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2006-07-31 21:37:31 · 11 answers · asked by alexandros t 2 in Politics & Government Government

11 answers

Bush is made of STEEL?!! He's a ROBOT?!?!?! OMG! Call the King of France!

2006-07-31 21:44:33 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Because he is the greatest President that ever served
and will go down in history that way, thank God for Bush
so you can sleep at night, it all fell apart when Clinton was in office and did nothing about the levies for 8 years he did nothing, and then the towers and bush gets blamed for this remember they were learning to fly the planes, when Clinton was in office that says something so, God Bless Bush don't blame em on failed Clinton administration

2006-08-01 06:14:23 · answer #2 · answered by Mechanical 6 · 0 0

You mean "why is bush STILL a president"?

Because the Congress, like most of the government, is corrupt and self-serving. They kiss Chimpy's a$$ because it's beneficial for them to do so. They have nothing to gain by doing the right thing and impeaching him.

2006-08-01 04:43:07 · answer #3 · answered by The Man In The Box 6 · 0 0

I have never met PRESIDENT Bush, so I can't say whether I like him or not. I'm not intellectually challenged or DEFICIENT and actually, I'm not even a Republican.However, I don't think many people could have led our country better the last six years, except maybe me, lol. J/K. I do wish we could raise FDR from the dead though, he would have been awesome right about now! And, oh yeah, he was a Democrat, not that it matters...
So here's why I approve of PRESIDENT Bush as President:
He hasn't defended himself on Hurricane Katrina. Everyone wants to blame him, but really, Louisiana is NOT the only state that was heavily damaged by the hurricane. What about Mississippi? Oh, that's right, their STATE government took care of them...and they asked for federal aid immediately. In New Orleans, it was announced by the mayor, the senator, and the governor that they did not need federal aid the day after the hurricane. Yet after all hell broke loose, the National Guard was sent in...and quickly.
The wire-tapping was a great idea. Too bad the media got ahold of it. Why was it a great idea? Because it allowed the government to listen in on calls placed from known Al Qaida operatives to the US. They were NOT listening in on Joe Schmoe telling his best friend how much p***y he got the other night, or Jane Doe telling her sister how much pot she smoked. So, nice job media, ruining that one.
The so-called "leak", which was in fact the disclosure of DECLASSIFIED information. The CIA agent that was "outed" hadn't been a covert agent for over five years. Yet President Bush isn't defending himself on that either.
He's been accused of "lying" about the WMD's, and yet hasn't defended himself. I really wish people would get over that one, because no matter how many times they're told that the Democrats "lied", and the soldiers over there (and who were there in the last three years) that have found evidence that there HAD been WMD's also "lied"...they won't listen.
I could say much more on how he's NOT a bad president, but I'm not going to waste my time. If some of these people REALLY wanted to know, they would watch FahrenHYPE 9/11 (which disproves much of Michael Moore's lovely
"documentary"), stop watching Loose Change, and maybe take a look at truthorfiction.com, snopes.com, popularmechanics.com (and search for the story about debunking the 9/11 conspiracy myths), or www.strategypage.com (and search for the story on the War in Iraq).
Here's what I like about President Bush:
He's true to his word, especially away from the cameras. I've heard many stories about how he shows his respect for our Armed Forces members, has taken the time to pray with someone just because they asked him, given hugs and comfort to those who have lost loved ones in 9/11 and the War...
Overall, he shows his integrity in private. That's what matters most to me. I couldn't care less about how well he speaks (or doesn't, as we all know is true), because that's his public face.
I like the fact that he illegalized partial-birth abortion within his first few months in office, yet has left abortion alone other than that, even though he feels it's wrong.
I love the fact that he doesn't listen to the war protesters, and instead listens to the soldiers on the ground. Most of them say we CAN'T pull out...and we'd better not. Also, many of them have said that even though they were injured, they would go again and again. I saw that on, if I remember correctly, CBS news, which, as most conservatives know, leans to the left. I've also talked to many soldiers myself, and most of them have told me the same thing.
Most people that have met him say he's not the "bumbling idiot" many think he is. He's actually very poised, respectful, and most of all, he demands respect without saying a word. I've known people that met the President, one of which didn't like him at all until they met him, and voted for him in 2004 based on their impressions.
This is a man that despite the opposition, has offered very little criticism. Sure, he said to the UN, "If you're not with us, you're against us." He was right at the time, and now...they're with us. Even the UN has admitted that we're doing a fine job in Iraq, and that the country's come along infinitely quicker than they initially thought. More countries are volunteering to help us, too.
I would put more reasons, but I figure it's a waste of time. I'm not going to convince anyone that I'm right, and anyone that already has an opinion isn't open to anything else.
I'll just put it this way: I've heard all the reasons that people hate President Bush, and not one of them is valid. Not one of them holds any weight, or contains logic. And believe me when I say that I WANT to hear a real reason to hate the guy, just so I don't have to face the fact that most of my friends are wrong

2006-08-02 02:13:27 · answer #4 · answered by chippychip 3 · 0 0

Because he is having a steel body, steel teeth and steel decisions!

2006-08-01 04:46:48 · answer #5 · answered by SESHADRI K 6 · 0 0

Why shouldn't he be? Stupidity is no reason to be impeached. He is just an idiot who thinks that he is right and does good things by starting wars and helping those who do the same.

2006-08-01 05:04:46 · answer #6 · answered by ak2005ok 4 · 0 0

because he was elected for a 2nd term in 2004 for four more years so he will be president untill 200....wait be right back getting my calculator.

2006-08-01 04:46:12 · answer #7 · answered by crusinthru 6 · 0 0

Because he praised god in every sentence he speaks. He tricked people.

People were asking for it when they voted him and then re-voted for him.

Let's all hate god.

Wait... he doesn't exist.

2006-08-01 04:43:55 · answer #8 · answered by Petey 3 · 0 0

Because you havent done your duty and Impeached him at....

2006-08-01 04:41:48 · answer #9 · answered by soulsearcher 5 · 0 0

Very good question. But, please, spell correctly. Still, not steel

2006-08-01 05:45:25 · answer #10 · answered by ride2cowboy 4 · 0 0