier" I said.
"Ok Patty" she smiled and headed of in Kevin’s direction. He took her in his arms and gave her a kiss on the cheek. Aj was sitting on the floor against the wall and he looked kinda lonely so I went over to him and sat myself next to him.
"Not a morning person, huh?" he asked.
"Well how can you tell" I laughed.
"It takes one to know one" he said and he looked tired too.
"Where is Lindsy?" I asked him.
"She had to go working"
"Sorry Aj, I hate to do this to you but I’m gonna use your legs as pillow" I said laying my head on them. He laughed and laid his head back on the wall. I was almost sleeping when I heard someone yelling. I jolted up.
"Nick it’s not true, she’s lying only cause she has an eye on you. She told me yesterday." Joyce yelled.
"What the hell is she talking about" Aj asked opening his eyes.
"You’ll will probably find out soon" I said and I tried to hear what Nick was thinking but I just couldn’t concentrate.
"Just leave Joyce, I don’t want to see you anymore. I’m sick of all your lies" Nick said but I saw the sadness in his eyes.
"Nick please, you’ll come back to me and you know that" she yelled. I really wasn’t into the yelling at the moment. I was getting annoyed of it.
"Would you please be kind and spare us all Joyce. I’m trying to freaking sleep here." I yelled at Joyce. Everyone stopped what he or she was doing or saying and they all looked at me.
"What?" I asked. They all started to laugh except for Joyce and Nick.
"We couldn’t have said it better ourselves" Brian said.
Nick and Joyce looked at me and they looked really pissed. Nick ran out of the room, leaving Joyce alone and she just walked up to a guy who was cleaning the windows and started to flirt with him. I just wanted to slap her but I wasn’t in the mood. I left the room to look for Nick. I took my amulet in my hand to see where he was but I just couldn’t concentrate. I finally found him in the dressing room. He was sitting there singing End of the Road by Boyz II Men. He had his eyes closed so he didn’t notice that I was coming into the room and sitting beside him. Ah man, he just has such a beautiful voice I thought. I loved the song and I knew the lyrics to it. I decided to sing along with him. Nick jolted up when he heard me singing with him.
"Please don’t stop" I said. He continued singing and I sang along. I don’t wanna brag but we sounded cool together. He gave me a smile when the song was over.
"Wow that was great, you have a strong and beautiful voice" Nick said.
"Thanks" I said. Nick closed his eyes again. I just couldn’t keep my eyes off of him.
"Are you going to stare at me all day" He suddenly asked. I knew my face was turning red.
"Uhm not when I go blind first" I said. We both started to laugh.
"Can I ask you something" he asked.
"Shoot" I said.
"Are you always this weird and what do you know about Joyce that I don’t know" he asked.
"Well I’m weird cause I’m trying to fit in with you and I just know that you need to be careful with Joyce. Just do what your heart tells you to do and it will be right." I said.
"How do you know I have to be careful with her?" he asked.
"I’ll tell you that some day maybe" I said.
"Thanks I really appreciate that you listened to me. Now we have some dance practice. Oh by the way, my personal dancer broke her leg this morning and I need a replacement. I talked to Fatima and she agreed that you could be the replacement. So are you in?" he asked and he looked hopeful in my eyes.
"Sure, but don’t try anything naughty" I laughed. He smiled back.
"Well that will be hard but I think we can work that out" he joked back. We went back to the dance room and everyone was already in position. The practice went great and Nick forgot for awhile about Joyce. Kevin and Jasmine seemed that they couldn’t concentrate on their dance moves and were more joking around then practicing. Fatima got a little annoyed by it but I heard her thinking that the Love between those two was a beautiful thing. Rana and Howie were just a perfect couple they danced so good together that I even got a little jealous of them. Well this job was just getting better and better. But something told me that I still had to be careful.

Chapter 7
The practice seemed to last forever but I enjoyed dancing with Nick. Someone came into the room telling Fatima that there was someone calling for her. She came back after five minutes telling us that she had to go and that I was in charge of the dance training now. I showed the boys the new moves to "It’s gotta be you", the boys were impressed by it and I felt good about it.
"Wow where did you learn to dance like that, this is great. I’m not even sure if I will be able to do that dance" Aj said.
"Yeah that was really good" Nick added.
"Thanks guys, but now its time to learn it yourself" I said.
"Please be gentle" Brian joked doing his Donald Duck impression.
"Brian we have to dance and not waggle like a duck" I acted mad but I couldn’t resist laughing. They all were amused but started to practice anyway. When it was over they all could it perfect.
"Well guys that was the last but hardest dance you had to learn," I said giving them a smile.
"Well I’m off to the showers, someone want to join me" Jasmine said grinning at Kevin.
"Excuse me miss. Would you like it if I join you" Kevin said and stood there like a gentleman, giving his elbow to Jasmine.
"I would be honored" she said and they both hit off to the showers. A few minutes later Jane Carter came into the room.
"Hey mom, what ya doing here?" Nick asked giving his mother a kiss on the cheek.
"I’m here to ask your friends something" she said. "So who is coming to the annual Carter Family barbeque?" She asked the group.
"Lindsy and I will be there" Aj yelled and then got into the dressing room.
"Well we can’t say no to food, so count Sabrina and me in and Kevin said to tell you that he and Jasmine will be there too" Brian said.
"Count me and Rana in" Howie said giving his girlfriend a smile and a sweet kiss on the lips.
"Are you coming Patricia?" she asked Nick and me looked in my direction to see what I was going to answer.
"I don’t know, if you would like me to come, I’ll come" I said hesitantly.
"Sure we want you to come. You are part of the Backstreet family now, so you have to come, that’s an order" Jane said laughing.
"Yes m’am, I’ll be there" I said saluting her.
"So Patricia want me to come pick you up" Nick asked.
"I can find it, so don’t worry" I said to Nick.
"Or well how about that I would join you at your home, you can get ready and then we go to my house for the barbeque" Nick suggested. I wondered why he wanted to join me but I kind of already knew, he wanted to talk about Joyce but I wasn’t in the mood to do another story about Joyce. I kind of dreaded the conversation that was going to come and when we were in the car I turned on the radio. I sang along with the songs and so did Nick. We had fun singing we just sounded perfect I thought. We pulled into my apartment and did a race to the door. I won!!!!!
"Could we please talk before you get ready" Nick asked me when we got inside the apartment. I knew it was coming.
"Sure, why not" I said but not feeling easy about it.
"I should dump Joyce right? I mean, pfff I don’t even know why I am with her anyway. All she does is nagging and she doesn’t seem as right as she used to" Nick sighed.
"Nick it’s up to you if you want to dump her or not but if I’m honest with you , I don’t think she is the right girl for you. She seems fake to me. But that’s my opinion" I said.
"I know and I’m grateful that you are honest with me. Well I hope she doesn’t plan to come tonight" Nick said.
"Yeah well if she doesn’t come you can talk to her. You know something, she doesn’t like me that much" I said trying to put some amusement into the conversation.
"Well I realized didn’t like anyone too much and I know the guys didn’t like her that much either but they wanted me to be happy so they never told me that. Well Joyce isn’t what I wished for and I wish I would have known that sooner." Nick sighed again. It hurted me to see him standing there, feeling so sad and I just couldn’t take it anymore. I went over to him and gave him a big warm hug.
"What did I do to deserve that" he smiled. "You know you are so different than all the rest I have ever met. It’s just so weird it’s like you knew me for years, like you know what I’m thinking and what I’m feeling. And you always say things that make me feel better" he said.
"I just understand, that’s all" I said shyly.
"Well, I like it, cause I can have a normal conversation with you. I hope we can get better friends on tour and get to know each other better." Nick said. I shouted inside myself. Yes we are having some progress in the situation.
"Yeah, well I better get ready fast" I said and left Nick in the living room watching television. I put on my baby blue dress, some comfortable shoes. I put my hair up and did a cap on. I went back to the living room where Nick was reading a note that seemed so familiar. Damn I thought it was from the leaders. I grabbed it out of Nick’s hand and he looked surprised.
"Hey it was just your grocery list" he said giving me an odd look.
"What?" I read the note and indeed it was a grocery list but at the end there was a note of the leaders.

'Something bad is going to happen to Nick tonight, be very careful. You are the only one who can watch over him.'

I was a little in shock but Nick didn’t notice.
"Let’s go" Nick said heading for the door.
"Yeah let’s go have some fun" I said but I worried about the note. But I wasn’t going to let anything happen to Nick. We got in the car and went for a day of fun.

Chapter 8
When we arrived at Nicks house the others were already expecting us.
"Hey you two, what have you been doing that long" Brian said. "Doing something you shouldn’t do" he joked.
"Yeah Brian, are you jealous" Nick and I joked back. We all laughed. Jasmine and Kevin were trying to dunk each other in the pool. Howie and Rana were trying to get a color and lied in the sun. Brian, Aj, Lindsy and Sabrina were setting the table ready for the barbeque.
"Patty" Aaron yelled. He came running to me and put his arms around my waist.
"Hey Aaron, my favorite game partner, what’s up?" I said giving him a hug.
"Great, but watch it not everybody has to see that I like you, cause you know you are a girl" he said shyly. Nick heard everything and he laughed. I smiled back at Aaron.
"Ok that’s our little secret then." I said
"Hey I thought I was your favorite game partner" Nick said and he looked at me with puppy eyes. I almost melted. "Don’t get too involved" I heard a voice in my head saying.
"Well Nick, you still owe me a game and maybe after I change my mind bout my fave one," I said grinning.
"Hey Patty, are ya coming for a swim?" Jasmine asked as Kevin came from behind her grabbing her and trying to pull her underwater with him.
"No I don’t think so," I answered. Aj and Nick looked at me and they had those evil smirks on their faces and I really didn’t want to know why. I went over to Rana and Howie who seemed to be in a deep romantic conversation. I sat myself down besides them and wanted to get some color. I suddenly felt two hands around my waist and I found myself being thrown into the pool. But I wasn’t dumb so I held on to whoever was throwing me in the wet water. That person went right in the pool with me. I came up spluttering around to see everyone laughing and Nick coming up next to me.
"Oh you’re gonna regret you did that Carter" I said giving him a fake evil look.
"Oh yeah and what are ya going to do" he said grinning.
"This" I yelled as I pulled him under water. He came back up staring right into my eyes. Those sparkling deep blue eyes just made me forget that I was a guardian angel. We were about to kiss when someone yelled.
"You two better get changed, we’re gonna eat soon" Jane said laughing when she saw us in the pool.
"What goes around comes around Nickolas" she said smiling at her son.
"I don’t have anything with me to change" I said giving Nick my evil look again.
"No problem you can have something from me. Come on, I’ll show you my room" he smiled as he pulled me out of the pool. Nick looked at her when she got out of the pool. She looked so beautiful and her body made him want her but he couldn’t, knowing he just broke up with his girlfriend. Even though her clothes were wet she looked perfect. The lines of her body were even more visible through the wet clothes. Her wet long brown hair was shining in the sun and he just couldn’t resist looking at her.
"Hey dreamer, are you gonna give me some dry clothes or do I have to sit at the table with my new wet look?" I asked Nick pulling him out of his fantasy. "Yeah, come on" Nick said, he grabbed my arm and we went to his room."Let me see what we can find for you" he said and he pulled out a white shirt and some green Nike pants.
"Nice combination. Thanks" I said laughing as I went to change. I changed and went back outside to join everyone for the barbecue. Nick and Brian made a mad dash to for the food almost knocking out everyone.
"Geez, control your appetites" Sabrina yelled as she knocked into me.
"I think they have been deprived of food. Hey cool they even have a veggie dish," I said.
"I told my mom you don’t like to eat meat" Nick said coming sitting besides me.
"Thank you," I said smiling.
"Now a thank you is not enough," he said grinning.
"Oh you want some of my broccoli or did you mean this," I said as I gave him a kiss on his cheek. Nick turned red and the others started to laugh. We sat for an hour eating and talking about stuff.
"Hey Patty, wanna join me to the cliffs?" Nick asked me.
"Sure I’d love to" I said.
"We’re gonna join too" Brian yelled as he pulled Sabrina with him.
"Hey Brian I’ll race ya to the cliffs" Nick said and he started to run and Brian raced after him. Brian fell down in the sand and Sabrina and I just had to laugh and went over to help him get up again. Nick already arrived at the cliffs as we saw a person totally dressed in black going over to Nick. Seemed like they had a little conversation as the mysterious person pushed Nick and Nick fell down the cliffs.
"Oh no, Nick" I yelled and Brian already started to run after the person who pushed Nick.
"Sabrina go and get help," I yelled as I ran over to the cliffs. I took my necklace in my hands and thought about Nick very hard. I could see him under water, he was stuck under a rock with his feet and he couldn’t get up. Brian returned and looked if he saw Nick.
"I’ll have to jump after him," I yelled and I took a plunge in the cold ocean. I came down hard in the water and was almost knocked out. The water was dark and I had trouble to see what I was doing. I was going up and under the water to find him. I suddenly saw him and when he saw me he started to struggle around. I tried to get his foot from under the rock but nothing helped. He made a sign that I should leave but there was no way I was going to do this. I finally succeeded and he could get up. The moment I wanted to get up, I bumped my head to a rock and I got unconscious.Kevin and the others were already coming down the cliffs as they saw Nick spluttering around. They got Nick out of the water.
"She’s out there Kev, don’t let her slip away, she can’t, she can’t die" Nick yelled and then he passed out bumping his head on the ground. Kevin went into the water looking for me but he only found my lifeless body. He pulled me out of the water and gave me CPR as the paramedics came rushing over.
"Ahh" I yelled coming to and spitting out water. I looked around and remembered what just had happened. They wanted to keep me down but I ran over to Nick, I had to be sure he was alive.
"Is he going to be ok?" I asked with tears in my eyes.
"It seems that he had some major trauma on the head when he fell. Well he passed out and he could be in a coma." One of the paramedics said.
"Oh no" I yelled and everything went black again.

