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i have a website on freewebs.com .... recently i felt the need to upload a forum to my site ... do i need to buy webspace or is it ok if i have a free account ... how do i install PHP and wat do i require to have ???

2006-08-01 07:56:55 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Computers & Internet Programming & Design

5 answers

To install PHP you would need to have direct access to the servers, I don't think freewebs gives you that, but I may be wrong. You can find a hosting company that already supports PHP (my site is hosted through 1and1.com and they support PHP, many other hosting companies do as well).

2006-08-01 08:28:31 · answer #1 · answered by John J 6 · 4 2

Get godaddy.com hosting at $4 a month. They have a forum template you can use or build your own from PHP as they offer PHP hosting. Freewebs.com is very limited. I highly doubt freewebs.com will let you install PHP.

2006-08-01 08:21:01 · answer #2 · answered by rob 3 · 0 0

frequently, you need to't in the present day delete from better than one table with a unmarried DELETE question. besides the reality that, what you need to in a roundabout way do is specify CASCADE DELETE on your referential integrity distant places key constraints. That way, once you delete a row from diverse varieties, which will cascade the deletes down by SCATEGORIES and products proper away. as well, if a subcategory row is deleted, which could cascade merely into products.

2016-11-27 19:26:38 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The server should run php (php interpreter) if not, your php scripts will be not able to executed.
if you like to install php in your computer please check here:

2006-08-01 08:12:17 · answer #4 · answered by Mag 7 · 0 0

you should use server that say soppurt php and etc
in other hand you should chose another server.

2006-08-01 08:05:08 · answer #5 · answered by ? 1 · 0 0

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