Any stares you get will be from women who wish they were you. Go for it!
2006-07-31 00:26:41
answer #1
answered by Angela 7
I'm also much older than my guy. We long ago stopped minding the occasional "They CAN'T be mother and son -- not with that much physical affection. He must a gigolo!" stares. However, now and then a "friendly" waiter or waitress will ask "Is this your Mom?" or "Is he your son?" Learn to beam joyfully and respond with a undiscomfited "Of course not! This is my spouse!" If the husband here wants to really twit the nosy server, he can give you a kiss on the mouth and say "Yes, she is. And she's the sweetest Mom a guy could have. Care to join us for a three-some?"
2006-07-31 08:19:44
answer #2
answered by kill_yr_television 7
I say go for it, as well. My fiance is 20 and I am 29. We are happily engaged and expecting our first child. I have on occasion been asked if I was his mother but I just laugh and say nope he's my fiance! I don't honestly look that old , he just looks unusually young. As for what other people think, it doesn't matter. What matters is if you and your signifigant other are happy. If you are then do what feels right. Evetually the age thing gets old and you don't even notice what other people say or do! Most of the rude remarks have come from other jeolous females who only wish they could get a younger guy!
2006-07-31 08:47:23
answer #3
answered by sugermagnolia26 2
No! 20+ men with white hairs look like 40+. Thus, your 36 year old guy may look around 50+, if his white hair is there. There is no age barrier in "love", so very normal.
2006-07-31 07:54:02
answer #4
answered by James Louis 5
Love is love. The only way they'd get nasty stares is if one of the people are under age.
2006-07-31 07:26:37
answer #5
answered by pretty_lesbiian 3
If its love who cares what they think and give them something to stare at. It is more acceptable this day in age love has no number in most cases
2006-07-31 07:28:20
answer #6
answered by SADGIRLOH 2
Age has nothing to do withit when it is between 2 consenting adults.who cares what other people think it is a mutual decison between 2 people who care about each other enough to want a maritial status.Good luck too you both and don't worry about what anyone else thinks.
2006-07-31 07:27:59
answer #7
answered by flying_eagle_72 3
Who cares if you get nasty stares. Live every day like it might be your last.
2006-07-31 13:18:24
answer #8
answered by crazzzy 3
Can you say, mommy. Bad joke. The difference is not so great right now. Give it 15 years and it may be to great for him.
2006-07-31 07:39:02
answer #9
answered by Flagger 6
No, we don't get nasty stares.
2006-07-31 07:28:40
answer #10
answered by Avid 5