Chapter 9
I opened my eyes and I was in a white room.
"Where am I" I asked to myself.
"Patricia are you ok girlie" Kevin asked and I saw him and Jasmine looking at me worried.
"Yeah I’m ok, what happened" I asked groggily.
"You jumped after Nick in the water and saved his life and then you fainted" Kevin said.
"Oh yeah I remember, how is he" I asked trying to get up.
"You still need to rest" Jasmine said as she pushed me back on my bed.
"No I need to know how it is with Nick" I said and got up.
"They are still examining him, but we’ll bring you to the rest of the group who are waiting" Jasmine said as she grabbed my arm. They brought me to the waiting room.
"Patty" they all screamed and came running to me like they haven’t seen me in years. They all hugged me and it seemed that they didn’t want to let me go again.
"Damn girl don’t ever scare us like that again," Howie said and the others agreed.
"How is Nick?" I asked as tears came up in my eyes.
"We don’t know yet. But don’t worry he’ll be ok" Jane said as she hugged me. A police officer entered the waiting room.
"Can I talk to Patricia De Leersnijder, Brian Littrell and Sabrina Rosseel please?" he asked.
"That’s us" Brian said as he pointed at the three of us.
"I need your eye witness on the person that pushed mister Carter into the water and a full description of that person." he said. We told everything we saw. Brian ran after that person but couldn’t get him or her. The police left and we were still waiting for a doctor.About a half hour later a doctor came into the room and asked for Jane.
"Tell us all, doctor, they are family too" Jane said.
"Well, right now he is in a coma. He had a serious bang on his head and we aren’t sure when he is going to wake up. He may have a little amnesia and he might get confused a lot for a while. It could be he remembers all of you, none of you or just one or two of you" the doctor said.
"I have to see him, what room doctor?" I asked.
"Room 205, it’s across the hall there" he answered.
"Thanks and I headed of to Nicks room when someone grabbed my shoulder. It was Brian.
"How did you know he was stuck under that rock?" he asked me.
"I didn’t know, I just figured" I lied. He looked weird at me and then went to Nick’s room. They all stayed only a few minutes and then decided to get something to eat.
"I’m going to stay here till he wakes up" Jane said looking tired.
"No, go get something to eat and then get into your bed. I’ll stay here with Nick and I’ll call you the minute he wakes up, ok?" I said to Jane and she nodded. I stayed in Nick’s room alone. He still was in coma and I sat myself beside his bed and I took his hand in mine.
"Oh Nick I wish I could be a better Angel. Maybe we should get you someone who knows what they are doing. I am so sorry I messed everything up." I said.
Brian was standing in the door opening, listened to every word she said. Now he was beyond confused but decided not to mention anything. She didn’t know he was standing there and he better left it that way. He left but was going to figure out what she meant with what she said.
"Please get better" I said and I gave Nick a kiss on his cheek. I left the room to get some coffee as I heard Nick moan.
"Nick, are you awake, can you hear me" I said, well I almost yelled.
"Loud and clear" he said quietly.
"Are you ok Nicky?" I asked.
"Yeah, I only have a huge headache." he said. I went over to him gave him a hug.
"Feeling better now" I asked.
"Yeah thanks" he said.
"I’ll call your mom, I’ll be right back ok?" I said leaving the room.
"Ok" he said closing his eyes.
"Hi Jane, it’s me Patricia. I have some good news for you. Nick just woke up and he’s fine" I said.
"We will be right there" she said and hung up. I returned to Nick’s room and we were sitting there quietly. About ten minutes later they all came back.
"NICK" Brian yelled as he came back into the room and giving Nick a hug. Nick looked at him with a confused look.
"Who are you guys?" he asked. The smile of their faces disappeared knowing he had amnesia.
"I know that this is Patty and I know I’m Nick but do I know you guys?" he asked again.
"Yeah in time I guess you will remember." Kevin said and he took Jasmine in his arms. We all tried to help him remember but gave up when he said he wanted to sleep more. We all went back outside the waiting room to discuss what had just happened.
"Patricia, it’s now up to you. It seems you are the only one who can help him right now. Since he only remembers you, he only trusts you. You’ll try right" Jane asked and she looked like she was about to cry.
"Yeah you can be his guardian angel" Brian said looking at me trying to figure out how I was going to react. I gave him a weird look and wondered what he meant by that. Did Brian know what he shouldn’t know?
"Of course I’ll help him" I promised Jane and gave her a hug. They all left but I decided to stay at the hospital to watch over Nick, the nurses agreed only if I would try to get some sleep. I agreed and they brought another bed in Nick’s room.

Chapter 10
I just couldn’t sleep. I worried about what Brian said and I wondered if he knew who I really was. But he couldn’t know, or did he hear me when I talked to Nick? I just didn’t know what to think of it. Nick was sleeping like a baby. I got up to get some coffee and I talked to a nurse for a while. When I got back I found Nick sitting up in his bed.
"Hey babes, everything ok?" I asked him.
"Hi" he said sadly.
"Hey what’s wrong?" I asked worried.
"It’s just I can’t remember anything except your and my name. It’s so confusing. Who am I, what do I do?" he asked upset.
"Hey don’t worry; it will all come back to you, I promise. I will help you ok?" I said giving him a hug.
"Thanks that’s just what I needed." he said giving me a little smile. "That’s already better," I said.
"How come I fell in the ocean?" he asked.
"Well Nick, someone pushed you. The police is looking for that person but we didn’t see who it was. We hoped you would know." I answered.
"I can’t remember," he said.
"It’s ok, we will catch that guy who did that to you" I yawned.
"Hey you haven’t slept yet right?" Nick said looking at me and patting at the seat next on his bed.
"Nope, you mind if I do so" I said laying my head on his bed. I fell asleep within the minute. But my dreams were reality; I was back up in heaven for a little check up.
"Welcome home Patricia" GA Leader one said.
"Do I go back or do I stay here?" I asked a little worried.
"You go back, don’t worry. There are just some things you need to know" two said.
"Ok spit it out" I said looking at the leaders.
"Well since Nick has amnesia and he only remembers you, his feelings for you will grow very strong. Please be careful with that. About Brian, he suspects something but he’s too confused to believe it. But keep him close; you’ll need his help some time. Just keep hope, and believe in yourself. You are the only angel for Nick. If you didn’t help him he would have died. It wasn’t his time anyway. So keep up the good work." GA leader two said.
"Was it really my time?" I asked.
"Nope your time wasn’t supposed to be for a while but Nick needed you and you were and are the only one that could help so you were sent here." One explained.
"I died just for Nick" I asked angry; feeling the tears rising in my eyes.
"Don’t be mad, Patricia! When your wings grow, your Wings of Love, you’ll get your second chance." One said and I was not there anymore. I opened my eyes to find Nick staring at me and Brian and Sabrina in the room.
"How long have I been sleeping?" I asked them yawning.
"For about four hours" Nick said.
"Oh I’m sorry, I sort of laid where you couldn’t move," I said blushing.
"It’s ok really, I really didn’t mind" Nick said grinning and Brian and Sabrina laughed. A doctor came into the room.
"We have to check up on Mr. Carter so if you could leave this room please?" he asked and the three of us went out of Nick’s room.
"We’ll be back later" I yelled at Nick and he just waved.
‘I’m so hungry, you guys up for some breakfast?" I asked Brian and Sabrina.
"Yep sure, just let me call the rest of the guys," Brian said as he took his cell phone.
About a half hour later, we were sitting at that neat place, eating some bacon and eggs. It was good and it felt like I hadn’t eat in months.
"Patricia, thanks for saving Nicks life, we wouldn’t know what we would do without him" Aj said giving me a smile. Lindsy gave her boyfriend a hug.
"Hey, I couldn’t let him down there, I’m glad he’s ok" I said nervously when I saw Brian looking at me, like he knew who I was. Soon after we finished we left to go see Nick again. But Brian pulled me back before I could go into the hospital room.
"Who are you really and what is going on Patricia?" he asked me staring right into my eyes.

Chapter 11
"So are you going to tell?" he asked again.
"Brian, it’s me, Patricia. We met a while ago, remember?" I asked hoping he wouldn’t go any further.
"There is something you are not telling me. Why are you hiding it?" Brian asked getting a bit mad.
"Brian there is a lot you don’t know about me and a lot I don’t know about you. I have a lot of stuff that I can’t tell you but that is life." I said.
"There is something almost unreal about you. You don’t have to tell me but I want you to know I am here. I will find out how you knew Nick was down there." he said and left. I wanted to tell him so bad. To have someone know why I am really here, why I really died. But I couldn’t and I really needed someone to understand me. Why does this all have to be so difficult? I was so frustrated that I didn’t notice Nick come out of his room with everyone.
"Hey Patricia guess what I can go home." he smiled and he just grabbed me and spun me around.
"Hey, what was that all about?" I asked after he put me on the ground again.
"Cause I’m happy I remember you. I go home, I don’t know where that is and that guy, Kevin I think said we go on a special vacation, do you know something about that?" he asked.
"Well that’s a long story, I’ll tell you later" I said. Nick just kept on holding my arm, like he was a little child, afraid of being left alone. I must admit I liked it.
"Patricia, will you come over and stay at our house for a little while? We would love to have you over." Jane asked me.
"Yeah, stay with us, I won’t feel so alone then" Nick added and he looked at me with puppy eyes. I couldn’t resist those eyes, I just couldn’t.
"Ok, I’ll just go home and get some stuff ok?" I said to Jane. "Ok" she said.
"I’m going with her!" Nick said to his mom and she just nodded.
We got in the car and headed of to my apartment.
"Patty, can I tell you something without you laughing at me?" Nick suddenly asked.
"Sure, what is it?" I asked curiously.
"I had the weirdest dream last night. I saw a figure that looked like an angel. I walked towards that person and I heard him say that I shouldn’t be there. That I should get home cause I love someone. The figure raised his hand, I saw a white light and I woke up. This is just so weird" Nick said.
So Nick was with the GA Leaders and they just send him back. Why didn’t I get back to live? Only to protect Nick or was there something more? And who does Nick love? Thousand questions rose in my head.
"Yeah it’s weird." I said to Nick.
"So is there someone I love that I don’t remember now?" Nick asked me.
"I can’t tell you that one Nick. But I am sure you will figure that out soon." I said.
"I find it weird that I remember you and no one else. Is there a reason for that?" He asked. Yeah, I am your angel you have to know me, is what I wanted to say.
" I have no idea Nick but I find it flattering that you remember me" I said trying to lighten the mood. He just laughed. I pulled up to my apartment.
"I’ll just get a few things and then we’ll go to your house." I said as I left Nick in the living room watching MTV.
When I got back into the living room, I heard the tunes to I want it that way and Nick just staring at the TV with his mouth open.
"Is that me and what am I doing?" Nick asked. He was beyond freaked.
"Well Nick you are a very famous person on this world, but don’t worry about it now ok?" I asked giving him a reassuring look.
A half hour later, I pulled up to Nicks house. He was getting very exciting cause he remembered a few things about his house.
We got inside and Aaron just came running to us.
"Niiiiiiick, I’m so glad you are ok and home again!!" he yelled giving his big bro a hug.
"Hey Aaron, will you do me a favour? Nick needs to see the house, will you show him around for me?" I said giving air boy a hug.
"Sure" he said and he grabbed Nicks arm and he didn’t let go till they got in the huge game room where the playstation was.
"I kinda remember this thing." Nick said giving me a smile.
"Yeah I said that’s your playstation, your fave thing to kill your spare time. And you still owe me a game." I said.
"Ok we’ll play when I remember how to play it" Nick said and I left the room to go say hi to the rest of the family.
"Hey Patricia, you are my guardian angel right?" Nick asked and I stopped walking out of the room.
"What??" I said. But how could he know, that was all I could think about.
"You are my angel right??" Nick asked again.
"Where did you get that from?" I asked frantically.
"I don’t know I remember you talking to me before in the hospital. You said something like you were my angel." Nick said.
"I think you might have been hearing things. There is no reason for me to say that." I said trying to laugh a little.
"Yeah probably. I was just making sure because that would be totally weird and unbelievable." Nick said laughing.
"Yeah it sure would." I said glad that he let that one go.

