Great SAP sites
a piece of the information there:
Welcome to the SAP Help Portal
The SAP Help Portal provides web-based documentation for all SAP Solutions.
This enables you to search the online library for the right information where and when you need it.
SAP Help Portal
This website houses and makes available all online documentation (SAP Library) for SAP solutions.
It also has additional information about documentation, education services, and information design at SAP.
The SAP Library is a comprehensive collection of information about the relevant SAP products.
Its contents can be accessed either from the SAP System via the help menu items SAP Library or Application Help or directly from the CD-ROM on which it is delivered.
The SAP Library is created, translated, and managed using SAP's standard authoring and translation environment, SAP Knowledge Warehouse.
a piece of the information there:
Welcome to We have just started this web site with a great intension of helping sap abap job seekers and sap
abap developers. In this web site you can get information regarding all sap abap.
Areas we are trying to cover in this website includes:
areas like reports, sapscripts, smartforms, sap abap faq, bdc, conversions, ale, edi, idoc, bapi, badi, alv, user exits, sox, lsmw,
enhancements, customer exits, rfc, and modules like sd, mm, pp, pm, hr, fico and new technologies like netweaver, xi, scm, sem,
crm, apo, sap abap faqs etc..
As we have just started this web site, we may not be able to cover all the topics specified , but we are sure that in due course of time
we will publish all important information. We wish you all the best.
a piece of the information there:
122. DON'T QUIT YOUR DAY JOB YET. One day you are a drone, slaving away for an employer. The next day you are a glamorous free-lance pursued by affluent clients. No, it does not work that way. The best approach is for you to get some consulting engagements while working on a regular job that makes your mortgage payments. Gradually accumulate enough reputation and long-term projects to make a transition to full-time consulting. Don't be sneaky, though. Inform your employer and get permission. Some of my successful consultant-friends have a mutually-beneficial arrangement that enables them to work part-time both as an external consultant and as an internal consultant for their corporation. (ST)
A piece of the information there:
SAP and ERP - Business Software Application information including ABAP - SAP Training in India and SAP Training in USA
ERP stands for -Enterprise Resource Planning (in English)
2006-08-01 20:56:26
answer #1
answered by roy_s_jones 6
There could also be a virulent disease affecting many conifers,notably Cupressus Leylandii.As defined,the foliage turns brown and crisp,progressively death off.There are plenty of examples on this facet of the united kingdom,from my announcement the affected bushes die very slowly and keep upright within the soil.Despite the truth that unpleasant,they seem to be at ease,if it is protecting an eyesore endorse getting the opinion of a tree surgeon previous than having it felled. Hope this is helping,many persons circular approximately have hedges which will also be suffering nevertheless are leaving them.
2016-08-28 14:30:21
answer #2
answered by Anonymous