By the way your spelling has a lot to be desired surely you mean "conscience".
Yes I have a Conscience. No one in the WORLD with a Conscience - if they have any fairness, impartiality, reason and sanity - should be griping about Israel ALONE. Unless of course you are Mel Gibson.
There are TWO sides in this conflict. Israel's response has not been disproportionate - otherwise Truth really is the First Casualty of War.
I have seen too many Anti-Zionist, Anti-Israeli, Anti-Semitic Rants on this site. We need to stop Demonising the Other Side.
If Peace is ever going to be achieved - We NEED a Balanced, Constructive and Impartial debate without Prejudice (Anti-Semitism included)?
Here are some Facts and History:
* 600 civilians have died in Lebanon in 3 weeks - tragic we know - but this is nothing compared to the numbers of civilian casualties in the Gulf Wars. More die in a day in Afghanistan and Iraq from the Taliban and Al Qaida. And what about Mumbai.
Please note that more Muslim civilians have been killed in NON-ISRAELI (and Non-American) ACTIONS then in ALL conflicts Israel has been involved in since 1948.
* Hezbollah STARTED this war. Hezbollah are in flagrant VIOLATION of United Nations Resolution 1559 calling for the disarmament of Hezbollah and ALL private armies in Lebanon.
Why do Hezbollah need a Private Army when there is a clearly defined Roadmap to Peace with a democratic process of dialogue and negotiation? Why do Hezbollah need a Private Army when there is a Lebanese Army, and they are supposed to be participating members of a democratically elected Lebanese Government?
The fact is Hebollah are better armed, better equipped and better trained than the Lebanese Army. The IDF says they are the BEST Arab soldiers they have ever encountered.
* WHY did Hezbollah start this war? When Israel WITHDREW from Lebanon 6 years ago in GOOD FAITH for the Cause of Peace as defined in The Roadmap to Peace. Answer: Because Hezbollah DOES NOT RECOGNISE ISRAEL'S RIGHT TO EXIST. Is this how Israel should EXPECT to get rewarded for IT'S EFFORTS FOR PEACE? Wouldn't all that Money
spent on weapons by Hezbollah have been put to better use being spent on the women and children dying or suffering in misery as a result of this stupid war.
* WHO Supplied Hezbollah? Answer: Iran and Syria. For what Purpose? Don't tell me it was for Peace.
* The original United Nations Peace Keeping force failed to keep the Peace, enforce United Nations Resolution 1559, and prevent Hezbollah Arming. This is a sad indictment of the UN and its UTTER DERELICTION OF DUTY in preventing this Tragedy.
* If Israel REALLY wanted to inflict civilian casualties - they have the firepower to kill TENS of thousands. The difference is Israels weapons however SURGICAL are going kill some civilians when Hezbollah site all their weapons and missiles in the middle of densely populated civilian areas using the basements of schools and mosques as hideouts. Hezbollah are sadly using women and children as HUMAN SHIELDS. This shows how much Hezbollah REALLY CARE about their own people. Just think how difficult this situation is for the Israeli army - they even killed their own troops in "friendly fire" last week - so it is obvious the IDF are NOT killing civilians on purpose.
This is in stark contrast to Hezbollah who are firing hundreds of missiles and rockets indicriminately against civilians in Israel every day. These are NOT Surgical weapons. But I guess it is not regarded as an atrocity when women and children in Israel get hit.
It is VERY SIMPLE to have PEACE - Hezbollah only need to go back to the Roadmap to Peace - stop firing missiles, promise to disarm, fight their battles through the ballot box rather than the bullet, stick to internal affairs in their own country Lebanon, and stop violating the territorial integrity of Israel. Can they be adults about this?
Will they Give Peace a Chance?
2006-08-01 07:59:16
answer #1
answered by Hebrew Hammer 3
Yes the world has a conscious. The ones that don't are the terrorists. Firstly, I don't know where you live, but in England, the BBC are so anti Israel, it's unbelievable, and the rest of the world knows that its not just me saying that. Watch them, and you get a biased report..they never show the Israelies getting injured or dead..and why the hell are all the pics from Lebanon only shown of women and children?? where the hell are the men there?
Btw, another point to point out...which not everyone knows. Hizbollah tend to hide themselves amongst civillians, that's why unfortunately many have died. It's terribly sad what's going on. But what choice does Isreal have? They were minding their own business..hell they keep giving back land to the bloody terrorists..for what?? to be bombed at? The palastinians isntad of using Gaza as a civilised place,build it up etc, no they use it as a military base. I don't see any sense in that. Lebanon have been firing rockets into Israel for years...just noone knew about it. But when they entered Israel and kidnapped their soilders..that was too much for the Israelis..they had to rightfully defend themselves. (Imagine Mexico kidnapped two soldeirs from US, or Scotland did that to England...what would their response be?)
