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A pill, a certain exersise, anything? Prefearably though, nothing that causes mis-carrige as the means to an end. You know, get's the fetus before it develops?

2006-07-31 17:59:27 · 12 answers · asked by Leila T 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

12 answers

If she just found out she's pregnant, it's too late, the 'fetus' (that's baby, by the way) is already developing and the only way outta this pregnancy besides childbirth is a miscarriage or an abortion, neither of which are in her (and certainly not the baby's!) best interest. She should speak to her Dr., and speak to someone close to her (ya'll sound young, a grownup would be best) or a counselor to help her deal with what's going on inside her body.

But by the time you find out your pregnant, those emergency contraception things aren't viable anymore.

2006-07-31 18:11:40 · answer #1 · answered by littleangelfire81 6 · 2 0

Whoa, lets be realistic here.

She is pregnant.

What makes it justifiable for her to not believe in abortion HOWEVER feel it is ok to find other methods?

Either way, you are trying to get rid of the fetus/potential baby.

A pill: Yes. Call RU-abortion pill that is done in the first trimester which is given at the clinic and the second is given later on after she is disposing the baby. It cause's miscarriage.

Exercise: Too much can cause stress, soreness and health situations. She is at risk of miscarriage. However, if she purposely does this. She is just doing the same thing as going down to get an abortion.

If she does not want the pregnancy to carry to term. THE ONLY thing she can do is abort the fetus. Other than that, nature is the only thing that determines if this pregnancy will miscarry or go to term.

If your friend drinks, smokes or does drugs. She is to stop now or this child is at risk of being born with Fetal Alcohol syndrom, drug addictions and high risk of asthma and other respiratory problems.

My career focus's on special needs infants and toddlers who was exposed to drugs, alcohol and smoke during pregnancy.

It is a selfish act.

If she does not want to raise this child after birth. Next is to adopt this child out to a family who does.

I can understand she is panicking. For that, she needs to seek a guidance counselor at her school or such places as planned parenthood or clinic in her local area.

2006-08-01 06:20:28 · answer #2 · answered by Mutchkin 6 · 0 0

Yes there are other ways but they are dangerous and I won't tell you.First of all if your girl friend had sex and is pregnant now she should take responsibility of her actions and grow up.
Second of all she should see a doctor and have it confirmed and talk about her worries with him but I don't think she want's to tell her parents when she wants to abort this baby without actually telling them and having proper abortion done.
The last thing I can recommend is to go through the whole pregnancy and give up the baby for adoption but tell her not to do anything stupid because she can even hurt her self

2006-08-01 01:14:53 · answer #3 · answered by m41 3 · 0 0

gawd, if y'all are so dumb, she should definitely get an abortion. What a dumb question.

If she's already pregnant, the only way out is to 1) have the baby or 2) abort, or 3) miscarry, which you cannot "cause".

Get an abortion right away. You're not killing a child, you're getting rid of an unwanted mass of cells. Don't let fanatic pro-lifers brainwash you otherwise - they don't have the right to tell you what to do with your body (or your "friend's").

2006-08-01 01:34:09 · answer #4 · answered by sugarpine25 3 · 0 0

She could go to the doctor and the doctor should know.If I were in your friends shoes I would just have the baby then put it up for adoption.I was adopted.My mom really didn't want to but if you think about it,Adoption is better than not having the baby at all.If she put it up for adoption She would be doing good for her baby and make a family very happy.My parents are trying to adopt another newborn now actually.

2006-08-01 01:25:57 · answer #5 · answered by wvcountrygirl_93 2 · 0 0

If she's pregnant, she ALREADY has a kid. Just three weeks after conception (approximately one week after her first missed period), the child's heart is already beating. She needs to see:

Photos of Abortions:

A Four-Minute, Must-See Video on Abortion:

Information on All Aspects of Abortion:

Photos and Facts About Prenatal Development:

Pain Perception in the Unborn:

Abortion Stories:

Abortion Risks:

Abortion Deaths:

Free, Confidential Pregnancy Help (including referrals for financial, medical, legal, and housing assistance; free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds; free maternity and baby supplies; pregnancy, parenting, and adoption information; counseling and emotional support):

Support for Pregnant Teens:

Support for Pregnant College and Career Women:

2006-08-01 09:33:52 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

in some places you can get a pill to cause an early miscarriage, but it's banned in the U.S.

an abortion is about it. she should get it done early, while the fetus is still a bunch of cells basically, if she has ethical concerns about it.

and see a doctor ASAP.

2006-08-01 01:12:25 · answer #7 · answered by realmomof4 2 · 0 0

sry u guys are all dumb she can have 4 options. 1. let someone else carry it 2. have the baby. 3. abort or 4.miscarriage

2006-08-01 01:51:00 · answer #8 · answered by delavan_guy_53115 1 · 0 0

I don't believe in abortion, but u have the right to make your own decision. But please check out these sites before making this horrible mistake.

click on photos

click on Case against abortion -- 4 minute video

I hope your friend makes the fright decision

2006-08-01 02:59:00 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

the morning after pill, have her stop eating right, go running alot, get on birth control

2006-08-01 01:24:58 · answer #10 · answered by kay2angel 4 · 0 0