Chapter 12
Nick and I were watching TV and the rest of the family was shopping. The others where going to come soon and we all were going to tell Nick a little about himself.
"Is there a reason why I keep singing the words Am I sexual, over and over in my head?" Nick asked. I couldn’t help and I just busted out in a loud laughing, I even rolled.
"Hey!! What?" Nick yelled running up to me and tickling me. "WHAT?" He yelled once again.
"That is a song you all sing but how can you only think of those words? That is so funny!" I yelled
"hey guys! We just got here but what is happening?" Brian asked walking in.
"Nick is remembering some of the songs but don’t ask about the words. Am I sexual" I sang and I started to laugh. All of us laughed for a bit when I felt the presence of someone else in the room.
"Hey Nick, babes!" I heard Joyce saying coming into the room. She was going to use Nick at his most vulnerable time.
She was about to kiss him but Nick pulled back, looking surprised at her.
"Who are you?" Nick asked her confused.
"It is me your girlfriend and you love me, you really love me." Joyce said.
"Wait. Patty I thought you said I didn’t love anyone." Nick said.
"Patricia has no clue what she is talking about. She wanted to take you away from me the minute she saw you Nick " Joyce said giving me an evil look.
"Nick I didn’t say that, I only said I can’t tell you if you love someone cause you had to find out yourself." I said seriously.
"I am going to have to ask you to leave because if I loved you like that then I would have surely remembered you." Nick said.
"Nick, why do you have to believe that little..." Joyce tried to say more but Nick shut the door on her face.
"Are you telling me I used to like that thing?" Nick asked laughing.
"You have no idea." Brian said.
"Patty, will you tell me more, now?" Nick asked.
"Sure Nick." I replied and I was happy that I had read the book on Nick, I got from the leaders.
"We are going to go on the beach for a bit but we will be back later." Kevin said. He pulled Jasmine to him and gave her a kiss.
"Hey you two are boyfriend and girlfriend?" Nick asked them.
"Yes, we are" Jasmine said blushing.
"Well you two look cute" Nick said causing Kevin and Jasmine to blush even more.
"Thanks Nick" Kevin said and he pulled Jasmine closer. The other boys introduced Nick to their girlfriends and I saw Nick liked them immediately. Then they left.
"Where do you want me to start?" I asked sitting by Nick on the bed.
"Ok first off why was I on the TV?" He asked.
"Well, Nick God blessed you with the gift of voice. You are part of a popular singing sensation group called the Backstreet Boys." I said.
"Ok is that Brian guy in it, too?" He asked.
"Yep, it is you, B, Kev, Howie and AJ." I said.
"Ok I guess that makes sense. But tell me more about how I know you because I don’t fully remember." Nick said.
"I work for you guys. I help your dance choreographer from the group, Fatima. And I have to look if everything is ok at your hotel and on tour" I said. " Who was that Joyce?" Nick asked.
"She was your girlfriend but you got in a fight with her and broke up with her." I said.
"Was it over you?" Nick asked. "Me? I don’t think so. Why?" I asked.
"I just figured she was jealous of you or something. I still can’t believe that I didn’t love you." Nick said.
"Nope don’t love me." I said uneasily. "Why not?" Nick asked.
"Because like most things I will be gone soon." I said. Even though it was only my first week I realized that when I had to leave it was going to be hard for me. I was becoming way too attached. I was falling in love with Nick.
"What? Where are you going?" Nick asked.
"I only have eight months then I have to move on to somewhere else." I said.
"You can’t just leave like that." Nick said. Great what had I gotten myself into? "Nick listen, I don’t want to leave either, but we’ll see about that ok? If I can stay I will, if I can’t I have to leave.
But I can’t promise you that I will stay. We’ll see about that." I said thinking about that I maybe get my second chance
in life.
"You just can’t leave" Nick said pulling me closer looking into my eyes.
"Why? You only know people for so long." I said. "You know how you said that I don’t love you?" Nick asked.
"Yeah.." I said. "Well, I have this feeling in me that that is about to change." Nick said. My heart made a little jump and I just wished that I was a human being, someone like everyone else.

Chapter 13
After Nick said his feelings might change for me, we were just sitting there in silence, looking at the TV. We both fell asleep but in the middle of the night I felt Nick was sleeping uneasy. I concentrated on my amulet and on Nick to see his dreams, another of my powers. I saw that Nick was dreaming of the accident at the cliffs. I saw that person dressed in black and only moments later I saw her face. I couldn’t believe who that was. It was Joyce. Nick jolted up, screaming. "Nick, hey calm down, it was a nightmare." I said pulling him in my arms.
"I saw who pushed me, I remember who pushed me!" he said sweating and crying.
"It’s ok, if you remember, we’ll go to the police the first thing in the morning" I said.
"Yeah" he said still frightened.
"You want to talk about it?" I asked.
"Yeah, I saw us going to the cliffs and then that Brian guy and I started running. I guess we were doing a race. Suddenly Brian fell and I was happy that I was going to win. When I arrived at the cliffs, that girl was coming to me. We had a few words, she said I shouldn’t have left her and if she can’t have me no one can and then she pushed me. That girl, it was Joyce, that girl that was here this afternoon." Nick said and I saw the sadness in his eyes.
"It’s ok Nick, it’s over now" I said and gave him a hug. Nick turned his face to me and wanted to kiss me but I couldn’t let it happen, I just couldn’t.
"Nick please don’t. I don’t want you to be hurt if I have to leave." I said and I turned my face away. I didn’t want to see his eyes, they were full of pain.
"But, I like you" he said.
"Nick, I don’t want to take advantage of you, you are very vulnerable now, so please." I whispered.
"Ok have it your way, but you can’t change the fact that I have strong feelings for you" he said and he left going to his
I just sighed and fell asleep on the couch.The next morning Nick and I went to the police but there was always this painful silence between us. Nick didn’t want to talk to me and he only said something if he had to. Nick gave his declaration to the police and they said they were going to arrest Joyce. Later that day we got a phone call for them. They said that Joyce was a fugitive now. She packed all her clothes and they couldn’t find her anywhere. Nick didn’t care; we were going to leave soon for the new European tour anyway. Since that dream Nick got his memory back, bit by bit and he already knew all the songs they had to sing on their new show and his dance moves were getting better and better. I just wished he would talk to me again.

Chapter 14.
~~ Two weeks later in Belgium ~~
"Patricia are you going to join us on the bus" Brian yelled at me.
"Sure if that is ok with you guys" I said stepping on the bus. "We sure are ok with it" Aj said and gave me a hug.
We were in Belgium a week before the actual tour started cause we still had some rehearsals to do. Nick was still awfully quiet around me. During rehearsals he would always concentrate on the dances and would rarely look at me. I was beginning to get worried and I didn’t know what to make of it. I looked over to Rana and Jasmine who were having fun, playing on the playstation. Sabrina and Lindsy would join us later this week after the first concert. Sabrina had to fix some family problems and Lindsy still had to work. Since Brian was Nicks best friends I would have asked Sabrina if Brian had told her anything of Nick, and why he behaved this way, but she wasn’t here so I decided to ask Jasmine and Rana.
"Hey Rana and Jasmine, could I talk to you guys for a moment, please?" I asked them sitting besides them.
"Sure girlie, so what’s on your mind" Jasmine said turning out the videogame.
"Come on tell us what’s on your mind" Rana said.
"Well Nick is acting weird around me the last few weeks and I wanted to know if the guys said something about it to you two?" I asked.
"Yeah we noticed that Nick didn’t talk to you much lately and Kevin mentioned a few things" Jasmine said.
"Yeah and Howie too" Rana added.
"Like what?" I asked.
"Well Kev said that Nick was afraid of something. Afraid of you leaving us and he doesn’t want to you to leave cause he’s getting attached to you. And afraid of getting closer to you." Jasmine said.
"He doesn’t want to be around me? How can he think that he wants to be more with me? I am no good at that sort of things." I said a little hurt why he was being so stubborn. It was like he hadn’t even considered my feelings.
"I can kind of see where he is coming from but he doesn’t have the right to just blow you off. You should just try talking to him." Rana suggested.
"Yeah I think I’ll talk to him. Look there they just are coming as Kevin, Aj and Brian came into the bus.
"Hey girls, is that a all girl party or are we allowed too?" Aj asked.
"It’s all girl but with you fit with the description" I joked. Everyone laughed.
"I didn’t find it that funny" Aj acted mad.
"But I did" Kevin said and grabbed Jasmine to show some of the new stuff he was writing on but they were more kissing and hugging then something else. "Geez you two should get your own bus" Aj said.
"Well at least my woman is here with me" Kevin joked.
"And my woman is here too" Howie said as he stepped on the bus. He went over to Rana and took her in his arms.
"Well Patty you are going to be my woman till Lindsy gets here, right?" Aj said.
"Sure Aj" I laughed as AJ pulled me onto his bunk. We made fake kissing noises just joking around when Nick came in with Tommy one of the BsBband.
"Whoa, who would have thought!" Tommy joked as he saw Aj and me.
AJ and I just started laughing harder.
"SHUTUP!! We are not that bad." Jasmine said.
"Oh whatever you want to think!" I said. I looked over at Nick and he seemed a little mad again for like the third time that day. I was beginning to think it was my entire fault. I went over to him.
"Nick could I talk to you for one minute please" I said but he didn’t even look at me.
"You seem a little busy right now, so why would we talk?" he said ignorantly. I dragged him to the kitchen area of the bus.
"We are going to talk whether you like it or not." I said pushing him in a seat.
"Geez, chill" he yelled.
"Ok I’m chilled, now tell me what’s up with you?" I asked and my eyes could have spit fire at the moment.
"What are you talking about?" He asked.
"Well ever since that night you said the feelings might be more you have totally pushed me out. What did I do?" I asked.
"I don’t want to talk about it." He said.
"Nick, this is about me so I am involved and I need to know." I said.
"Why are you always like this?" He asked.
"Like what?" I asked.
"You always have to know what is wrong with me and have to know everything about me." he said.
"Because I am your friend Nick and I need to know." I said.
"Just stop doing it because it will make it worse." He yelled becoming very angry.
"It will make what worse? Nick, talk to me." I said.
"The feeling that I want you and I can’t have you. The feeling that I love someone that could never love me!! Know how it feels? I didn’t think so!" He screamed and ran out to his bunk. He was wrong. I knew the feeling quite well. I felt the exact same way about him. But I had no choice. I only had about seven months here. He had an entire lifetime. Unless that one exception that I could have...

