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Hi all. I am from Iran and I would like you to know Iran: As you know Iran is a vast country and is mostly surrounded by Arab nations. Some people think Iranians are Arabs! But they are Persian in fact. Iran used to be governed with kings. Our last king sold out our country. When Iran had a king she could not develop because our betrayer king gave our oil to U.S for free! That is why U.S was good towards Iran before. So people abolished monarchy. Later Iraq invaded Iran and a severe war started that took 8 solid years. Of course U.S gave Iraq bio weapons so there are still people here suffering from horrible effects of bio weapons. Ayatollah Khomeyni made our country a democratic one. So people could choose their own president freely. At that time everywhere were ruins because of the war. Iranians are hard working people and they soon started to repair damaged cities. And now here is Iran. A great country for living. Iran became independent since she did not depend on U.S anymore. We developed in a very short time. And Iran began to produce productions that she needed. You see today even we export cars and many other high Tec electronic devices that are being designed and produced inside Iran. Iranian students are so intelligent as you see our greatest scientists are all young people under 25! Do you know why U.S is against Iran having nuclear technology? It is not because Iran is going to attack somewhere! These are all excuses to stop Iran’s unstoppable development. Because at that time Iran will be completely independent and this is exactly what U.S is afraid of. U.S wants all countries to bow her and be dependant on her. U.S uses every single word of our nice president to prove that Iran wants to attack U.S and Israel! If you study Iran’s long history you will see that she have never attacked other countries but she have defeated herself. In fact according to our religious teachings Moslems do not have the right to attack anyone. (So it is so ridiculous that some people call Moslems terrorists!!!) U.S says Iranians specially women are not free! Interesting! You would not believe me that Iranians are free much more than other nations! Thousands of strict rules in other nations even do not exist in Iran. Women? You say they are not free because they have to wear scarves! But you forget that it is a part of our culture and religion. In other nations Moslems do not have the right to wear scarves. In fact they are not free. Iran is a westernized country and western cultures conflict with ours that causes some problems: if you visit Iran you will notice that most of people wear beautiful formal cloths of every color. Because they think people in U.S do the same. But as far as I know usually people in U.S wear cloths (similar to underwear or jeans) and are very casual not formal. Iran is a very beautiful country with lots of historic places to visit. People are so warm and kind to each other. They are very hospitable. I advise you to visit Iran and get to know it yourselves not to believe what Bush says about it. If you have any other questions ask me. I will add it to details.

2006-07-29 09:27:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

13 answers

Your analysis of your own history borders on the absurd.
I agree with you that you are Persians and not Arabs. The rest is pretty much horse puckey.
Tehran was the country club of the east. You make it sound like someone in the west was holding a gun to your collective heads. The truth of things is that your countrymen had adopted western ways and one could speak to other women easily, if with respect. The Shah became ill and finally died; that's not exactly like kicking him out.
However when mullahs hold sway over people's personal decisions, well, maybe that's not quite so free as I think people should be. We might both disagree on how far people should go in their personal lives, but I think it's one's personal right to decide his or her own behavior, including how to behave towards one's religion.

2006-07-29 09:40:47 · answer #1 · answered by Bentley 4 · 2 0

A chat will be a short talk, a cabin will become a small room, a pizza will become elastic loaves, plus 2000 other words of the western world to be taken from the Iranian vocabulary. A teen-age girl is hung for crimes against chastity according to BBC news. These are all wonderful freedoms in a beautiful country I guess. A country that tells another country to pack up and leave town, that is a wonderful country. If you are not Arabic why are you so concerned about Israel? Thank you for the invitation but I am just waiting for your president to lob one of your bombs at the USA. One that you all say you don't have. Politics are an ugly business that hurt many. Start in that country and clean up the ugly business and when it is election time the USA will take care of it's ugly business.

2006-07-29 10:39:25 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I appreciate you standing up for the country that you are from, but I do not believe in the "good will" of your leader, or the actions he has taken against others. Here are my questions: If Muslims are not allowed to kill, then why are there so many extremists praising Allah, and killing themselves in the process? I believe in the beauty and holiness of the Christian religion, but I also know that there are extremists within my religion. I accept that fact and I try to live my life according to my beliefs. You cannot say that there are no Muslim extremists.

My other question: How can your leader say that the Holocaust did not exist, and call for the extermination of Israel? A leader who ignores and dismisses an entire group of people and a country, is not someone who is looking out for the best interest of his country and his people.

I would love to go and visit Iran and see firsthand your history. But for now, I have to be happy with just reading it from books because I feel that my safety would be threatened as an American.

Yes, I know our government is not the best one, and I know that we are pushy, selfish, arrogant, and our President is not the one I would have chosen, but I would rather live here than in Iran.

