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I'm going into 7th grade and im ready for a boyfriend..i mean..i want one..but im not really desperate..i was just wondering if anyone could tell me some ways to get them to notice me as more than a friend? or in other ways...as just being friendly..or more than just not talking at all..no mean answers please.

2006-07-31 17:36:46 · 16 answers · asked by Rae 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

16 answers

Just be yourself and if someone notices you than you'll know that they really like YOU and not the person that you were pretending to be.

You don't have to dress in sexy clothes or wear makeup or do your hair in any certain way... guys like girls who don't follow the pack.

Guys like girls who RESPECT THEMSELVES and expect to be treated nicely and like a lady. A lot of girls nowadays are acting too grown up way too soon, aren't a challenge, and don't respect themselves. They do things that they're not comfortable doing just because they think it'll make a boy like them... but it won't... in the end.

Just be yourself and don't follow the crowd... that will make you stand out. When you're not TRYING to be noticed and you're just being natural than someone nice will notice how special you are.

But remember, you're only in the seventh grade... don't rush anything.

2006-07-31 18:03:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

Be yourself. Guys really go for personality more than looks. i HATE wearing make-up and i get compliments on how i look all the time. People really notice a girl who smiles, whos sweet, and has a great personality.! And if guys still dont. well your only in 7th grade be patient. it will come when it should

2006-07-31 23:02:47 · answer #2 · answered by ♥OnCloudNine9♥ 2 · 0 0

hmm i have a word of advice... for the next two years in mid school kinda scope around get to know some guys and make a ton of guy friends and just be cool and yourself around them. by high school you're bound to find some cutie wether its one of your friends who had a complete makeover during the summer or some upper classman you'll be happy :-) (thats what i did and 3 months before my freshman year ended i met the love of my life and we've been dating ever since he was a senior and i was a freshman :0)

have a great 7th grade year and have fun!

2006-07-31 17:43:46 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Find a guy you like and sneak up behind him, then clock him in the head with a frying pan. Have plenty of duct tape and/or rope handy. Voila! Boyfriend-a-rama!

2006-07-31 17:42:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Honey, you're in 7th grade. You don't need a boyfriend. Just be nice to everyone and concentrate on your studies.

How do your parents feel about you having a boyfriend?

2006-07-31 17:39:55 · answer #5 · answered by elk312 5 · 0 1

nicely, for one ingredient do no longer drop a pencil and make him %. it up. yet a solid way is to in basic terms say hi. seek advice from him as a chum. My suitable chum likes a guy and he talks to her. All through fact she talked to him. you will desire to be the 1st one, merely say hi if hes sitting close to you at lunch or the different classes. keep in mind, act conventional

2016-10-01 08:11:30 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

be yourself is the best way and if the guy doesnt notice oh wills having friends is always way better then a boyfriend[:

2006-07-31 17:58:05 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

hey im 7th grade too and i cant really answer ur question because i kinda need an answer for it too so e-mail me

2006-08-01 08:33:18 · answer #8 · answered by Lana M 3 · 0 0

well im a guy and im going 2 7th grade and wat i do is compliment the gurls until they start saying nice things 2 me so if thta helps. but i am different from other guys

2006-07-31 17:40:29 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

be yourself and some guy will notice. other people might tell you to change in some way but you don't have to.

2006-07-31 17:41:20 · answer #10 · answered by ☼♫☆☺♡♥☺☆♫☼ 4 · 0 0