Chapter 15
"Alright! Where is he?" I screamed running to the back of the bus looking for Nick. It was driving me crazy not being able to talk to him. I mean he talked to me for like two minutes then screamed and ran. I wasn’t going to just leave it at that.
"What’s wrong?" Brian asked. "Where is that stubborn guy you call your best friend?" I asked angrily.
"I have no clue, sorry I’m kinda busy with a phone call, if ya don’t mind" Brian said blushing.
"Of course not, you silly, greet Sabrina from me ok?" I said as I headed to the back of the bus where the rest was sitting.
"Do you guys know where Nick is?" I asked them.
"Nope sorry but we heard you two yelling at each other." Kevin said.
"Sorry but he is so freaking stubborn sometimes." I said.
"You both are. It’s perfect." Howie said. I knew I was blushing but I didn’t care.
"Howie no jokes now ok" I said a little bit irritated.
"No, I really mean it, you two would be perfect together." He said and the others agreed.
"Whatever. This bus isn’t that big! He couldn’t have gone too far." I said leaving the room. I walked back passed Brian and his phone call. I went to the very front of the bus to find Nick in the passenger seat fast asleep. I wanted to talk to him now but I hated to wake people. I remember that I used to hate that. So I decided to leave him alone to sleep.
I headed for one of the bunks and had to hurry cause there was only one left. Brian was sleeping at the one across me, with Kevin and Jasmine above him and Howie and Rana above me. Aj took the one the nearest to the kitchen. I laid myself down and was trying to get some sleep till I suddenly heard a noise. It was really dark so I couldn’t see a thing. I just could see a body.I realised it was Nick. He was starting to lie down next to me. He probably didn’t notice I was in there since I was right next to the wall.
"Hey Nick! We need to talk." I said softly.
He jumped about a foot and hit his head on the top of the bunk.
"My God!! You scared the heck out of me!" He said.
"Sorry I didn’t know if you knew I was right here." I said with a small laugh.
"Can we please not talk about this right now?" He asked.
"I will agree only if you promise me that we will tomorrow." I said feeling myself starting to drift off.
"Ok but I am going to sleep here and you have to promise me something." He said.
"Sure." I said not knowing that I was falling asleep.
"Promise me that you won’t leave." He said quietly.
"Ok." I said not even realizing what he said. This promise will either turn out to be a good thing or a big mistake. The last thing I realised was that I felt Nick laying his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I could get used of that and I loved his arms around me.
"I love you" he whispered and I fell in a deep sleep.

Chapter 16
The next morning I woke up kind of early to find Nick with his arm around my waist. It felt so right to be there. But then I got to thinking. I was really dead and he was alive and had a life. I was just there to help him with it. I definitely didn’t want another guardian job after this. It was too hard to not become attached to the people around you. I suddenly felt eyes on me and knew it was Nick.
"Hey there" he said shyly.
"Hey, ah man this is way to early to get up" I complained.
"Tell me about it, we have a photo shoot in two hours" Nick said giving me a kiss on my cheek.
"Ok since you promised, it’s time to talk" I said a bit nervous.
"Ok, since you promised me too" he said.
"Promise?" I said looking confused to Nick.
"You don’t remember" he asked irritated.
"Uhm, wait, oh you mean that not leaving thing?" I asked.
"Yeah that’s what I meant, I can’t believe you almost forgot that. Geeez just forget it." He said mad and left the bunk.
"Man, Nick come back, we do need to talk" I yelled, and I saw the others looking surprised when I got out of the same bunk as Nick.
"Don’t ask. I said.
Look at me, I was dead just for Nick and I got no respect. But then again no one knew that but me. It made me feel so alone because no one knew who I really was. I felt like I was betraying all of them by not telling the truth.
"Patty we’re gonna get some breakfast, so hurry up" Brian said and I followed them to a local McDonalds. I was walking behind Aj. I felt Nick watching me the entire time when I walked in. AJ and I went to the counter and gave our order.
"So what’s up with you and Nick?" Aj asked.
"It’s not what you think but he’s such a mule" I said looking at Aj. Aj just started laughing at me and the entire place was looking at us. Let’s just call it a scene he was making. Soon enough his laughing turned into my laughing and people started laughing at us.
"Ok, let’s calm down" Aj said as he saw the whole place looking at us. We probably were as red as tomatoes. We got our food and went to the table were the rest was sitting.
"What were you laughing about?" Kevin asked curious.
"This girl has just the best sense of humour!" Aj said and he pointed at me.
"What did she say?" Rana asked and I kinda hoped Aj wouldn’t tell it cause Nick was staring at me.
"She called Nick a mule and the fun part is that it is true" Aj said laughing again. Nick gave me this evil look like he could shoot me.
"Why did you call him that?" Jasmine asked and she was as amused as the others except for Nick.
"He’s so freaking stubborn, so it fits him" I said with a small laugh. Nick looked down and continued eating. Five minutes later he left and went back to the bus.
"Patty, do you realise how much he likes you?" Kevin asked as I watched Nick leaving. "You know, I like him a lot too, I really do, but I can’t risk it to get hurt or let him get hurt when I have to leave. And at the moment he isn’t making it any easier." I sighed.
"You really want to leave us when the tour is over" Aj asked surprised.
"I don’t want to but if I have to, I have to, nothing I can change about that" I said.
"But even if you have to leave that doesn’t mean we won’t ever see you again, so why don’t you give it a try with Nick?" Jasmine said.
"Yeah look at me and Jasmine. When she still was in college, she couldn’t join us on tour and I couldn’t see her that often but still we fought our way through and we now happier then ever." Kevin said looking lovingly at his girlfriend.
"Just talk to Nick" Brian said.
"Yeah, I better go talk to him now" I said and I left them behind going back to the bus. I cried, I just couldn’t handle it anymore. I wanted to be with Nick but what if I don’t get my second chance, what if I have to go anyway. I ran in the bus to the kitchen area letting out my tears as I heard someone coming from behind me.
"Patty?" a voice said and I heard it was Nick.
"Nick, not now ok!" I said.
"I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you upset, please don’t cry and look at me." he said laying his hand on my shoulder.
"No, it’s not you that made me upset, it’s something else but I can’t talk about it, maybe later." I said turning around seeing Nick had tears in his eyes too.
"Hey babes, you don’t have to cry" I said giving him a hug.
"Just tell me what’s on your mind" he said.
"I can’t now, Nick, I will some day, please give me some time?" I said and I still was holding Nick.
"I’ll wait, I could wait forever for anything for you" he said taking my chin in his hand and wiping of my tears. He inched his face closer to mine. I gave in even though the GA leaders warned me not to. I kissed Nick with more passion than I ever knew I had and he did, too. We pulled away slowly and when he looked at me I had never felt more love.
"I could get used to that" I said shyly.
"I have never felt like this before" he said holding me tighter.
"Nick I already said that if I can’t have you, no one can, and especially not her, that little *****." someone yelled. Nick and I jolted up and looked at that person. It was Joyce. She held a gun pointing at us.

Chapter 17
Joyce was still standing there, pointing the gun at us. Her eyes were like fire.
"Joyce, please put that gun away and let us talk about it" Nick said.
"NO, I don’t want to, I can’t have you, so she can’t too" she yelled putting the gun on Nicks chest.
"Joyce please, I really didn’t take him away. You guys broke up and when Nick asked me for a relationship, I said no" I said and she looked at me.
"Then why did you kiss him a minute ago?" she said.
"It’s true, I kissed her, she didn’t kiss me. I just caught her in a bad time" Nick said trying to convince her.
"No, that’s not true. Now shut up and sit down. Give me your cell phone" she command Nick. Nick gave her his phone and she called someone.
"Baby, I got them, now I can ask ransom for them. I’ll call you back later. Love ya." She said still holding the gun against us. Then she asked for Brian’s cell phone number and Nick gave it to her.
"Hi Brian, now listen carefully, I got Nick and that pathetic little dancer here and if you don’t do what I ask you, I will shoot them. I want 2 million dollar for each. And don’t try to get on the bus or they will be dead." She said and hung up. Brian’s smiling face turned into a white somber face.
"B-Rok, what’s wrong?" Jasmine asked as she saw his face.
"Hey cousin, did something happen" Kevin asked when Brian didn’t answer.
"That was Joyce, she is holding Nick and Patricia as hostages, she wants two million for each." Brian said and everyone just ran outside to the bus.
"NO, don’t try to get in, or she will shoot them" Brian yelled as Kevin wanted to get in the bus.
"Damn that girl is freaking crazy" Aj yelled and he ran back inside to call the police.
Ten minutes later about ten police cars and a special team arrived they all got in position and after they got Nick’s cell phone number; they called her.
Joyce jolted up when the cell phone started to ring.
"Yeah" she said.
"I have two hostages here and I want two million for each, and a car to get away from here" she said and she had that evil smile on her face.
"Joyce please, let us go and let us talk about it" Nick tried again.
"No, Nick. All I wanted from you was your money and everything was just fine, till she got in the play. She just messed up everything and she is going to pay for it." Joyce laughed and held the gun to my head.
"No Joyce please, let her go, and take me." Nick yelled. She just laughed and sat down in front of Nick and me.
"You know Nick how much I hated kissing you. You are such a bad kisser. I almost had to throw up every time you stuck that tongue in my mouth. It was disgusting." She said. Nick just sat there, trying to hide his sadness. I knew he had loved her but now that he found out that she never loved him for who he was but only for his money, it hurted him and I hate to see him hurt. I had to find a way to get that gun away from Joyce that was all I could think now. I had an idea but I needed the help from the big guy above and from Nick but how could I tell him without using words, without out her hearing me.
I still had another power but I didn’t know if I could use it or not. Don’t be afraid just use it, someone said to me, I knew it was one from the leaders.
I looked at Nick and I took my amulet in my hands.
"Nick, turn around and look at me" I said but Joyce couldn’t here me. I was communicating with Nick through my mind. Nick turned around and put up his shoulder.
"When I say now, you jump on her and you take away the gun" I said. He nodded so I was sure he heard me. I concentrated on my amulet and I asked for the big guys help. Suddenly a white light flashed into Joyce her eyes and I shouted now. Nick got up and jumped on her. He got the gun but Joyce was still holding it too. I bumped my head when I wanted to help Nick, the last I heard was a shot, and then everything went black.

Chapter 18
"Oh my god, I heard a shot" Brian yelled and he wanted to run on the bus but the police caught him up before he even couldn’t run. The special team jumped on the bus and five minutes later they already had arrested Joyce.
"How are Patty and Nick?" Kevin asked a police officer.
"They are ok, but the bullet got into the girls arm but don’t worry she will be ok" the officer said and they all went running on the bus.
"Patricia wake up girl, don’t leave me hanging here" I heard Nick say. "What, uh, what happened?" I asked quietly and my head hurted like someone hit a hammer on it and I felt a huge pain in my arm.
"You fainted after you bumped your head on the table, when you tried to take the gun away from Joyce" Nick said and his face looked pale.
"Oh my god, the shot, where did bullet go?" I asked Nick and he just looked at my arm.
"Great, why do such things always happen to me" I said and Nick had to laugh a little but soon his face turned into sadness.
"I’m sorry, I didn’t protect you like I should have protected you" Nick said wiping a tear of his eye.
"I thought you were going to die after I saw that Joyce had shot you, I thought I would lose you and I really don’t wanna lose you" Nick said.
"Nick, it’s ok, I love you anyway." I said not even realizing what I just had said and then I blacked out again.
The paramedics took care of Patricia and took her to the hospital. She was very lucky, the bullet wasn’t in her arm anymore and only caused a deep scratch in her arm. After the doctors had left her room, they all were waiting till she woke up. I woke up and I saw them all sitting around me.
"Hey girl, nice to see you again" Brian said and they all gave me a hug.
"Geez that girl was totally out of her mind, I’m glad she is gone" Jasmine said and we all agreed.
"How are ya feeling" Nick asked me.
"I’m ok, glad I’m alive" I said but the truth was I already was dead. This was getting too much for me, I needed someone to talk about who I really was but I knew the time still hadn’t come.
"Guys do you mind if I talk to her alone" Nick said and the others nodded and left the room.
"What’s on your mind pal?" I asked curious about why Nick wanted to talk to me alone.
"Did you really mean that when you said that you love me, right before you blacked out again?" Nick asked. I was first confused and wondered what he talked about but then I remembered that I really had said that, and the weird thing is that I meant it, even though I wasn’t supposed to mean it.
"Nick, you are the best thing that ever happened to me since I’m alive and I love you, I really mean it" I said looking in his deep blue eyes.
"Are you sure?" He asked again.
"Nick, I love you" I said and I took his face in my hand and gave him a passionate kiss. I didn’t care anymore about what the GA leaders told me and I didn’t care if I had to go back or not. I just wanted to spend the rest of the time that was left with Nick. I even didn’t care if I got punished by the GA leaders.
"I love you too" he said and he couldn’t let go of me.
"Nick, I’m not going to run away, you know" I laughed.
"I just don’t want to let you go" he said and he kept holding me till I fell asleep. Again my dreams were reality and I was back up in heaven.
I saw the leaders looking at me with a serious face. This is it I thought; now I was going to get punished for getting involved with Nick.

