If you want as much money to stay in your country as possible, it's best to avoid foreign investments as much as possible. If at all possible, use domestic sources. If that fails, attempt to get loans. Use foreign investments only as a last resort, because usually what you end up agreeing to in the end is for money to flow out of your country on a permanent basis, in the form of profits for the owners.
If your industries are already all owned by foreigners, there's one other solution - revolution. But that's another story.
2006-07-30 18:21:21
answer #1
answered by cyu 5
It depends on what you are mining? and if the host country , i.e. the country with the natural reserves has the abilities to mine the resources itself are has suitable transportation networks in place for the goods , adequete labour markets to carry out the task in hand, suitable machinery to dig or find the resources, knowledge and professionals to carry out surverys , analysis , risk assesmnets , economic reports as to if it is economically viable for such a project.
If you`re mining oil or gas , bear in mind that it is a hugely competitve markert and that the majority of the goods have not been found yet , maybe due to the fact that they are almost depleted , but more likely that they are becoming more expensive and not cost effective to find , dig and then process into all the bi products that oil can give , i.e. bituem residue (for tar) , Petroleoum (gas U.S.) etc. (oil is formed offer thousandsd and thousands of years as is natural gas with the natural decomposition of Bones , fossils etc , dinosaurs are likely a great source of the gas / oil so at least they left us a present before being extinct)
All the different bi products burn off at different temperatures therefore the mining country may need assistance from a foerign country to successfuly and cost effectively mine the resource using technologies and methods perfected abroad.
Although if you are speaking about gold or other precious metals , then some can in fact be mined with less difficulty than oil, bearing in mine Gold is predomenatley an unreactive element which can and has been mined for many , many centuries, look at the Egyptians , the Incas , for example, hence less technology is needed and the risk involved is far less than a fully functioning oil mining setup (oil rig - land based pumping station)
Again you may be wanting to mine Crystals or Diamonds or possibly other highly reactive elements, again the danger is increased so for health and safety and the well being of the workers, monies should be spent to protect the contract workers so it may be best for foerign investment to assist.
So in short dependant on the mineral you are wanting to mine , you have to asess, can the country where the mineral lies , mine it for themselves , so to speak, or is foerign contratcors and multi national companies the way forward given they have the strategies and the best methods to go in terms of cost effectiveness.
one last point Foerign investment comes at a price , theres no such thing as a free meal, so if foerign investment is requireed once a decision has been made , read the small print and make sure both parties understand the terms and conditions of the agreement , you dont want to sell yourself short. with investment come proffit for the investor. You cant ask a bank to lend you £1000 ( $1770 ) and expect to pay back that figure.
But then again with safety being the priortiy , maybe better to get rich together!!
Hope this helps.
2006-07-30 09:10:29
answer #2
answered by greenock22m 1