Asha. I bared my name as I though of my name, whn Im wandering down the dark and desolate strrets in the rain.As I walk down the street. I see shuters, windows and doors close in fear of me. Freak, they call me.After my outburst of rage on the pathetic soul last year. Everyone calls me freak. Yet, I think to myself with a smile, no one dares to confront me.ha.Blind fear.My smile was quickly erased. Fear. They dont know fear. If they had hate as their father, as I did.They would be truly afraid. They no thing. Poumpus FOOLS!I lost control yet again and reduced the nearest dumpster to a heap of molten metal. Fire is my gift. Fire is my sword.My gun.At 13 years of age, normally, I would be broken into peices of nothing emotionally. But father did teach me one useful thing, strength.Endure. :::::::::::This is part of my story Im working on I would like a rateing on a scale of 1 -10 on how good it is.
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