Chapter 19
"What’s going on?" I asked as I saw Angel One approach me.
"It has happened." One said.
"What?" I asked.
"What you both have been waiting for." GA two replied.
"Why am I here?" I asked again. They all smiled at me like I didn’t have done something wrong.
"Patricia the impossible has now became possible. I need to know one thing though. Do you love Nick?" GA one asked turning serious again.
"More that I thought I did. But why are you happy about it? I mean I thought I shouldn’t get involved with him." I said.
"Well, Patricia, we had to tell you that cause we had to be sure that you didn’t love Nick for what he was but for who he was. We didn’t tell you the whole truth about your day of death" GA three said.
"What?" I said a bit irritated.
"Well, they day you got the accident wasn’t the day you should have died. Actually it was the day you would have met Nick. But we knew that you were a greedy person when you still were alive. So we also knew that you would only take Nick for his money and we couldn’t let that happen. So we called up the accident to let you die and be Nick’s guardian angel. We got Nick involved with Joyce to show you how much it hurts a person when he only is taken for his money. If you wouldn’t have succeeded in this job you would stay here but you proved that you really love Nick for who he is and he even would risk your own life for his. Love is very strong and I see it in the both of you" GA one said.
It was like someone slapped me in the face. When I thought back to the days I was alive, I was exactly like Joyce, a bad person, someone who only used people for my own purposes.
"Why didn’t I remember the way I really was?" I asked them.
"We knew that you were a good person deep down in your heart. We just got that out of you and looked if your bad site would got over your good side or not and it didn’t." GA four said.
"But why Joyce, now she is hurt and insane, why did you do that to her?" I asked them confused.
"I’m not insane Patricia" someone said and I saw Joyce when I turned around.
"But how?" I asked.
"Well there aren’t only guardian angel jobs up here. I’m the guardian angel tester and in your case I had to test you on your love to Nick. But be careful, there are really bad persons out there" she said and left the room.
"Now it’s time for you to return but to love him for the rest of time you must tell him and the guys the truth." GA two explained.
"What? Do you mean that if I tell them I will be alive?" I asked.
"Yeah you will be. But they must have complete trust in you. If Nick loves you then he will believe and you will be a human being again." GA one said.
"Ok but how can I make them believe?" I asked.
"You have the power to take them back to the day you were born, your childhood, your teenage years and they day that you died and so on. Use the amulet and Nick and it will work."
I woke up the next morning feeling better but I had a weird feeling about telling the group who I really was. About one hour later Nick came to pick me up. I signed the release papers and Nick brought me to the bus.
"Are you ready to go in?" he asked holding my hand.
"Yeah I’m ready." I said and we both got inside the bus. I was surprised by all of them cause they had thrown me a little welcome back party. They all got me little presents. When I looked at them all I realised how lucky I am to have met them. Rana and Howie were slow dancing even though there wasn’t much room to dance. He whispered sweet words in his ear and she just smiled. Jasmine and Kevin gave me a little furby and teached me how to take care of him and I must say it was so cute. Sometimes when I didn’t look I knew Kevin took her in his arms and kissed her gently on the lips.
Aj and Brian seemed kinda lonely but not for long cause by their surprise Sabrina and Lindsy joined us one day earlier then they were supposed to. They had so much to tell to each other that they didn’t spend any attention to the others. Then Nick and me we played on the playstation, since Nick still owed me a game.
Sometimes Nick came closer to me telling me how sweet I was and how much he loved me. Then I gave him a kiss on his lips to please him and to please myself.When the party was almost over and everyone got tired, I thought it was time to tell them.
"Guys, could you all come here and sit down? I need to tell you something." I said and they came all sitting around me.

Chapter 20
"So what's on your mind girl" Kevin asked as he pulled Jasmine on his lap. "Well, uhm, this is going to be very hard for me to tell and for you to believe but I have to tell you guys the truth about me. I am not what you think I am" I said and I turned my face to look outside the window when I saw their weird looks
"What are you talking about?" Nick asked and Brian raised his eyebrow.
"Well, it is going to be hard for you to believe but I can prove it all and I intend to." I said.
"Patricia if you are going to say what I think then I already believe you." Brian said.
"Thanks B that means a lot." I said with a smile.
"Ok here is the hardest part guys. I can tell you one thing that you won’t really believe at first. I am really dead." I started a little bluntly. I got looks with eyes bulging out of the heads.
"Hahaha yeah right, that's a good joke Patty !! How can that be?" AJ asked skeptically
"I am Nick’s Guardian Angel." I said looking at Nick who was just looking blankly at the floor.
"I knew it. That day at the beach that’s how you knew Nick was stuck under the rock, isn’t it?" Brian asked.
"Yeah that’s how I knew. I used to be alive like you guys, too. But I died to come and take care of Nick." I said feeling tears fall from my face.
"An Angel? How can that be?" Howie asked.
"Well there is a Heaven and I was chosen to look after Nick and I was one of them that has to be here as someone else." I explained.

Chapter 21
"Jimmy, give me back my doll" I yelled as five year old. My brother just laughed and ran further.
We were now at my childhood. They all had to laugh when they saw me and my other fight over a doll, my brother had taken away from me.
"Ok, so now we are at my childhood. I was a nice and sweet girl at this time. But around this time my beloved grandmother died. She was my one and everything and I hated it to loose her." I said and I rose my hand and we were at my grandmothers funaral. I was sitting there like a wrack crying for my grannie.
"Ever since that funaral, my life, my attitude changed. I wasn't that sweet girl anymore from next door. I just asked my mother for toys, I teased my brother and other children, just not to feel the pain of the lost of my grandma. I always wanted more and more and the more expensive it was the better. And that attitude I kept for the rest of my life." I said and I turned around to look at the group. They were very silent.
"You see my real me was a bad person, I was just like Joyce." I said and turned around again afraid of their reaction. I suddenly felt two hands on my shoulders, I turned around and I saw it was Kevin and Jasmine they both were smiling at me.
"You were a bad person but you already proved to us that you are a good person deep down in your heart." Jasmine said and the others nodded in agreement.
"It doesn't matter what you were in the past, of course it is a part of you where you have to live with. But we are in the present now and now you are the sweetest, nicest person I have ever met" Nick said.
"Thank you guys, I really apreciate it. But Nick I can't expect from you to love me cause you deserver better then me" I said. He wanted to say something but I lied my fingers on his mouth.
"Shh" I said. We moved on to my early teenage years. There they saw again what kind of person I was and what kind of boyfriends I had. I always had rich boyfriends who could buy me expensive stuff and now I was deep ashamed for the way I was. They were all amazed how I could be such a bad person but they always assured me that they loved me, no matter how I was in the past.
"You see that is what I have missed in my life, good friends like you, friends who gave me so much love like you guys do. I know I can't change my past but I could change my attitude. I love you from deep down my heart" I said. There was a group hug and now we came to a very hard part for me.
"Ok guys, the next two parts of my life are the hardest for me now, now we are at the day I died" I said and they all came closer to hold me.
There I was lying in the bed clinging to life. It was horrible. I was hooked up to a ton of machines and my family was gathered around me. They were crying and I felt myself running to them even though they couldn’t see since it was in the past.
"Godamnit!" I yelled outloud. I felt a hand on my shoulder and spung around to Nick. He held me in a hug as I cried into him.
"I’m sorry there is nothing that we can do. She has enternal bleeding and so much brain damage." The doctor said to my family.
"Is she in a lot of pain?" My brother asked.
"More than you know." The doctor said. My brother broke down on my bed and cried.
"Will it be better for her to be sent to God?" My mom asked. I felt Nick hold me tighter at that exact moment.
"Yes. She may never leave this room if we keep her like this." The doctor said.
"Ok go on with it then." My dad said quietly. I looked at everyone else and they all had tears in their eyes.
"Ok. Time of death 10:37." The doctor said as the machine went dead. My family left the room.
"How?" Brian asked. "Drunk driver." I replied. They all surrounded me and we all held each other in a group hug.
"You died for me?" Nick asked again.
"Yeah." I said.
"I’m sorry." He said.
"Don’t be because I wouldn’t be right here then. But even though I get the chance to come back to life I can't ask you that. You deserve better" I said.
"Where to next?" Brian asked suddenly.
"the funeral." I replied bluntly.
"No wait, we have to straighten this out first" Nick said as he held my hand.
"Nick please, don't" I said.
"No now you have to listen to me" he said and we were suddenly all in a black room.
"Give him the chance to talk Patricia" we heard a voice say.

Chapter 22
We all turned around to see who was talking and we saw two figures coming towards us. I recognized GA leader 1 and the other person was Joyce.
"What is going on in here and why is Joyce here ? " Aj asked well he almost yelled.
" McLean, calm down, before you go mad" Lindsy said.
" Well this is my boss and this was my guardian angel tester. Joyce had to test my love for Nick. She had to look if my love for Nick was for him and not for his money. " I said and Joyce nodded in agreement.
"But why have you put their lives in danger ?" Brian asked skeptically.
"That was the ultimate test before we were sure how Patricia felt about Nick, and she was ready to give her life for him. And otherwise we wouldn’t have let anyone die" GA leader one explained. "Now Patricia, I know the last hour has been rough on you and you don’t want that Nick takes you only cause he thinks he has to give you that second chance, you don’t want that he does it out of pity." GA leader one said.
"No, I’m a bad person and I don’t want to hurt Nick if that bad side comes up again, I love him too much to let that happen." I said.
"You were a bad person but you changed, now listen what Nick has to say and trust on his love" GA leader one said and they disappeared.
"I just can’t ask you that Nick" I said and I turned around holding my hands before my face. Nick took my hand and laid it on his chest right on the place where his heart beated.
"What do I gotta do to make you love me? What do I gotta do to make you care? What do I gotta say to make you feel this? Open up your heart there is a world for us to share. Welcome to my world. I’m feeling all alone tonight. You are feeling all alone tonight. So lets feel all alone together." Nick sang and he still held my hand close to his heart. His blue eyes were full of sadness on the one hand and full of hope on the other hand. I could feel his pain, the pain that I didn’t let him into my heart.
"I’m not ready to give you an answer yet Nick" I said and I took them to the last part of our trip in the past. Nick kept holding my hand. The last part was my funaral.

