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I am trying to break into the party planning business. I have so many friends and have planned and organized their parties. When dealing with a group in NY it can be hard if no one plans in advance. Also I love to create themed parties such as adult toy themes, fire & ice, greek themes, karaoke parties, etc. I am a great cook, designer, and I am a very fun person. I love to get the party started!!!! I think everyone should get a party planner but I am not sure what I can offer that others can't. And how to I find customers?

2006-07-31 16:16:23 · 3 answers · asked by Nitty 3 in Local Businesses United States New York City

3 answers

Keep offering to throw parties in behalf of your friends' birthdays, anniversaries, new years, whatever! Keep notes: How much this and that costs, time it takes, etc. so you know what exactly youre able to offer a client. Start collecting supplies, so each party gets cheaper and cheaper. For example, find a place to get balloons and other party supplies wholesale. If youre planning a wedding, purchase the dishes from a restaurant supply store, and save them for other soirees. It takes money to start up any business. So go slowly, as you need items, purchase them instead of rent. Do find a rental place for specialty items that you may not use often, and develop a relationship wtih them, they might give you discounts. Then, establish a name, get a DBA account, register your business, and build a website!! (When you are ready for THAT part, email me!) And then, its all about marketing and getting your name out, and throwing killer parties that everyone talks about. That will surely get your name out! Just remember, you cant do everything yourself. So you can decorate: Get/Train someone else to do it! Great Cook? Use your skills to find a great caterer to use and use again! That way, you can focus on bringing all the elements together, instead of trying to do everything yourself.

2006-07-31 16:28:02 · answer #1 · answered by Barefoot 6 · 1 0

Referrals are your key! Planning for friends should get you noticed since people can find out who threw such a great party.

Also, try leaving business cards in places that the clientele you are pursuing would frequent.

Personally I would not hire a party planner as I can throw my own banging party! :-) However, many people suck at that sort of thing, and can use the help.

Good luck!

2006-08-02 15:54:25 · answer #2 · answered by Angel 4 · 0 0

No, in view that that is ridiculous. The best exception I might see is when you plan to ask, like, 50 children plus their moms and dads, however I would not do this within the first position. It rather does not take a lot to deliver a baby a pleasurable celebration, so if you'll pull of a few video games, meals, cake, and invites, you are prepared.

2016-08-28 14:46:08 · answer #3 · answered by lil 4 · 0 0