Damn, I can't choose! Getting engaged, getting the wrong job... Oh, I know: Getting drunk and sleeping with a friend of mine, and getting drunk again the next night and sleeping with his best friend....
That was pretty stupid.
2006-07-31 22:52:29
answer #1
answered by The Phantom 4
OK. In the UK there is an adult comic called 'Viz'. In one issue was a cartoon about a robot who goes mad and starts swearing. Only it's not real swearing. One of the things he says is 'bearded clam'.
Now, this one time I was going down on a girlfriend and all I could think of was the phrase 'bearded clam' (for the obvious reasons). So I started laughing. All shocked and put out, my girlfriend sat up and indignantly asked, 'what are you laughing at!?' I knew I couldn't say 'bearded clam.' My mind tried to work but all I could think to say was, 'I'm just so happy we're together'.
That was a real fist-in-the-mouth moment.
I got away with it though. Probably to this day she tells the story about an ex who said the stupidest thing. If only she knew the truth...
2006-08-01 07:34:28
answer #2
answered by durulz2000 6
Where does one even begin on the list of stupid things???
You name the scenerio and some one some where has done it.
2006-08-01 05:59:23
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
i knew he liked me. we were good friends but i regret not telling him that i like him too. i moved and now im stuck here with this computer as my only connection to the outside world (i got grounded from the phone)
2006-08-01 04:06:38
answer #4
answered by predictable 2
Got married to the wrong person.
2006-08-01 04:01:12
answer #5
answered by runningviolin 5
i would have to agree with the first answer!
however i did get cought semi dressed with my boyfriend (at the time) by the police!!!!!!!! on a very dark road in a car! *lol*
2006-08-01 04:03:53
answer #6
answered by elizabeth k 2
i had a freind and her husband would always fart in bed. one night after some sex she decided to pay him back with one of her own. she rolled over, lifted her leg, and pooped the bed.
2006-08-01 04:03:12
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
got married
2006-08-01 04:07:15
answer #8
answered by dosey-rosey 3