Chapter 23
I closed my eyes and suddenly we were at my funeral. I wasn't supposed to see this. I mean who wants to see their own funeral?
"This is all too much." Jasmine said quietly as she held on to Kevin tightly. We walked up and listened to what was being said. We caught the last of the prayer.
"And God make her yet another Angel among us. Amen" The priest said. Well, that surely happened. When he said that the group all looked at me as if I knew he was going to say that.
"How can you just watch this?" Rana asked.
"I have seen a lot in my life and believe me this is nothing." I said. Rana gave me a smile as she turned to her boyfriend who took her in his arms.
I watched everyone slowly walk away from my grave as I made my way up. I always wanted to know what my stone had on it. It was a light pink in marble. It had a picture of me when I was at my best. I was smiling. Something they would never see me do again yet the picture filled spaces.
Besides my name and death date it read 'She was the sweet angel that graced us for such a short time but her presence will be among us all. Well that was at least true. I heard the others come up behind me and I turned around to face them.
"We are here and we aren't leaving unless you do." Nick said with a warm smile. I closed my eyes once again and we were back on the bus.
"Now there are reasons I showed this all to you." I said.
"So you don't have to leave right?" Nick asked.
"That is one reason. I can't just leave you guys in eight months without you knowing who I am and such. And because I have another chance at living but only if you all want me to stay. Now you have seen the real me I would understand if you don't want me here and I really don't want that you say yes out of pity. And if you don't want me to stay then I remain for the rest of the months then move on to more things in heaven. " I said.
"This is so unreal. But can I ask you something?" Kev said.
"Anything." I replied.
"How does it feel to die?" He asked.
"It does feel lonely. You have no one that was with you before up there and you have to rely solely on yourself. But you also feel at peace and happy because no harm comes to you. But you have such a sense of loss like I did but you guys have filled it so much." I said feeling tears once again subside in my eyes.
"I want you to stay here and live your life with me in it and you in mine." Nick said walking up to me. I didn't answer Nick cause I still wasn't sure about my answer. Should I let him into my heart and take the risk of being loved or should I be an angel forever?
"It must be so hard for you." Jasmine said.
"Only when Nick acts like a mule." I said trying to lighten up the mood. Which got laughs from everyone.
"You are a part of us now so you aren't leaving. We won't allow it." Brian said.
"So you really died for Nick?" Kevin asked.
"Yeah I did. We all have that right person that fits us and I was the one for Nick. They told me before I started that I would have another chance at life if people loved me. At first I didn't really understand but now I know what to think." I said. Kevin nodded and pulled Jasmine to him.
"Well you may not be my guardian angel, but you sure are as sweet as an angel" Kev said and Jasmine gave him a kiss.
"Now can I talk to Nick alone for one minute please?" I asked. They noddedand went to the front of the bus.
"Nick, please, don't do this out of pity but do it out of love, if you don't love me because of my past then I will understand." I said looking at the floor.
"Geeez Patricia, how many times do I have to tell you this, I really love you and I don't care how you were in the past, how you are now is all that matters and now you are the sweetest and nicest person I know. I really don't want to lose you, just open up your heart to me." He said. He took my chin in his hand and lifted it up. He kissed me gently on the lips. His tongue came into my mouth and I felt a shock going through my body. The kiss was now very passionate and I enjoyed every second of it. We slowly pulled apart.
"Now what is your answer girl?" Nick asked as he looked into my eyes.
I just couldn't resist those eyes, the eyes that were full of sadness a few minutes ago and who were now filled with hope and joy.
Now I knew exactly what I was going to say and I took Nicks hand. I still was an angel so I used my powers to lift us up, going to the sky that was filled with the stars and the moon. Kinda like Superman and Lois but here it was Nick and me. I felt that Nick gripped my hand tighter surprised he was flying.
We flew across the sky and no one could disturb us at that beautiful moment. A few moments later we were back on the bus and I was ready to open up my heart to Nick.
"Friend, when we first met you were my friend. We had fun together, love wasn't even on my mind. Then you opened up my eyes, all at once I realized, you started a fire in my heart. You feel lost and you need a friend, I will always be there. Love is the main thing on my mind. Whatever life brings you and me, wheter it's pain or ecstasy, you burn out a fire in my heart. Burning up, this time it's not a game, burning up I know you feel the same, burning up it said eternal flame, I should have known it from the start that I'd be burning for you." I said in one breath and Nick was standing there with his mouth open.
"You mean you will stay?" he said.
" Yeah Nick I'll stay but only if you promise me not be a mule ever again" I said smiling.
"I promise" he yelled, lifted me up and spun me around.
"Hey what is going on with you two?" Brian said laughing when he came back to the kitchen area. The others followed him to look what was going on.
"She decided to stay with us, she decided to open up her heart to me and she gave me her love" Nick yelled like a little kid who got toys.
"Wow that's great" they all said and hugged me."So what do you do now?" AJ asked.
"Well, I have to go back to Heaven and say good bye to them until my real time." I said.
"Go on then, we don't want you gone for too long." Nick said kissing my forehead. I smiled at them all and headed for my trip once again to the magical world we call Heaven...

Chapter 24
”Wait before you go back to say bye, can I ask you something?” Howie asked.
“Sure, what’s on your mind D?” I asked.
”Well you go back to say bye and so you won’t be an angel anymore but will you still know that you were one?” He said and I realized that I haven’t told them that part yet.
“Well no, I won’t remember being an angel, I’ll only remember the things with you guys and the angel things will be left out.” I said.
“And what about us, will remember something about it?” Kevin asked. I suddenly realized that I didn’t know that the leaders never told me that and I never actually thought if they would remember or not.
”Well I guess you’ll only will remember me as your friend.” I said bluntly.
“Only as a friend? No you are more to us than just a friend” Rana and Jasmine said in a choir.
“Well she’s more than a friend to me and don’t you guys dare take her away from me.” Nick grinned and they all started to laugh.
“Well I wouldn’t mind taking her away from you” Aj joked but he got a evil look from Lindsy. “But I already got this beautiful girl here” he said and took Lindsy in his arms and she already forgot what he said a minute ago.
“Well I wouldn’t let you take her away” Nick said and he held me closer in his arms.
“Well from the minute Patricia walked to the door in the dance studio and I saw Nick looking at her I knew you two would come together” Kevin smirked. It caused Nick to blush and I got a smile on my face. Everyone in the room knew Kevin said that from the day they met Patricia but they never actually believed in it. But they all started to love Patricia and after a while they all realized that she was the right one for Nick. She was just what he needed.
Jasmine looked over to Kevin and remembered the day Patricia came into the dance studio. She remembered how Kevin came up to her and said that this was the girl for Nick. Jasmine didn’t want to believe it at first cause Patricia just seemed a good friend for Nick but after a few days seeing Patricia and Nick building up their friendship and seeing how they grew closer together, she knew it too. Those two were meant to be.
Jasmine walked up to Kevin and pushed him on a seat.
“Well baby, seemed like you were right when you said that they would come together, what can I do to make it up to you for don’t believing you?” Jasmine said looking her boyfriend deep in the eyes.
“Well you made me already a happy man on this earth but you just could kiss me to make it up” Kevin grinned. Jasmine moved her face closer to his and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.
“The rest will follow when we are alone” she whispered in his ears and Kev got a big smile on his face.
“Well now it’s really time to go for me and say bye to the angels” I said.
“Ok don’t be away too long” Nick said and he let go of me. I closed my eyes and I felt my body getting lighter and lighter. When I opened my eyes and I was there, my last time in heaven.

Chapter 25
I opened my eyes and I was at the same white room again where I got the instructions for my guardian angel job. Little did I know then that I would be alive again.
”Well I guess this will be goodbye!” GA leader one said and he pointed that I should go sit down. “Yeah I guess it is!” I smiled.
“Patricia, before we give you back your life we wanted to say how much we loved having you here and I’m already looking forward to the day when your time really has come. I never expected to say this but you were one of the best guardian angels we ever had up here and we all decided if your time has come that there will always be a guardian angel job for you waiting” GA leader two said.
”As long as it isn’t that emotional as this job then I’ll take it.” I said and they all nodded their heads.
“Well I really want to thank you all for giving me this opportunity and thank you so much for opening my eyes and for making me a good person. But I want to thank you most of all for bringing me to Nick, for giving me his heart. I now want to say that I’ll never forget what you have done for me but well like you told me I won’t remember it. Oh and here is the amulet, it helped me a lot” I said.
”We were more then happy to help you and we all agreed that you should keep the amulet” GA one said and I nodded thankfully.
“Well now it’s time to let your Angel Wings of Love grow, and when they have you’ll be a human being again. Just say the words that you are longing to say for a long time now. We wish you all the luck and God blesses you” they all said at once while they slowly faded away. I was all alone now. I had to spread my wings but how? I asked myself.
”Just say the words” I heard again.
“I love you always and forever Nick, our love will grow beyond eternity” I whispered and I could feel the wings on my back getting bigger and bigger. I spread my wings and I closed my eyes and I felt that my wings were covering me. Then all I could see was a white flashlight and then I fell in a deep and peaceful sleep.

Chapter 26
I woke up and I heard someone singing and I had a headache. I tried to remember where I was. “Morning beautiful” I heard someone saying and I turned around. I realized that I was in a hotel room and Nick was standing in the door.
“Hey babes, what’s up?” I asked as he came sitting besides me.
“Well I’m doing great now I can look in your beautiful eyes” Nick grinned and he kissed me on my check.
“Sorry but I kinda don’t remember, where are we?” I asked bluntly still trying to remember where I was. “Wow you must have been really tired of the party yesterday” Nick said
“We are in Belgium, remember, the tour that starts next week” Nick said with a weird look.
“Oh that’s right, geez, it’s like I’m having some black holes in my memory” I said and I got up. “Anyways, I’m going to get a shower” I said and left for the bathroom.
“Well hurry up cause I got a surprise for you” Nick yelled and I wondered what he meant.
About a half hour later, I was showered and dressed.
“Ok where is my surprise?” I asked as I slipped my arms around Nicks waist and pulled him closer.
”You have to wait till we are downstairs in the hotel lobby cause it’s waiting there” Nick said and he pulled me out of the hotel room.
“Come on Nicky pooh, give me a hint” I asked curiously.
“No Patty cake, you have to wait till we are in the hotel lobby and now close your eyes” Nick said and I did what he said. I felt the elevator stop and Nick lead me outside.
“Now open your eyes” he whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and there they were, my parents and my brother.
“Oh my god, what are you guys doing here?” I yelled as I ran towards them. It was like I hadn’t seen them in years and we were only gone for a month. I hugged them all three and I felt like I didn’t want to let them go and they didn’t want to let me go.
“Well Nick told us how much you missed us and we missed you so much, so Nick invited us to come over for a week, till after the first concert” my mom said. I looked over to Nick and I mouthed Thank you to him and he smiled, he knew how much this meant to me.
“Well I suggest that you guys go settle down in your hotel rooms and lets say we meet again here at 11.30am for lunch. Then you can meet the rest of the group too” Nick suggested and they all nodded in agreement.
“Some nice boyfriend you got there, sister” Jordan said as he laid his arm around my shoulder.
“Yeah he’s the best and he’s my doll, but don’t you dare to take him away from me like you took away my other dolls” I said.
“Hey, I’m into girls” Jordan protested and everyone laughed.
“Well can I have a word with Nick, I promise you will get him back” Jordan said.
“Sure but don’t you dare tell embarrassing stories about me” I warned Jordan.
“Well I sure wouldn’t mind to hear one of those” Nick grinned and I gave him a fake evil look.
“Well I’m going to get some breakfast, so see ya laters guys” I said and I left to my room.
“Nick I don’t know how you did it but I thank you for it” Jordan started the conversation.
“Huh, what do you mean?” Nick asked confused.
“Well before Patricia knew you, well she was kinda, how do you say, a bad person. I think she was so unhappy since our granny died and got very bitter but since she knows you she turned completely and now she’s the best and nicest sister, someone can wish for. So thanks” Jordan continued.
“Well, she’s the best thing that ever happened to me and I’m glad I can make her smile. She’s my angel, my angel of love.” Nick said.
“Yeah seems like you love her a lot, keep it that way or I will come after you” Jordan said.
“Don’t worry I won’t ever let her go and I’ll love her beyond eternity.” Nick said.
“Well, see ya for lunch” Jordan said and got in his hotel room.
Nick came back to the room and he saw Patricia staring out of the window.
“Hey a penny for you thoughts” Nick said.
“Do you know how happy you make me, do you know I don’t even deserve to have you but I’m glad I have you my Nicky pooh” I said looking him deeply in the eyes.
“And I’m happy to have you” Nick said and he gave me a soft kiss on the.
I suddenly had that strong desire to feel him closer to me, the desire to get one with him.
“What time is it?” I asked. “It’s a bit after nine am, why?” Nick responded.
”Hmm, you’ll see” I said and I pulled Nick into our bedroom.
“Nick I want to be with you more than everything” I said and he got that evil grin on his face.
We started to kiss and slowly took off each others clothes.
“You sure you want this” he breathed a bit heavily.
“More than you think” I said.
I gave myself to Nick and Nick gave him to me with more passion I ever felt in me.
“Nick I love you” I moaned as we slowly pulled apart.
“I love you too” he said and we just stayed there holding each other.

