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im 5'0 80 lbs

2006-07-31 18:53:54 · 10 answers · asked by fashionistaqt 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

i wanted to be a commercial/print model...so you dont have to be tall for that i think.

2006-07-31 19:02:52 · update #1

i wanted to model for abercrombie/abercrombie kids or something like that

2006-07-31 19:43:00 · update #2

10 answers

As what Tyra Banks says, do not focus on being skinny. Especially for commerical and print.

I can't see a picture of you. You didn't give your measurements. That is what matters mostly is measurements and your height. Not weight. I am 5'3 with 34-26-34 measurement size 7-11 on various clothing brands. Normally they want you 10 in between. However, it is hard to come across a high top model with it lol. So, don't make it a big deal. I am considered curvy petite. I got curvs but I am a small girl. It's odd how you can learn how you are catagorized. Just don't focus on all that. You will get self-cautious and no one wants an eating disorder going on or plastic surgury freak. Be yourself and love yourself before others can love you.

However, let your personality shine. Every model has flaws on their body. That can be easily covered up or computer alterd/airbrushed. Your perrsonality however needs to be friendly, hard working, get along well and follow direction with a smile. That they can't fix and will not work with you.

On a side note. You will have agencies slammed in your face. Just keep going and keep knocking on those doors. Oppurtunities will roll in once you get experience.

Do TFP. Time For Prints with photographers. It means that for your time you give for them to build their own portfolio. They will exchange some prints to help build your portfolio.

I recommend searching for a Mananger.

You can go to OneModelPlace.com where I originally started out on exposure.

Warning: DO NOT give out personal information. Be specific and check out the mananger and photographers BEFORE you met and give out infomation. Even that means doing a police back ground check and seeing their work/talking to those who previously worked with them. Never go alone. Do your research and READ ALL PRINT on contracts. Know what you are signing and know what you are doing.

2006-07-31 23:09:36 · answer #1 · answered by Mutchkin 6 · 2 0

Anyone can be a model as long as they have the right attitude and are happy with the work, and don't expect overnight success. If you are actually thinking about it here is some advise.

I have heard a lot of bad thing about SOME (not all) modelling agencies and how they make you pay for photos and photo sessions before they take you on then never give you any work. Always check with the local Better Business Bureau in teh US or Trading Standards in the Uk or Similar organisation elsewhere.

I think a better starting place before you go to agencies is if you have a friend who is reasonable with a camera (do not have to be a professional or even that good just okay) Just take 100 photos of yourself in different poses, clothing and backgrounds then pick out 10-20 nice photos. You can then use this as a portfolio, and even better instead of printing them which cost you money every time, host them on a website and get some business cards print with the website address on and just hand these out instead. This is a far cheaper way of doing it and with no RISK. You should never have to pay to get a job if you do there is a high chance it is a scam.

However if you would like a personal portfolio site please contact me and I will set you on up for free. I can design you a fully personalised flash website with as much or little information and then host it for you. This site can contain a gallery of your photos, personal information, list of work, contact details, etc or if you prefer just a couple of photos and nothing else. It can be password protected and all images will be protected as is humanly possible, or the photos can be available to download.

Examples of work can be provided on request. Just message me here if you want, I am a professional website designer but have lots of free time (and enough money) so I am currently doing free sites for small bands, small artist etc, basically anyone who could not afford them otherwise. I have my own hosting server so can offer hosting servers or you can host the site yourselves. No images sent to me will be used for anything other than your site and I will not give anyone your detail or link to the site. You will have complete control and the site can be removed or changed at any time. This is not a scam and I will design a site for FREE, I do not need the money, and enjoy working. If you do want it message me you can tell me what you want and how you want it done and I will help.

Depending how old you are I may require parents permission before i will do any work.

2006-08-01 08:21:34 · answer #2 · answered by indieboy 5 · 0 0

Well, your weight doesn't really tell us much because without measurements or a picture, we don't know your body type/bone structure. Bone structure is important for a model because clothing needs to fit them well. You can't do runway unless you grow 8''. Catalogue models have fewer restrictions, but most models are still above 5' 6''. Obvi, there are exceptions, so don't give up all hope. If you're interested in modeling, start going to calls in your area, or talk to a local modeling agency about whether you have the right body type. 80 lbs is light, but light is different then skinny. Almost all models are a size 4 or below.

Good luck!

2006-08-01 08:51:30 · answer #3 · answered by fiddle faddle 2 · 0 0

Yes I think your fine to model for Abercrombie Kids. But you should do it for the Abercrombie Teen! Yes you are perfect for a model

2006-08-01 11:08:57 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

you're thin enough all right but the thing is you might not be tall enough to be a runway model. I am 5'7" and 125lbs and I was told I wasn't tall enough but there are other sorts of modeling that you can get into.

2006-08-01 01:58:52 · answer #5 · answered by msprittie2 2 · 0 0


There are all sorts of modelling opportunities out there! You don't have to look any certain way, or weigh a certain amount to be a model... You can model clothes, jewelry, makeup, toys, candles, cards, anything! Just start looking...

2006-08-01 02:41:35 · answer #6 · answered by E.B. 4 · 0 0

hell yea ur skinny enough! but ur not tall enough though, models have to be tall for some reason

2006-08-01 03:43:30 · answer #7 · answered by Kimmie 4 · 0 0

you are skinny enough, but not tall enough to be a model

2006-08-01 02:01:28 · answer #8 · answered by nude chef 3 · 0 0

hight doesnt matter, and weight doesnt always matter, what are you modeling for or wanting to?

2006-08-01 02:35:51 · answer #9 · answered by Ms. New Booty 2 · 0 0

heres a tip...EAT SOME FOOD... ur borderlining anorexia

2006-08-01 02:10:38 · answer #10 · answered by Stubs 2 · 0 1