the voltage from a car battery is usually not enough to deter them as they can scamper under so fast, they do not get zapped. Why not try a natural repellent (shake A Way) available at Ace Hardware and other locations (and the Web).
2006-07-31 11:32:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
is it planted deep in the ground? if not they may have learned to dig under it. try hooking it up to a stronger battery and make sure there r no gaps or holes.plant some pepper plants and sprinkle some human hair around too. for some reason the don't like it.
2006-07-31 19:17:17
answer #2
answered by fatcat 2
rabbits are usually to close to the ground..they make field fencing about a foot or foot and a half tall try running that around under yuu're hot wire
2006-07-31 20:46:11
answer #3
answered by William J 1
I have rabbits too. My opinion, they are in cahoots with satan himself--devil bunnies! I am about to hire the neighbor kid to sit out back with his pellet gun!
Seriously though, I got this spray called "Liquid Fence" at the hardware store. Two of the ingredients are putrid eggs and garlic. Smells disgusting, but works. Just stay upwind when you spray it!
2006-07-31 21:49:16
answer #4
answered by KW 2
Try putting pepper on the veggies. That makes them sneeze and go away. The have gotten used to the shock.
2006-07-31 18:32:48
answer #5
answered by tensnut90_99 5
your battery is dead and dieing!! you need to insulate it from the ground and even then it will slowly discharge over time.. you need to recharge it regular,, best to buy an electric fence kit that plugs to the wall,, they aren't all that expensive for the smaller cheaper ones!!
2006-07-31 19:52:40
answer #6
answered by fuzzykjun 7
Are you sure they are touching it?
They may be going under the fence.or the charge is to weak .
2006-07-31 18:37:42
answer #7
answered by Elaine814 5
Dead battery?
2006-07-31 18:34:10
answer #8
answered by Mr. KnowItAll 7