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Are we living in a "SOFT PRISON" Society?

Do you like living this way?

There are cameras watching you at every bank and 98% of the stores

You and your belongings have to be searched at most government buildings, and you are really searched at the airports

The Schools are getting Guards and metal detectors

Newborn babies have to be issued a Social Security Number

Video cameras on the roads and toll booths, and parking lots

The government has given themselves the authority to wire tap your home without just cause or a court order.

Internet communications are being monitored by the government under the disguise of the "Patriot act"

US mail and any incoming shipments are now subject to random searches including the use of powerful X-ray equipment that can penetrate a Semi trailer.

And there are many more forms of covert observation.

Is this really to be safe or is it a government control issue ?

"Soft Prison" really says it clear and out right.

2006-07-31 23:58:36 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

Hello Dave,

Thank you for taking the time and answering my question.
I have to say that the intent of the question is basically that we have lost our freedom, the very basis of what this country is all about.

It really seems like the Government is watching us and not the enemy that wants to hurt us.

For example.

I took my "Clearly American family" on vacation -

Out of all the single people of all races and colors, that would be a more likely bomber.

They chose the family of four with the children ages 8 and 10 to do the random search on just before we boarded the plane.


Was it because he knew we were the safe ones to search?

2006-08-01 00:27:17 · update #1

2 answers

I would have to say if you dont like it move to the middle east? They dont have cameras there.....Its there for your protection dummy! I aint got nuthin to hide, do you?

2006-08-01 00:04:34 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 10 5

A little paranoid are we? I could care less if the government watches my E-Mails and listens on the phone. Maybe they could intercept some of the telemarketers calls for me. And have you noticed in new permissive society that children who are now never spanked are killing each other at school. I am glad that they are putting metal detectors at school doors if it keeps my daughter from getting shot or stabbed. Get real and worry about something worthwhile like getting robbed in a mall parking lot. But on the bright side they may catch the robber on camera! Video cameras on the roads, sounds like a great way to catch drunk drivers that kill thousands of Americans each year. Maybe if that X-Ray technology was around in Oklahoma all those people would be alive at the Federal building. And if I had as much money as a bank I'd have cameras too. I'm not concerned as I don't plan to do anything in a bank that's X rated anyway. I do that at home ( It is possible that one of those freeway cameras might catch me enjoying the road though)

2006-08-01 00:14:59 · answer #2 · answered by mark g 6 · 0 0