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one point alot of people make about communism not being good is how one person can be lazy and still get paid the same as some one who works his or her *** off, doesnt this happen (in america) today? I mean i work my *** off but i still lose a good two days a week toward taxes, some of which go toward lazy people who suck out welfare and other forms of funding from the government (i am by NO_MEANS saying that ALL welfare receipiants are lazy most rightfully need it but some just milk the system).

another reason people give for communism being flawed is people say that a doctor for example should make more then a mechanic or other blue collard worker since they play a more vitale role, well i used to do mechanics and if i forgot to tighten up your ball joint and it let loose @100mph on the highway killing you and your three children wouldnt that mean i had as much a crucial role as a doctor? or if a construction laborer didnt pour your foundation right and your house collaspsed on

2006-07-31 21:04:20 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Government

You wouldn’t he have the same weight on his shoulders as a doctor who misdiagnosed or gave a wrong presciption? Why would communism REALLY be so wrong given that most of the flaws that people ***** about are evident even in todays society? And if it only works in smaller groups then wouldn’t forming smaller groups out of larger countries help with this problem? What are some of your thoughts on this either abut communism in general or how it could actually be applied and made to work right for once

2006-07-31 21:04:30 · update #1

11 answers

Look, communism has failed since Jesus and his Apostles in ancient times to the experimental communities in the United States. Any working group of individuals using communist ideals has failed soon after the strong leader that manged it became dead.

Greed is what makes man leave the house in the morning and go forage. A community stomach is what makes an ant colony survive.

What makes America ugly is we have confused capitalism with religion.

2006-07-31 21:15:38 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If you judge a political system by its flaws, then look at the statistics on those flaws. It is one thing to find the occasional bad apple; it is quite another to have a system that rewards the bad apples at the expense of the good ones.

In a commercial enterprise, some people get away with things and some people work more than others, but there is a system that rewards the hard worker and punishes the bum (once he's caught). Don't go by what happens in a union shop, however: unions are socialist in concept.

Look at what happens in a small business. If the boss tolerates slackers, he will lose customers and he will eventually lose his business to people who are more effective. Therefore, he must reward his most productive employees with raises, promotions and bonuses. And those workers must not cover up for the bums, which they often do, for whatever reason.

Now take that same business (well, it would be a "distribution point," not a business) under a communist model. Since they are all paid the same at the same level, what motivates any of them to do more? As the Soviets used to say: "We pretend to work, and they pretend to pay us." Anyone who can find a way to lie, cheat or steal will do so, because the only oversight is the local bureaucratic stuffed shirt, and all the workers at the bottom level agree he's the common enemy. That is, all those except the one that is secretly reporting to him and spying on the other workers.

Money is a far more innocent motivator than the petty power trips that develop in a communist system. Sure, it is possible to have people who don't play fair on any team, but if you don't cover up for him, he will be found out soon enough and replaced with someone who wants to get ahead.

2006-08-01 04:23:07 · answer #2 · answered by auntb93again 7 · 0 0

So are you for communism?

Doctors get paid a higher amount than say a mechanic because it takes a whole lot more studying and interning to become a doctor than it does to become a mechanic.

Capitalism doesn't work by rewarding people based on their contributions to society... that's a simplistic world view. Capitalism rewards those who provide a service to society that is highly valued... whether that service is really beneficial... like a dentist or just cool, like the ability to slam dunk really well. The amazing thing about Capitalism is society is able to manage itself pretty darn well through the system of supply and demand (even though once in a while we get a Paris Hilton)

Communism is flawed because it removes the idea of allowing society to determine what it values and what it doesn't value. In order to have everyone equal, you have to have a big government enforcing the equality (freedom naturally gravitates towards inequality... if you're free to spend your money how you like, you will decide to give it to some people and not others) The state determines what will be produced not supply and demand. In your first rant, you touched on the fundamental flaw of communisim without even knowing. Why would you want the government determining what is produced? Its slow, cumbersome, and a bureacratic nightmare.

Anyhow, the system we have in the U.S. is pretty darn effective. The socialism you're talking about in the first paragraph do in fact suck (but that's socialism... its communism with a pretty flower instead of a gun). Nothing's perfect but there is a balance between a comfortable society and a competitive society that must be reached.

