Yes, it is very possible to get into any college with financial aid. You search out the finance picture for yourself. Scholarships are the best because you don't have to pay them back. Check your local library for additional resources and also on line. My daughter's counselor was of no help whatsoever in helping her secure financial aid. Even the Ivy League schools have plans available for those students who need help. Most of the time, declaring a major does not come about until the end of your soph year/Junior however; many students upon entering college already know what they want to persue. It's ok if you don't. Just don't wait too long - Consult your advisor regularly for assistance and direction. I went into college swearing I would not be a 'teacher' as those of my family who had preceeded me. I wanted journalism, then social work...I floundered for about 2 years - then my true love came rushing back to my spirit and mind and heart - teaching was in me - and I spent my senior year completing the courses I needed to earn that portion of my degree. I graduated with dual majors and minors because I had so many credits! You'll do fine.
2006-07-30 13:06:35
answer #1
answered by THE SINGER 7
Your financial aid will probably need to consist of some big student loans, but it would be worth it in the long wrong. That wouldn't effect your admission process. However, some colleges are less likely to admit people if they are undecided on a major. They have to acept a certain number of people for each major, etc. It's not impossible to get in as an undeclared major though.
2006-07-30 13:03:15
answer #2
answered by ShouldBeWorking 6
Yes - you can go to an Ivy League College using financial aid. As long as you have the grades and requirements for entrance, finanical aid shouldn't be an issue.
Most colleges let you remain undeclared in your major for a year - some will ask you to declare a major by your second semester freshman year. You will be assigned an academic advisor when you go to college that will help you decide what you should major in.
2006-07-30 13:03:01
answer #3
answered by lonely_girl3_98 4
Honey, everything is possible. Just a littlle less straight-forward.
Financial aid is not the only source. You can take a loan. You can can go to a lower-ranked (read: cheaper) school and then transfer. But you have to be sure to keep the grades way way up in order to make a sucsessful transition.
Look for scholarships. All sorts of unusual things are out there. A friend of mine had a scholarship for being excellent at math and happening to belong to a sertain ethnic group at the same time.
There are a lot of private scholarships for all sorts of young talents.
2006-07-30 13:15:13
answer #4
answered by Snowflake 7
Absolutely ! Most of the tops schools offer financial aid to over 50% of the student population because they are so expensive to attend. The poorer families tend to get the greater percentage of aid. The Universities do this to help ensure a diverse student population.
2006-07-30 13:02:19
answer #5
answered by Jim G 2
Having enough money to pay for it is not an option. However, I would suggest that if you cannot afford to pay for it (through scholarships, grants, and maybe $30K or less in student loans), you might want to consider going to your state university. Asumming you will end up having to borrow, do you really want to amass $100K in student loans for an undergraduate degree? I'd rather spend as little as possible on the undergrad degree and then go to a fancy private school as a graduate student, where I will most likely have more access to my professors. Just a thought.
2006-07-30 13:04:32
answer #6
answered by coolman293472 2
Well, if it is an Ivy League you want, then any help you get is financial aid. You are going to owe a lot in loans if you can't afford it. Have you considered bartending?
2006-07-30 13:03:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Yes. Your ability to pay has nothing to do with admissions. However, unless you have scholarships, you may not be able to afford it with only financial aid.
2006-07-30 13:01:05
answer #8
answered by sahel578 5
Yes you can. Good luck!
2006-07-30 13:02:26
answer #9
answered by Anonymous