Thanks for answering my sandwich question....I liked your answer...
my best suggestion is to designate a place for each of these important items, and just make a practice of always putting them there - whether at work or at home. For example, my keys always go in my nightstand next to the bed, my cell phone is always either in my purse or in the charger. In the same way keep important papers which you know you'll need again in a pile somewhere or file cabinet. Keep real important papers like car titles and the deed to your house in a small fireproof safe (pick up at Office Depot) and put in a safe place like your closet.
or get a "manbag" and put everything in that!
2006-07-31 06:53:59
answer #1
answered by tjslove 3
Throw them all away ... their missing because you don't need them. Try living in the hills with no civilization ... JOKING.
No really ... what you need to do is to find a Priest and have him bless the stuff. The Priest may need to preform some "Exorcisms" as objects can often be demonized and then transfer the demon qualities from the objects to your soul. So when you have a Priest bless and 'Exercise' the objects, you'll be saving your immortal soul, and you'll be able to find the stuff alot quicker ... (giggle)
OK, really, get a permanent home for these objects. Buy an organizational box from Target or Walmart. When you get home, hang up your keys ... put bills together ... drop your wallet and cell phone here. When you use your cell phone, return it to this spot.
2006-08-02 10:12:03
answer #2
answered by Giggly Giraffe 7
Yes - get a key rack and put it by the front door with a table underneath it. That way, when you come in, you can set your keys, wallet, cell phone and the papers you know you'll need for the next day on the rack or the table, and you'll have it all together. No scrambling in the morning. :) It's the only thing that works for me.
2006-07-30 09:58:15
answer #3
answered by Julia L. 6
This is the website for Reverse Phone Lookup service ( )
Stay away from shady reverse phone lookup sites, most likely you won't get any information after you make the payment.
Not to mention you won't get a report and you won't get an answer if you try to call for a refund.
Stick with a reputable reverse phone lookup site like ( ) that has been around since 1999.
The absolutely free reverse phone lookup sites generally provide the most basic of information such as name and it works only for landlines. To get further information, money will have to be paid. The free searches do not provide much more than what can be found through the phone book or personal knowledge and they only want your email to send spam.
If I recall correctly they have two options: or you get only one report or for $39 you get unlimited reports. I went with this option because I wanted to verify more numbers. This is how I caught my girlfriend cheating, I got the name, other phone number, address history, relatives, and criminal-court records.
2014-10-14 09:32:08
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Learn to get organized. Start making an effort to memorize where things are instead of haphazardly tossing something somewhere. In the case of keys or a cellphone, you can get devices that will emit a sound when they are lost. Important papers-there is such a thing as filing them. I can only imagine what your home or office looks like!
2006-07-30 11:11:55
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
In our house it's called the Drop Zone. Everyone got to pick what sort of container they wanted... I have an art glass bowl that I toss keys, cell phone, etc. into... my husband has wooden box that was a cigar humidor in another life... and my sons have stacking cubes that are big enough for their backpacks and anything else they need to unload. You don't have to do anything elaborate... just start a new habit of putting your gear in the same place every time and that's where you'll always find it. *grin*
2006-07-31 11:02:46
answer #6
answered by nimbleminx 5
buy a key rack, a remote control holder and one of those simple concertina files.
place your keys on the key rack
place your wallet and mobie phone in the remote contrl holder
place all of your important papers in the concertina file...
and then make a concerted effort to always put these items away in their proper place every time you use them.
2006-07-30 12:08:26
answer #7
answered by wollemi_pine_writer 6
most of the time when we do things it's unconcious...try doing this..when you put something somewhere say to yourself like...i'm putting the keys on the table...i'm leaving my cell phone in the car...get the idea? be aware of what you are doing..and..change your belief to.." i always remember where i put my things.."...believe positive..the mind and words are very powerfull...good luck!
2006-07-30 11:14:29
answer #8
answered by Happy Summer 6
I put my important stuff in the same place everyday when I come in the door.. put them on the table in your front hall as you come in, and you will always know where they are...
2006-07-30 10:02:31
answer #9
answered by oneblondepilgrim 6
Put them all in the same place; and tell yourself you have a great memory.
The self fulfilled prophecy occurs when you start to believe and act the way you tell yourself to act.
2006-07-30 10:49:14
answer #10
answered by Snuz 4