Usually a very gentle massage in the affected area should have. My hubby has arthritis in his fingers, and whenever it acts up I give him gentle massages on each one of them and on the entire hand. It takes away from the pain and keeps the swelling down. I usually use Hot Rub cream while massaging him.
2006-07-30 18:20:02
answer #1
answered by Sandra 3
She might want to see an orthopedist or pain specialist. Sometimes regular doctors are afraid of giving too much pain medication because they are afraid of the patient becoming addicted to the medication. So the patient never has enough to get pain relief. There is also a medication called SynVisc that can be injected into the knees to help with the pain and arthritis. There is also the option of knee surgery to replace the joint. However, all of these options need to be discussed and your grandma and the doctor pick the one that is best for her.
2006-07-31 04:28:44
answer #2
answered by msfyrebyrd 4
Put a pillow under her knees when she goes to bed, this should help some when she gets up in the morning. When she is up elevate her feet on a stool or have her use a recliner. Try walking her slowly a few times a day. There is no cure, but if her medicine does not help her, notify her doctor. There are many over the counter medicine that helps. I use a cream called Joint- ritis , that helps me . It is over-the counter.
2006-07-31 01:04:33
answer #3
answered by RY 5
Shaklee has some really good natural pain supplements.
Joint & Muscle Pain Cream: targets the source of pain for quick relief with deep penetration.
Joint Health Complex: supports the body's gradual ability to build cartilage, sooth and lubricate joints, and help improve overall joint function. You'll begin to experience comfort in as little as one week.
For more info or questions, feel free to contact me.
2006-07-31 01:40:30
answer #4
answered by JustMe 6
arthritis is always worse in the cold weather . she should keep warm at all times particuarly where the pain is . take pain medication and i use my hair dryer to warm up my knees when they ache .it is cheap and handy and works well .a cream for arthritis pain is useful to rub into the painful parts
2006-07-31 01:02:18
answer #5
answered by clrdanlob 3
Rub herself done in Caster Oil
2006-07-31 00:59:48
answer #6
answered by ♫♪Ms.J♥Virgo♣♠ 5
The metallic bracelets can help. They have copper and magnets inlaid in them, and it seems to help the electrons in the body. Not sure just how it works, but it really does.
2006-07-31 01:05:41
answer #7
answered by Just Ducky 5