Chapter 27
We both were almost asleep when we heard a phone ring and I groaned but picked it up.
“Yeah?” I said.
”Hi Patty, it’s Jasmine, sorry to disturb you but the others and I wanted to know when we will have lunch.” She said.
“Nah, it’s ok, you didn’t disturb us” I said.
“Yeah you did” Nick yelled and it caused Jasmine to laugh.
”Well, we will be downstairs for lunch at 11.30am. There you guys will meet my parents.” I said a bit sleepy.
”Ah so you already got your first surprise” Jasmine said.
“Uh, first surprise? Is there another?” I asked curious and looked at Nick.
“Ah man Jasmine, can’t you never keep a secret” Nick whined.
“Oops” Jasmine said and I heard laughing in the background.
“Well we’ll meet you downstairs ok?” I asked.
”Yeah ok, see ya then” Jasmine said and she hung up. I looked over to Nick and just as I opened my mouth to ask him about the other surprise he got out of bed covering his butt with a blanket.
“Don’t even ask about the other surprise, you’ll get it when the time is right” Nick said and had trouble to keep the blanket covering his butt. I had to laugh.
“Nick, I like your butt better without the blanket” I said and tried to pull the blanket away.
”No, if you want to see my butt again, you have to come with me to the shower.” Nick grinned.
“Oh no, no wet naked butts” I yelled and I got back in bed.
“Oh no missy, you asked for it” Nick laughed and he picked me up. He dragged me all the way to the shower.
“But I already showered” I yelled again.
“No buts, you’re gonna shower with me” Nick said. I tried to get away but I couldn’t so I just enjoyed another shower.
”You know when I fell in love with you” Nick suddenly asked as we both were getting dressed.
”No, when” I asked.
“When I threw you in the pool and you took me with you in the pool” Nick said. I remembered that moment but still there were kinda black holes in my memory.
“From that moment on I knew you were that special person that someone looks for his whole life and I knew you were my angel” Nick continued.
“Angel?” I thought by myself, something reminded me of the word angel but I couldn’t figure out what. “You know I fell in love with you from the moment I looked in your pretty blue eyes” I said. He just smiled.
“Well we better hurry, it’s almost 11.30am” Nick said and we left our room.
As we came in the hotel lobby, the others were already there, except for my parents and my brother. “Hey guys, were the heck have you been” Brian said as he raised his eyebrow.
“That’s none of your business” Sabrina said.
”Yeah Brokkie, what we do is only our business” Nick said.
“Ah so you two have been naughty” Aj yelled and Nick and I started to blush.
“Hahaha, so you have been” Brian added and the others laughed.
A few minutes later my parents and Jordan arrived and I introduced them to the group.
“So you are the famous Backstreet Boys were my sister is fainting for” my brother joked.
“Yeah well she only faints for me” Nick said with an evil grin.
“I faint for nobody” I laughed and we got to the restaurant were we enjoyed an excellent meal.
“So who’s with who here, if I may ask” Jordan suddenly asked.
“Jordan don’t be so rude” I said.
”It’s ok Patricia, well Aj is with Lindsy, Howie is with Rana, Brian is with Sabrina and I am with this beautiful lady over here, Jasmine” Kevin said and he kissed his girlfriend on the cheek.
”So none of you girls is single” Jordan said with a bit sadness in his voice.
“Yeah Jordan, none of them is single so go find a girl somewhere else” I joked.
“Well sis, watch your mouth or I’ll take your boyfriend” Jordan joked back.
“Ahh no, I’m staying with Patricia” Nick said and he grabbed my hand, looking at me like a baby. “Don’t worry Nicky pooh, I will keep you” I laughed.
”So Nick did you tell her about the other surprise yet” Aj asked.
“No and I won’t as long I’m not ready with it, so could you all please be quiet about it” Nick asked and they all nodded.
”Well, we have practice in about two hours so you’ll all be ready in one hour so we are there in time” Kevin said and we all left the table.
”Nicky pooh, please tell me a little about the surprise” I asked.
“Well the only thing I can tell it is something you love to do.” He said and then he kissed me so I couldn’t ask more questions. When we got back Nick said he wanted to write some letters to his family and I left him alone and went to watch some TV.

Chapter 28.

A few hours later we were at Flanders Expo in Ghent, we had some practice for the dance routines and we were still waiting for Fatima. I was getting ready in the dressing room while the others already went in the concert hall to warm up.
”Patty, hurry up, we need you here” Rana yelled. “I’ll be there in a minute,” I yelled back.
”Geez, why are they so rushed” I asked myself and got to the concert hall. I came in a big hall but it was dark. “Come on you guys, don’t joke with me” I said really loud and you could hear my echo. I thought I heard someone giggling and I went further. I was in the middle of the hall when a light spot went on and shined on me. Then the light moved over at the stage where the rest of the group was standing. They stood there kinda strange. “Ok now let’s practice” I said. Nobody moved.
”Come on you guys, Fatima will be here any minute and I already want to have started by then” I said. Still nobody moved.

Suddenly I heard music and I saw that Kevin was sitting at the piano. The sound was really beautiful and peaceful. I looked around for Nick but I didn’t see him. Then Rana and Jasmine moved from their places and there he was. He looked so gorgeous and he pointed that I should go sit down at the chair that was standing in front of the stage.
Nick started to sing and the words that he sang touched my heart. It even brought tears to my eyes.

You take me higher and smoother
Than any plane
You move me faster and further
Than any train

I’ll never let go

Please let me dry your tears
And take away your fears
Wouldn’t it be nice
Heaven in your eyes

We we’re on a highway to Loveland
I guess we we’re heading that way
You’re in my heart now and somehow
I feel you’re here to stay

I’ll never let go

Please let me dry your tears
And take away your fears
Wouldn’t it be nice
Heaven in your eyes

You shoot in my heart
An arrow of angels
And I feel down
When you’re not around
Let me help you
Spread your angel wings of love

Please let me dry your tears
And take away your fears
Wouldn’t it be nice
Heaven in your eyes

“Wow” was all I could say. I was sitting there in the chair crying like a little baby. The song just touched me so much. “Baby come here” Nick said. I went over to the stage and climbed on it. “Baby, this song is just for you. And I want you to sing it with me on the concert. The boys and the management agreed with it. So what do you say?” he asked. Well all I could say was wow and I was standing there with my mouth open.

“I really love that song but I don’t know if I could sing it with you on stage in front of all your fans” I said. “You have a beautiful voice, it’s strong and soft. And I’m sure that our fans will love it too. After all they are Backstreet Boys fans, aren’t they?” Nick said. “Yeah we have just the best fans, they’ll love it, I’m sure” Kevin added while he was playing with Jasmines hair. “You can do it, we know you can” Aj said. “Well I can give it a try” I said and they all clapped in their hands.
”Shouldn’t you all be practicing?” we heard a female voice say. It was Fatima.
”Hey Fatima, welcome. Will we let them suffer for a while?” I asked. Fatima laughed and nodded.
”Ok you guys, let’s start some hours of dancing hell, like Nick says it” I yelled and we practiced the whole show. Then we all went to a record studio to record the song Nick and I were going to sing and I still had to learn it. It felt so great singing with Nick that I didn’t even had problems learning the song. Though I still needed a lot of training, so that meant a whole week of hard work, cause in a week the tour started and everything had to be perfect.
”Nick, you don’t even realize how much I love you” I said as I kissed him. “I love you too, my love angel” he said. That day was the best day of my life, but I still was afraid of the reaction of the fans next week. I hope they’ll like me.

Song performed by X-Session

Chapter 29
The last week before the concert was really hectic. I worked hard to learn the song together with Nick. Though I was so excited to go on stage with him, I still was afraid of the reaction of the fans. Will they like me? Or will they think I take Nick away from them? All those questions were rising in my head. And the more I thought of it the more I got scared and the less I wanted to go on stage.It was the last day before the premiere and we got the day off. I decided to talk to Nick about my doubts for the concert tomorrow.
”Nick I don’t think I can do it” I said when we were sitting at the breakfast table.
”Baby, relax, everything will be just fine, I promise.” He said.
”But I look like a mess, I still haven’t found what I’m going to wear when we will sing the song and I think I forgot all the dance moves.” I continued my whining.
”Hey come here. Calm down, you don’t have anything to worry about. You’ll find something to wear and you don’t look like a mess, you look beautiful. Go and get some rest, ok.” Nick said and he kissed my forehead. “Ok, I think I could use some sleep” I sighed and I went to bed. I heard Nick talking to someone so I guess he was on the phone. I slowly fell asleep.
A few hours later I heard someone coming into the room.
“Nick sweetie, could we order some pizza for lunch, I don’t feel like going to the hotel restaurant” I said. I heard some giggling and when I looked up I was surprised to see that Nick wasn’t standing there but the four girls.
”Hey girl, get out of your bed, we are going shopping. Nick said you could use a little distraction. And we still need to buy the most beautiful dress for you when you go singing on stage tomorrow.” Jasmine smiled. The four of them pulled me out of bed.
”Ok, ok, I’m coming. What about the guys are they coming too?” I asked.
”Nope, it’s girls only” Rana said.
While we left the hotel room, the five guys were coming towards us and they all had those evil smirks on their faces.
“So you ladies don’t want to have us near you, so you can go shopping” Kevin asked.
“Yep, we want to go alone, we don’t need you guys. By the way there will be enough cute guys out there to wear our bags” Lindsy joked and she got a weird look from Aj.
“Can’t I come with you girls and give you some clothing advice” Aj asked.
”Nope Aj, we are going alone and we are leaving now” Jasmine said as she gave her boyfriend a sweet look and a kiss on the lips.
“Miss you already” Kevin said to her.
“Miss you already too” she whispered back and then we left.
“Don’t worry to much” Nick yelled at me as we got in the elevator.The shops in Ghent were awesome, I especially loved those little shops where you could get things you couldn’t find somewhere else. And then I saw it, a little silver heart that you could break in two, the one half you gave your loved one and the other one you wore yourself. I couldn’t resist and I bought it.
Then we went looking for something to wear. We went to several shops but I just couldn’t find something, I already gave up the hope to find something special. We decided to go back to the hotel as we walked by a little boutique. I looked inside and there I saw it, the perfect dress.
“Wow it’s so beautiful” they said in a choir and I tried it on.
It’s was dark green, It was sleeveless, but had small green straps, the dress was long and the skirt was flowing.
”It just fits perfect, what do you think girls?” I asked them and they just stood there with their mouths open.
”You look so great, you will knock Nick down when he sees you in that” Jasmine commented.
”That’s the whole point, isn’t it? I said and we laughed.When we returned the boys were already waiting for us when we all entered Nick and my hotelroom.
”Wow I thought you girls would never come back” Howie said.
”Well we just wanted that she looked perfect for her big performance tomorrow and we needed an afternoon without you guys hanging around us” Sabrina said and she pointed at me.
”So you found something to wear?” Nick asked.
”Yep I found something but you’ll only see it tomorrow at the concert, not a second earlier.” I said.
”Ok, since this is our last free evening, we have planned something special for you girls, so when you all would get ready, then we’ll meet again here in a half hour” Kevin said as he pulled Jasmine out of the room. The others went to their own rooms too.
”So what have a ya planned?” I asked Nick when they all had left.
”Well we first go have a nice dinner and then we go dancing.” Nick said.
”Oh by the way, I have something for you” I said and I pulled the two necklaces with the half hearts. ”Here I said, to show you how much I love you” I said as I handed the necklace over to Nick.
”Wow, it’s beautiful and now everyone will know we belong together” he said and he gave me a kiss. ”Well we better get ready” I said.
The evening was just perfect. The guys had asked the hotel management for a private place where we could have dinner. They had decorated the room with red roses and there was playing some soft music in the background. They boys handed us a rose and we had a great dinner. After that we went to a local famous club and we just danced the night away.
Once in a while some fans came asking the guys for some autographs and all of them were very nice to us, when the boys introduced us to their fans. I hoped they just could all be like that. They suddenly played Richard Marx’ song Right here waiting. That was one of my favorite songs and Nick asked me like a total gentleman to dance with him.
”So you’re feeling better now?” he suddenly asked.
”Yes and I’m happier then I have ever been” I said and I laid my head on Nicks chest.
”Great” he said.
”Nick, I love you” I whispered and he held me tighter and whispered sweet words back in my ear.