2006-08-01 04:20:03 · answer #3 · answered by John H 3 · 0 0

Actually there is nothing wrong with communism or any other form of government. Each has it's own place and level of civil responsibility. China is so big I don't think it could be manage better, way too many people. Each government needs to fit it's population needs. A true Democracy allows for any type of Government to take hold if it is the will of the people. We are Republic and not many states actually have much power anymore.
Actually though I think everyone in China has a function and work to do. Communism is where everyone contribute and everyone gains kind of system.

I think Socialism is the system where doctors make the same as
bus boys and crackheads ride free. :)

2006-08-01 04:18:41 · answer #4 · answered by spider 4 · 0 0

Good question. You tell me. In fact there are plenty of people willing to hear your answer.

1. It would have to be perfectly geographically located or encompass enough area to where all your needs and resources can be reached. This way even youll never need to trade with anyone.
2. Leave materialism behind. Forget all those movies, games, and extras. Everything would be pretty generic. At least I believe anyway.
3. Convince mankind that the simple life is the best thing. Simple meaning nothing big or huge. Community. Nothing too fancy. I have no idea. Im done.

Seriously number one is a must the rest are very opinionated. and by the way I have one of those little plastic peebles that you see in like bamboo dishes and stuff for plants. I looked though it at my monitor and it glowed.

2006-08-01 04:17:58 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Let me try and answer your question. You're absolutely right. The guy who fixes your car and the person who builds the house can have dramatic importance to us all. In a free market, though, compensation is not based on that. After all, who's more important to you and to society, the person who is teaching your children, or the guy who throws a football on Sunday afternoon?

In a free market, compensation is based on a number of factors.
One of those factors is difficulty of training, which results in less supply of people. You're right, auto mechanics hold people's lives in their hands like doctors; but they're not compensated like doctors because the training one has to go though to be a doctor is a lot tougher, longer and more expensive than that of an auto mechanic. Thus there are fewer doctors than auto mechanics; thus society pays them more.

Another factor is market appeal. Consider that professional athletes are being payed obscene amounts of money for essentially doing what kids do for free. Why? It's really a simple answer -- because there are millions of people who are willing to pay ridiculous sums of money to watch them do it. That's why. It's called "the marketplace," and people are free to throw away their money on whatever they wish.

Your kid's teachers are far more important to you and society; but they don't make even a tiny fraction of the salaries of athletes and other entertainers, because they're relatively easily replaced. They're not seen as being "Unique" like the actor or athlete. And because the supply of talent is large, the price of it goes down.

It's all about supply and demand. Hope this answer helps.

2006-08-01 04:31:52 · answer #6 · answered by Jack 7 · 0 0

you think communism isn't wrong? go to cuba. and i don't mean a little american hotel, i mean havana. in the fiftys cuba was full of tourist and american business and nightclubs. people could have their own boat, house, car, whatever. everything was fine. then here come fidel and ruins everything. how did he become so rich? by stealing all the money from the people. they do the work castro gets the money. you go to cuba and you see the people are all skinny and starving and the houses are all collasped and ****** up. why? because instead of governing the people castro is being a dictator. and hes got himself a country full of slaves. that is communism and if you ask me (which you did) cummunism is very, very ****** up.

2006-08-01 04:18:33 · answer #7 · answered by someguy 3 · 0 0

It's pretty simple I'm not going to give you half of what I worked for unless you've worked just as hard. And if you worked that hard you probably have as much as me! Communism will not work unless you can remove the lust for power, greed, selfishness, and control from all humans. Good Luck

2006-08-01 04:15:39 · answer #8 · answered by mark g 6 · 0 0

The 20th century has proven 100% that communism will
never work. It has failed miserably in spite of tremendous
support from the former Soviet Union, and Red China.
I Corinthians 13;8a, Love never fails!!!!!

2006-08-01 04:22:02 · answer #9 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

Naw it never has worked won't work now. Women can't stand having to dress like all the other women around them. And always wearing boots all the time? Dude my old lady would freak!

2006-08-01 04:36:13 · answer #10 · answered by crusinthru 6 · 0 0