If you have Sky or in the States, watch Fox, it's much more balanced.
2006-08-01 03:32:46
answer #2
answered by wicked 1
Well let's think about this. WWAD? If a terrorist group operating out of Canada had kidnapped American soldiers with the full backing of Canada for basically no reason, what would America do? Especially if Canada had been firing rockets into say, Chicago. Now let's say that those terrorists had set up in Canadian civilian homes--what would America do? I think we all know the answer to this question, and it goes for basically every other country in the world. Edit: Lebanon is the host to the parasitic Hezbollah. Lebanon hasn't done anything to deter Hezbollah, to stop them, to thwart them--that alone is backing enough.
2016-03-27 12:08:43
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
You would not give a damn if it was British or USA babies dying. All they have to do is stop and then the whole world will be watching. terrorists love those who show weakness, it's a white flag that says carry on. Would you be so concerned if a terrorist killed you family? Whilst conflicts do not affect one, then it is easy to point fingers and denounce those who believe in an eye or more for an eye. Shout at the ones who want terror to continue, and allow the ones who fear not, to return the terror. You had no one in London or USA that died for nothing, if you had, you would not be cursing the avengers. Strength and power are what they understand and worship, they are not Europeans in ,ind nor action. One side or the other has to stop, the side that can make the most difference, will be the side that is perceived to be the aggressor.
2006-08-01 02:07:11
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Both sides, Hezbollah AND Israel are fucked up and wrong and evil. and equally so. they both are killing innocents and deliberately taking actions that they know in advance will kill innocents. If I did that I would go to jail at least for manslaughter if not murder.
The only way to stop this is for the US and China and Iran and Russia and the UK and the EU to agree to stop funding either side. Stop the cheques and the fighting will stop! then if they still carry on, then we should remove them from that land. Yeah Nuke the whole middle east if that's what it takes. Give all the political leaders in the region 1 month to make a genuine peace, do not allow them on ANY flights or boats out of the region, then if they have not worked it out.... BANG Israel, Lebanon, Syria Iraq, Iran Turkey the whole middle east GONE!
See if that gets peace.
2006-08-01 02:03:07
answer #5
answered by kenhallonthenet 5
The same man may well support Hezbollah that kidnapped two Israeli soldiers and wants to swap them for a man in an Israeli jail , who broke into a house shot the father in front of his 4 year old daughter and then beat her brains out with a rifle but. What did this man do to stop Hezbollah from firing rockets at Israeli women and children? You cant have it both ways , you need to behaviour like a civilised human being to be treated like one.
2006-08-01 01:56:20
answer #6
answered by brinlarrr 5
Basically the Hezbollah was founded by Iran’s regime at first . They have a similar religion with this group and the nature of the group was to terrorising the region because their main slogan is to demolish Israel from the region .
And now is a good time to re-direct the international attention from their Nuclear crisis.
I believe we should support Iran's progressive people to get rid of the state terrorist that oppressed them daily.
2006-08-01 02:11:30
answer #7
answered by Better life @ Better 1
Wars have always gone on and particularly in that part of the world. Why should now be any different? The warring factions have always killed civilians and babies back to the days of the saracens and the crusaders..... so I guess if you can be shocked at something that has been going on continuously for 1000 years then perhaps you need a fresh weltanschauung.
2006-08-01 02:08:14
answer #8
answered by eriverpipe 7
No, the world for the most part doesn't care about what is going on around them until it effects them personally.
Do you care there are millions of people starving in Africa? Do you care that there is suffering all over the world, not just in these two small places in the mid east? Where is the outrage about all the people killed in China during the floods?
We are just caught up in a war between two VERY small places, and we ignore everything else
2006-08-01 01:57:18
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
israel taking the piss ,in israeli jails there are hundreds of innocent people locked without trial but no ne call this kiddnapping if hizbullah kidnap one soldier then they came in action why they didnt do anything before hizbullah was there but the thing is as the america made an excuse to invade afghanistan and iraq same thing is happning there,look at the kashmir lots of killing from both sides every day but if pakistan was as lebanon they would take action as they took on lebanon
2006-08-01 02:16:16
answer #10
answered by mmyy sseellff 2