2006-07-29 09:48:31 · answer #3 · answered by Pilar L 2 · 1 0

I know that the people of Iran would like to see change in their country. I also imagine it is a beautiful place to visit. I'm glad to hear that things for the people are not as bad as I would have believed. You mentioned not to believe everything George Bush says but I would ask you........how free are you to question your government? I didn't hear you deny that your government wants to commit genocide against Israel. Also Russia has offered to supply nuclear energy to your country and were turned down flat.

2006-07-29 09:52:29 · answer #4 · answered by Stand 4 somthing Please! 6 · 1 0

I don't know how you got past the 1000 word limit on questions! That being said, Americans have no problem with the Iranian people. It's the leadership that took hostages in 1979. It's the leadership that funded Hezbollah which killed 200+ American Marines in Beirut in 1983. It's the leadership that is violating the nuclear nonproliferation treaty which it signed. It's the leadership that claims the Holocaust never happened. We need regime change so the Iranian people can be free. Not like under the puppet Shah (who we loved but can understand your feelings about him), but certainly not like the extremists currently in power either.

2006-07-29 09:29:37 · answer #5 · answered by Brand X 6 · 0 1

Your leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and president Mahmoud Ahmedinejad do not trust G W Bush or most Americans. Neither does Iraq, North Korea, Syria, and many other countries including large populations of “so-called” US allies. Tony Blair of the UK actually disagreed with the invasion of Iraq if you take the time to view the early TV tapes of his body language.

Also recently published, Australia intervened to stop key US military strikes against Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq because they would constitute a war crimes. Major General Maurie McNarn commander of Aussie forces in Iraq, on several occasions played a "red card" against the US’s military plans which included hits on individuals. In one instance, Major General McNarn vetoed a US plan to drop a range of huge non-precision bombs on Baghdad which would have killed thousands of innocent men, women and children, but that was the US’s plans.

At the moment the US is economically and militarily powerful, but they are starting to lose their dominant position in global affairs. The US Empire today, very much reminds me of the Roman Empire of yesteryear, and is likely to be toppled early than most realise. Sadly, before that happens, I suspect that the USA will attempt to militarily destroy Syria and Iran, in a final attempt to control Middle East energy supplies and supply routes. I also suspect that the USA will lead the world into a full-scale nuclear war.

The deaths of millions of innocent men, women and children will be the US’s parting gift to the world.

2006-07-29 10:50:31 · answer #6 · answered by Brenda's World 4 · 0 0

Your president has said that he intends to destroy Israel. I think he would need a nuclear bomb for that.

Your president has also said that they do not intend to develop nuclear weapons. If they do can I have your permission for the US to nuke your country?

Oh yeah, the Americans know ALL about Iran. They are the ones that kidnap diplomats and hold them hostage. Pretty much no other country has actually pulled of a stupid stunt like that before.

2006-07-29 09:30:55 · answer #7 · answered by Bill 6 · 1 0

I was in college during the Iran hostage crisis when Iranian students were kicked out of the U.S. One Iranian student in one of my classes began to stalk me. No matter where I was, he was there trying to convince me to marry him. I didn't even know him, but he kept showing me his bank book with a balance of $300,000. He kept telling me that he would turn me into a "Persian Princess." Clearly, he was desperate to remain in the U.S. even if he had to marry an American woman. How can you pain Iran as being such a beautiful country if this young man was so desperate not to return to it? I don't know what ever happened to him after that. I think he had to return to Iran after no woman here would marry him. I do, however, know of one American woman who married an Iranian student. Once that happened, he was able to stay in the U.S. He finished college and became a carpet dealer. He is the biggest cheat in this town. I don't know how he stays in business. He quotes low prices for what he claims are excellent brands yet when people see his work and his products, they go elsewhere. The only people he does business with are landlords who own college apartments. He can sell his cheap carpets to them because they don't care about the students. You Iranian people are cheats. I don't agree with the current deal with Iran because you people have never honored any "deals" with the U.S. You present your country as a beautiful place able to be modern and productive. If that is so, then why didn't you take the Russian deal when they promised to give you nuclear power? You people are not kidding anyone.

2015-08-07 01:16:50 · answer #8 · answered by Victoria 1 · 0 0

There is one fatal flaw in your reasoning: NOTHING happens in Iran without the approval of the senior clergy, none of whom is elected by anyone. You are under Sharia law, not secular law.
Calling Iran a democracy is RIDICULOUS.

2006-07-29 14:32:07 · answer #9 · answered by F. Frederick Skitty 7 · 1 0

hopefully iran will soon become a "glow in the dark' parking lot...before they have time to 'wipe israel off the map" as your terrorists leader has stated many times.in the 80's iran created hezbollah only to try and destroy israel...iran supports hezbollah to the tune of 250 mill. a year, so please, don't tell me how wonderful your government is...it is merely a terrorist state.

2006-07-29 09:33:06 · answer #10 · answered by bushfan88 5 · 0 0

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