Christianity has already incorporated many pagan beliefs. It was a way to persuade the massed to move on over to the Christian side. One example is the Christmas tree. Here are more:
2006-07-29 19:19:23
answer #1
answered by ? 3
Actually, Catholocism and many other Christian religions are a mix of Paganism and Christianity. "The blood of Christ" and "The body of Christ" comes from the cannibalism. Red wine, a symbol of blood. Sacrifice, is...well....sacrifice. The celtic cross (a cross with a circle around the middle) shows the Christianity (cross) and the paganism (the circle represents the sun, that all worshipped. Hope that helps.
2006-07-29 17:36:19
answer #2
answered by Star Gazer 2
I happen to fall into this particular category. I am a practicing Wiccan of 7 years, and I still believe many of the Christian teachings as well. When you really think about it, technically, Christianity IS Pagan. Paganism is defined as a polytheistic religion, yet there is more than one Christian Lord. We have God, Jehovah, as he is sometimes called, and we have Jesus. They are Father and Son; two seperate entities. Is that not Pagan? Plus, in my own heart, I see God and Jesus as the perfect representations of the Wiccan Divine Male Aspect. To me, yes, Jesus IS the Lord. He was a wonderful person, who sacrificed his ALL for His love and for the sake of mankind.
2006-07-29 21:26:14
answer #3
answered by ♥ Elizabeth ♥ 2
First of all it is Pagan. . . Second of all there are lots of people who are christian and Pagan. I deffinatly think that you can believe in both without a major contradiction.
2006-07-29 17:04:50
answer #4
answered by starsekker 2
It's like mixing oil and water... Shake them up or stir them up and they'll appear to mix... Give it time and they'll separate... The darkness has no hiding place in the Light.
2006-07-29 17:10:08
answer #5
answered by KnowhereMan 6
do you think it could be a witch?
2006-07-29 17:14:13
answer #6
answered by Boogerman 6