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24 answers

Da Ibn Kalb sohyoony.
Kol Kalb lee Yomoh..

2006-07-29 08:58:18 · answer #1 · answered by Zero 2 · 0 0

I would be asking instead, how many children have been killed by the left with their love of abortion.

If you look back into the 20th Century, the Left and gun control were associated with the extermination of between 60 and 200 million men, women, and, "children".

While President Bush is left of center, his administration is still trying to address the mess of issues, domestic and foreign, that the further left Clinton administration left unaddressed... one of them being Islamo-facism.

Children were butchered in Rawanda during the Clinton years, I heard no outcry from the left.... I would surmise that killing children is OK when the left is responsible, or when the Democrats are in the White House.

2006-07-29 16:05:58 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Despite the repuke rhetoric here, Bush started the war to enrich himself and his buddy's and 10's of thousands of Iraqi have suffered for it. Men, woman, children all die in war, we are real lucky that we have not seen it here. His war is a criminal act and he should be prosecuted for it. He has put himself above all laws and continues to do it. I do hope that everyone remembers this when we vote in November.

2006-07-29 16:06:52 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Actually abel I don't think Bush himself dropped any bombs, flew any sorties or fired any canons or rifles in the Iraqi conflict? And I would bet our service people have killed and injured fewer civilians then those who put peoples heads down on a table and saw them off.

2006-07-29 15:58:07 · answer #4 · answered by netjr 6 · 0 0

Dear Abel, I believe much fewer (absolutely negligible) compared to those who have been killing innocent men, women and children for the last 1000 years in the name Jihad and ULLLLAH and whose religion says any one who is not a mohammedan is a KAFIR and should be either converted or killed for the pleasure of ULLAH. All religions are unscientific and bunch of lies but none like this one. Bush killed in a war but not in cold blood by planting bombs in trains and shopping complexes(Methods suggested by Ullah).

I hate Bush, I hate all politicians, I hate wars, but religious fundamentalists and terrorists are the filthiest creatures.

2006-07-29 16:17:24 · answer #5 · answered by binaryFusion 5 · 0 1

HE didn't kill anybody. The casualties from the Iraq war, while far too many, are not nearly as high as the murders Saddam and his family committed on his own people, including women and children.

2006-07-29 16:00:32 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a whole lot less than the damnocrat have killed since legalizing abortion. Next time ask Micheal Moore or Howard Dean help you come up with a better question, since you are not able to think for yourself

2006-07-29 16:01:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

He hasn't killed anyone.Our military is volunteer, and we have young patriots who know they are going to war and still enlist for believing in the cause.God bless them all.

What a gay a-s-s liberal chicken shi* commie f tard loser un-american you are.Why dont you along with all of the rest of the liberal a holes all go over there and fight for the insurgents so we can kill you too.Seeing u hate your country and all.I bet you smile too everytime one gets be headed too, dont you

2006-07-29 16:29:21 · answer #8 · answered by Simms 2 · 0 0

Actually I don't know and I don't care. I know our soldiers are doing everything they can to prevent collateral damage. I do know that the terrorist target the children so I'm wondering what you point is?

2006-07-29 15:58:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

How many kids have the jihaddists killed. 40 white grapes?

2006-07-29 16:11:13 · answer #10 · answered by lighthouse 4 · 0 0

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