Chapter 30

It was about an half hour before the show started. At the moment Tatyana Ali was on stage and the Belgian fans seemed to like her. Nicks personal dancer could already dance again but she couldn’t do the entire show, so we decided that she would do the first half of the show, so I could get ready for my performance with Nick, that would be the fifth song of the show, after that Nicole, would still do two songs and then I was up for the rest of the show.
The boys were really nervous though they didn’t show it, but we girls just felt that. We knew this show was a milestone in their careers cause they hadn’t been in Belgium for over a year and they weren’t quite sure if the fans still liked them and what they would say of their new show. We knew the boys were scared of that, so we planned a little something for them right before the show. In the afternoon we went to the place were the fans were waiting for the big night and we invited some of them in. While the boys were rehearsing their songs, we made a little show ourselves with the fans we invited. We learned them some dance moves from larger than life and changed the lyrics a bit to the song.
”So you girls are ready to meet the boys and do the thing we learned this afternoon?” I asked the five girls we invited.
“Yeah but geeeez I think I’m gonna get sick , I am so nervous” Cindy, one of the girls said and I saw her face turned white.
”Hey I know what you mean, so take a deep breath and think that you know the boys for a long time, like they are old friends and everything will be just fine” I said and I hugged her.
”Girls get ready, they are coming” Jasmine shouted as she threw the door open.
“We know how much you guys are scared of the reaction of the fans, so we planned a little something for you guys” Jasmine said as the five of them entered the room and were surprised to see that there were fans.
”You girls are just crazy” Nick commented and he came towards we to give me a kiss on my forehead. I kinda got afraid how the five girls would react but they just smiled cause they finally could see their fave guys very near.
”Ok, girls, get started” Rana shouted..
”Hey you boys, can’t you see, can’t you see, how your music is affecting our fantasy, everytime we’re down, you can make it right, and that makes you larger than life” the five girls sang and we could see that the boys were getting a little more relaxed.
”Wow that was great. Thanks beauty” He said and he pulled Jasmine into a big hug.
The boys chatted a few minutes with the fans and they invited them for the aftershow party that is planned.
”Jasmine, I think you should talk to Patricia, she is still nervous and it’s her first performance ever, I think she could use some advice” Kevin asked his girlfriend.
“Sure I will” she said and she gave him a gentle smile.
“Ok, see you then in 20 minutes, when the show starts” Kev said and he kissed her before the five left the room.
“Patty?” Jasmine said.
“Yeah? Is there something wrong?” I asked.
”No, no, it’s just I see you are very nervous and I think you could use some advice from someone who has already been on stage” Jasmine said.
”I’m not nervous” I protested.
“Yeah, running from the one to the other side of the room, playing with your fingers all da time and keep checking your hair, yeah, you aren’t nervous” Jasmine laughed.
“Ok, I am, but aren’t you?” I asked.
”Of course I am, but I’m having myself under control. When I first went on stage, I imagined that every single person in the room was naked, made me laugh and I had no problems doing the show. Just remember, be yourself on stage, and do the best you can, and everything will be just fine” Jasmine smiled.
“Thanks for the advice, I really can use it” I said and I gave Jasmine a hug.
”You’ll be the best out there, you’ll make them love you” Jasmine said and then she hurried up to the stage, cause the show was beginning every minute now. I got back to my dressing room, getting ready for my performance. I took the dress and put it on and then one of the make up people came doing my hair. Then all I could do was waiting till it was time to go on stage.
”Hey my little girl, you look so beautiful and you make so proud” I heard someone saying. It was my dad and my mother and brother were behind him.
”Thanks daddy” I said and I held him very tight.
”You’ll be the most beautiful girl out there and you’ll be the best” Jordan said and I was surprised he even said that. “I love you guys” I said and I had trouble to keep back my tears.
The fourth song just started so I had to go. The nearer I came to the stage, the faster my heart beated. I felt like throwing up but the thought of being on stage with the person I loved made me feel better.
Nick is just the best thing that ever happened to me and I couldn’t let him down now. I heard the last tunes to the fourth song and I knew the moment had come.
”Hey, how do you like the show so far?” I heard Nick asking the fans and they shouted as loud as they could.
“Well the next song I’m going to perform without the other fours but I’m gonna get help from someone. It’s a song I wrote for that person. That person is the girl I love, the girl of my dreams, the girl that gave me wings to fly, my angel of love. I know you’re going to like her too and please give her a warm applause. Here she is, my girlfriend, Patricia and we are going to do the song Angel Wings of Love” Nick said and I got on stage with the blood rushing through my veins. How are they going to react was all I could think of that moment.

Chapter 31
A few more steps and 15 000 people were going to see who I was, who the girl was who stole Nicks heart.
Nick was waiting with excitement and he had a huge smile on his face and then there she was, his girl. His mouth dropped open as he saw her. The dress she was wearing was just breath taking and she looked so beautiful. He always saw her in pants and tops or shirts but she rarely wore a dress. Her hair was put up with something that looked like a dolphin. Nick just couldn’t take away the eyes from her, so much beauty he had never seen before, he thought by himself and at that very moment he just wanted to take her in his arms and take her some place where they were all alone, where he could show her what she did to him and how much he loved her.The crowd was so quiet and he saw that it scared her. For a moment he thought Patricia would run off stage again but she came towards him and she even got a little smile on her face as she saw him look at her with astonishment.
”Hey, you see I told you she would knock him down, he almost can’t concentrate” Jasmine joked and the rest of the group laughed along.
“She will be just fine, the fans will like her I’m sure of it.” Aj commented and the others nodded in agreement.
The tunes to Angel Wings of Love started and they all kept their fingers crossed. Nick was still staring at me as I came standing beside him.
“You look wow, so amazing, you take my breath away. Are you ready my angel of love?” he asked and he took my hand.
”I sure am,” I said.
Nick started to sing and I saw that the fans liked the song but do they like me? Then it was my turn, I sang the song with all I could give and I must admit I sounded very good.
Somehow I suddenly didn’t care anymore if they liked me or not, the most important thing was that I was with Nick and that I did my best and the best is good enough for me even if people don’t like it.The song was over and everyone waited in suspense, the crowd was still so awfully quiet.
I thought, that’s it and wanted to leave the stage but suddenly a loud cheering and clapping came up and the fans shouted that they wanted more.
I ran over to Nick and jumped in his arms.
“They like me, they really like me,” I said and tears of happiness came in my eyes.
“Of course they do, they see how much I love you and how much you love me” Nick said, “Say something to them,” he added.
”Wow, you are a wonderful public and you can’t imagine how nervous I was to come on stage cause I thought you wouldn’t like me” I started, “ but I thought wrong, you fans are really great and I must say the Backstreet Boys fans are the best. And I know Nick loves you all with all his heart and you can be sure I will never take him away from his fans. You guys are the best and I love you” I ended my little speech and again a loud cheering and clapping came up.
”Thanks Nick, I love you,” I whispered in his ear and I left stage where the rest was waiting.
”You were great,” they all said in a choir and they all hugged me.
“Thanks you guys, I didn’t think I could have done it without your help, so thank you so much, I love you all my friends” I said and then they disappeared on stage for the next song Don’t want you back.
I went back to my dressing room to change outfit and I was so happy that I didn’t even see my parents coming in again.
”Girl you were so great, you make us so proud” my mom said and I saw she had been crying.
”Thanks mom, hey don’t cry,” I said as I hugged her.
“The song was just so beautiful and emotional,” she said snickering again.
”Well I got to go for the rest of the show. I love you and thank you so much for supporting me,” I said and I ran towards the stage, now with a happy feeling.The rest of the show went great and the fans were just so wonderful.
After the show there was a party and everyone congratulated me with my performance and I was getting more proud of myself.
”Baby, you were the best one tonight” Nick said as we finally had a bit time for us alone.
”Thanks but I couldn’t have done it without you” I said and slipped my arms around Nicks waist. “And if Jasmine hadn’t talked to me before I had to go on stage I probably wouldn’t even had made it to the stage” I said and I looked in the direction of Jasmine and Kevin.
They looked so happy together. They were dancing and they held each other so tight like they never wanted to let each other go.
“You know Jasmine is just perfect for Kevin, look at them so happy, they are just made for each other” I commented. “Yeah she is. Thinking that she first didn’t want to go on a date with him. She was kinda like you. She was afraid that she was only a flirt to Kevin and she only wanted to be friends. But Kevin convinced her and since then they are inseparable. I think Jasmine never regretted saying yes to Kevin after all.” Nick said.
”Well I was kinda stubborn, wasn’t I?” I asked Nick.
“Yeah you were but I’m so happy you opened your heart to me after all” Nick said and he held me tighter.
“I guess I would have been a fool if I would have let you go but I didn’t and you are the best thing that ever could have happened to me. You make me so happy and I love you so much” I said and I lied my head on his shoulder.
“I love you too,” he whispered.
He gave me a passionate kiss and now I was really sure of one thing, Nick was my angel, my angel with wings of love.

Chapter 32

The rest of the tour was just fabulous, the fans liked me and I loved being on stage with Nick and the rest of the group.
Somewhere in the middle of the European tour, Brian asked Sabrina to marry her and she said yes.
When we had our free days we did something together with the whole group or we spent the day alone as couples. We visited the most beautiful places but I especially loved our trip to Brugge, Belgium, where we went to an amusement park that was based on the dolphins and whales, a very beautiful park but I especially loved the dolphin show, cause I love dolphins and Nick does too.
There Nick bought me a necklace with a dolphin hanger, it’s so adorable.Today we had another free day before we went back to Florida. Yesterday the boys did their last European show and they made a big party of it and we had a big party after the show too.
We decided to fly over to Paris to spend a day visiting the city, since we didn’t get the chance to visit it when we were there.
”So what do you all want to visit first?” Kevin asked the group.
“I wanna go to the Eiffel tower” Sabrina yelled.
“I want to go to the Louvre” Jasmine said.
“Yeah me too” Rana agreed.
”Well how about we split up and meet here again for dinner?” I suggested since I wanted to spent some time alone with Nick and I wanted to go to Place Du Tertre, the most romantic place in Paris, where you had a view on the whole city. It was a sort of a magic place.
“Sounds great” Kevin said “so we meet again here at seven” he continued.
Then we all left to the places we wanted to go.
“So baby, where do you want to go?” Nick asked me as he slipped his around my waist.
”I’ll take you to the most beautiful place in Paris” I said as I gave him a little kiss.
”Sounds great to me” He said and we walked further in silence. There didn’t have to be anything said and we enjoyed it just holding hands, telling each other how we feel without using words. About a half hour later we were at the top of Paris.
“Wow it’s beautiful here. You truly know how to something special, my angel” Nick said.
”Thanks, I would make everything special just for you Nick. You make me the happiest girl in the whole world. I don’t even deserve you. You’re the most gentle, nicest person I’ve met. I love you Nickolas Gene Carter” I said.
” I love you too, my angel who gave me wings of love” Nick whispered in my ear.
Our lips searched for each other and when they found each other they touched. It was the most passionate and romantic kiss I’ve ever had and I refused to let go cause I felt happier then ever. Nick and I sat down on the floor, enjoying the view on the view on the city and enjoying each other’s present.
“We were meant to be and will never be apart” Nick said.
“We stay together till death do us part” I said.
“And beyond that. We’ll be together as angels too” he said.
Forever and always I thought and when Nick said the word Angel it reminded me of something and I looked up to the sky. It was like I saw a face smiling at me.
“Beyond eternity Nick. I love you” I whispered.

~~ In Heaven ~~

“Well we have done a great job, haven’t we?” GA leader one asked.
”Yeah we did and we’ll make sure those two will never be apart. Wow I’m so proud of myself” GA leader three said.
”Well we can be proud, two lonely souls have found each other cause of us, even though we had some difficulties we managed to get them together” GA leader one smiled.
”Ok well then lets get ready for our next job” GA leader two said.
”Yeah, let’s see, her name is Diandra and we have to bring her together with, uhm, hold on a minute, oh yeah with Leonardo Dicaprio, the guy from titanic” GA leader three said.
”Oh and there she is “ Two said.
”Welcome Diandra, ready for your first guardian angel job?” One asked her.
”Yeah, well, but why do I get some famous kid?” she asked.
All the eight leaders laughed.
“Well where did we hear that line before?” Five laughed and they all thought back on the day they met Patricia. The one who didn’t want a famous kid either in the beginning, but look how that turned out……..

The End!"

2006-08-01 17:55:02 · answer #2 · answered by OneRunningMan 6 · 0 0

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