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what should i do

2006-07-31 18:12:38 · 21 answers · asked by Emmie 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

21 answers

I disagree with many of these answers. I also do not believe there really is a problem here. She is smoking marijuana, that is her decision. Marijuana does not kill brain cells (Peter Passell, Less Marijuana, More Alcohol? New York Times June 17, 1992), and the only known health problems related to smoking pot are respiratory diseases (as with any smoke), and injury due to impairment (Dale Gieringer, Ph.D., Marijuana Health Mythology June 1994).

I strongly believe that if your friend is smoking pot, let her be, unless it gets out of hand where her life could be at stake. By this I mean, never let her drive when she is smoking pot, and make sure she does it in a place and time where she doesn't have any life responsibilites planned for the time that may be disrupted due to her being impaired.

Also, if she is any kind of a friend at all, she will respect your opinion when you say, "No." If you don't want to do it, I don't think you should be forced to. Marijuana is something many people smoke to relax, not to get totally messed up and make an *** of themselves. It is more of a spiritual thing for many, and I find smoking cigarettes more of a health hazard than smoking marijuana. Cigarettes kill over 450,000 Americans every year (and I don't believe I need to site that one). Go ahead and do yourself a favor and get informed. Search for how many marijuana related deaths are in a year. If you ask me, alcohol and cigarettes are far worse than anything marijuana will do to you, as long as you do it in a safe place. Be responsible!

Notice how I site my sources. I firmly believe many of you should do the same so that we can give this girl the TRUTH. Our job should be to inform, not spread rumors that you've heard here or there.

Don't bring religion into this please, saying things like "She is going to Hell." How do you know she believes in Hell? Just don't bring religion into it. Also, I don't want to hear any more of this "She is going to be a failure in life," etc, etc. Almost all of the people that I know that smoke marijuana have good paying, full-time jobs, two of which own their own companies.

For those of you who wish to become more informed, I encourage you to do a search on the internet for "The facts about Marijuana." I believe many of you could learn a thing or two. Don't bother to click on the ones from "drugfree.org" or any of that, because they are biased in their opinions. A good starting spot for many of you would be www.marijuana.com. There are no biased opinions there, only facts.

Good luck with your friend, and have a good day to everyone else!

2006-08-03 08:48:56 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well Ofcourse tell her that you Do Not approve!!! If she doesn't listen you can give her tough love as to tell her that you aren't going ot be her friend anylonger! I do think however this isnt going to work....for some reason...she is doing drugs and she is not going to listen to you probably!

I would tell your mom and then tell her mom. Remember you aren't ratting her out to hurt her or betray her you are just worried about her and the road she is on! Be a Friend and tell an adult! It will Only help her in the end!

Even if she will be mad at you...at least you will know you helped her out cause weed turns out to become more of the bad drugs like cocain, heroin, drinking..etc. Just tell an adult and she will get the help she needs!!

Good LUck and DON'T DO DRUGS!!! EVER!!

2006-07-31 18:23:37 · answer #2 · answered by krYpToNitEsMoM 4 · 0 0

Be a friend and tell her she's making a HUGE mistake in life smoking weed; the stuff eventually will haze her positive focus of life and she'll zone out into being a failure.....or worse.

If she listens and dumps the garbage----mission accomplished.

However.....if she keeps tokin', then--hard it will be---you must leave her alone and let her be. Sometimes, people don't heed good advice and must be left to learn life's lessons from their mistakes the hard way.

2006-07-31 18:24:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

so what, isnt she a nice girl anymore because she smokes, it doesnt have to be a disaster for her if she has a few mary janes, just as long as she keeps it under check, remember people do it to be cool, and others just to relax, it isnt all bad.

2006-07-31 18:22:20 · answer #4 · answered by nell 2 · 0 0

i am in kind of the same position but like iv known her since we were like 3 and we r both 17 now and i have no idea what to do. so i just told her i don't like hanging around ppl when they r on that stuff and then she tried to say "well when ur the only not on it..." "umm no b*tch when they r the only person in the whole room that is on it!" but i dunno i just kinda stopped hanging around her. but i am really mad about it but i don't think she understands that that is what i am mad about.

2006-07-31 18:27:15 · answer #5 · answered by watdahellrudoin 3 · 0 0

tell her she shouldn't smoke weed or she can go to prisen or jail! see what you can do to stop her from doing weed! she is going down a bad path to hell!
your her friend she should listen to you!

2006-07-31 20:08:13 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

what kinda question is that, so shes a nice stoner? i guess thats a good way to look at it

2006-07-31 18:20:04 · answer #7 · answered by natalie rose 3 · 0 0

Let her be. She'll get over it. Just tell her that you don't want to hang around her when she does it.

2006-07-31 18:17:10 · answer #8 · answered by yumyum 6 · 0 0

remember that she's not a bad person but that she is just getting herself into something that is bad. you need to help her, not abandon her in her time of need. maybe you can convince her to stop...don't give up on her, or she'll give up on herself.

2006-07-31 18:18:07 · answer #9 · answered by cstr81190 2 · 0 0

tell her 2 stop nd if she dnt dnt hang out w/ her....weed can rly mess up ur life

2006-07-31 18:15:47 · answer #10 · answered by Stubs 2 · 0 0