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I want to know if it would be worth making a plea withdraw. I am looking at a year in jail with the plea. I did not do this, wow, I never realized that innocent people go to prison, I will not go to trial with a public defender, as I feel I could be found guilty of more than just one misdemeanor with the lack of defense they provide you. HELP!!!

2006-07-29 09:11:36 · 11 answers · asked by mrjackrussell 2 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

11 answers

Herein lies the problem with the system. People usually assume only guilty people go to jail and prison. I would go to every law forum you can find and find someone to help you. It will be much harder to get anyone to believe you once you get sentenced.

Go Directly to Jail: The Criminalization of Almost Everything (Hardcover) by Gene Healy


2006-07-29 09:15:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Withdraw your guilty plea. The DA will then be forced to give you a better plea bargain, or take the case to trial, something they don't like to do. If you have to, force them to take it to trial. They will generally settle the day before the trial for a very good deal in your favor. You can bargain with them, so don't accept their first offer, and make sure they know you did not do this crime. If you have any proof of your innocence, give it to your attorney to give to the DA. They might drop the charges then. Most public defenders are ok, but they won't put out much effort unless you do because they have so many cases. Go to all the legal websites you can find (some even let you ask an attorney a question). Our legal system does work, but you have to do your homework and put some effort into it to make it work. They will always tell you that if you don't plead guilty and insist on going to trial, you will get a much longer sentence if found guilty by a jury. This is not true at all. The DA does not like the time and expense of a trial or the chance that they might lose at trial, and will do almost anything to plea bargain the case to get rid of it. If you have to, have a trial. They will have to have the evidence to convict you, and prove it to a jury. Good luck to you.

2006-07-29 09:34:46 · answer #2 · answered by 420Linda 4 · 0 0

Public defenders aren't always complete idiots. There are some who just lack experience to get into good law firms. If you truly didn't commit this crime and feel you can present enough evidence to prove it, I would take the chance with one. A year in jail, A conviction on your record for the rest of your life...is it worth pleading out for that? Innocent people go to jail everyday. I spent time in jail for a crime I didn't commit just waiting for trial because I couldn't afford a lawyer. They finally assigned me one, we went to trial and I was found innocent on all charges. Unfortunately it's like playing Russian roulette with a fully loaded gun, but if you don't at least try to get some defense you'll never know if you could have beat it. You mentioned more than one charge. How serious are these charges? Is it likely you could be found guilty of some and innocent of others? email me if you'ld like some more advice, don't want to get into everything here.

2006-07-29 09:26:38 · answer #3 · answered by paesano2578 3 · 0 0

Don't ever plead guilty if you're not. Even if you get sent to prison anyway. Why volunteer to get punished for something you didn't do? Plus, then the person who did do the crime gets away with it. Public defenders are all real attorneys who have passed the bar exam just like other "for profit" attorneys. You can still get a fair trial with a public defender.

2006-07-29 09:16:16 · answer #4 · answered by Gwen 5 · 0 0

How does this happen in a Christian school? the same as it happens anywhere else. Any school is an institution made up of failing humans. You can only expect so much. Of course, we do typically expect a bit better than this from our faculty. You suppose this man was not a true Christian. That is God's call, not yours or mine. We are not equipped to judge the status of another man's soul. I would definitely say that his life style does not reflect that of a Christian, and his choice of erotic partners certainly is not in good Christian form.

2016-03-27 05:52:52 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

XXXXXXXXXXXXX if you are innocent of one crime why would they find you quilty of more. Sounds a bit fishy to me. Glad I'm not in your shoes. Do you know what happens to fresh meat in prison? Ewwwwwww The life termers are going to have a field day with you. There will be a party going on at the state pen and you'll be the guest of honor for a whole year. Yummmmm

2006-07-29 09:20:03 · answer #6 · answered by asoldierswife 7 · 0 0

If you cannot afford an attorney, the court must appoint one for you. Whatever you do, do not cop a plea and go to prison. Prison will ruin your life. STOP AND THINK WHAT YOU ARE DOING. YOUR LIFE IS VALUABLE, DON'T THROW IT AWAY. CALL LEGAL AID IF YOU DO NOT LIKE THE ATTORNEY THE COURT APPOINTS. DO NOT LET ANYONE TALK YOU INTO GOING TO PRISON!!! YOU CAN REVERSE YOUR PLEA.

2006-07-29 09:17:04 · answer #7 · answered by thebushman 4 · 0 0

this same thing happened to my mother. she just had to do the time and get it over with. im sorry but i don't know what else to tell you my mom couldn't figure out anything when she was in the situation

2006-07-29 09:16:10 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1 year? no... do the time, if u dont want to spend all ur money.

but yeah, that's the justice system, corrupt, just like the other branches.

2006-07-29 09:18:29 · answer #9 · answered by alco19357 5 · 0 0

You sound as if your pretty well up with the law, so if I were you I would defend myself, lol...

2006-07-29 09:21:30 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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