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...and i believe there is a shortage of gentlemen!! What are your opinions?

Also, there was a time where men would be more willing to help a lady in trouble (in the sense he sees her as a sister and therefore respects her and helps her) Whats happening now????

2006-07-29 08:05:22 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

41 answers

One who gets out of the bath to have a slash

2006-07-29 08:09:14 · answer #1 · answered by Colin T 3 · 0 0

over the last 50 years women and men have been trying to redefine their roles from the post war "barefoot,pregnant and tied to the kitchen sink" attitude, to a more inclusive and equal society where women have fought to have the same rights as men - to work, be paid equally, to have the same freedoms and not be restricted in freedom, employment, marriage or in society.
We are all struggling a bit to know how to behave towards one another - a man holding the door open is being courteous, as traditionally, men looked after and assisted the gentle sex. Women have rebelled against being treated as children, and take offence where none was meant. I think the baby has been thrown out with the bath water. I find it heartwarming that young men still hold the door, and find it desperately sad when women dont give up their seat for a pregnant lady on the bus.
Having equal standing with men is a continuing struggle for many societies, but losing the role of the gentleman is detrimental for all of us.

2006-08-05 03:20:29 · answer #2 · answered by Allasse 5 · 0 0

The answer is in you question. A gentleman always treats a LADY with the utmost respect but these days so many women act like blokes in dresses that ladies are as few and hard to find as gentlemen.

(And I was going to go for We are still out here! Tsk)

2006-08-05 03:28:27 · answer #3 · answered by Rob G 4 · 0 0

Gentleman: A man who respects others, can listen to a lady's problems and offer support or advice. Be charming, civil and maintain a high level of etiquitte without being too soft, and still be a 'man'. Not threaten a womans trust, be a good friend and not expect sexual favours in return.
It's a tall order, but we men are trying, and it's all to blame on the 'metrosexual' revolution and womens rights. ( I duck for cover now)
Girls, we understand you as well as you understand us guys (not well at all eh?) We try to be understanding and kind, we become 'boring'. We act like we don't care, we're 'useless asses'. Give us a few more years and we'll be just right ;-)

2006-08-04 14:55:02 · answer #4 · answered by TK 3 · 0 0

A gentleman has 3 primary traits

1. Holds doors open for ladies and tips his hat to them.
2. Does not wear tight wranglers to church on Sundays.
3. Treats both his woman and his horse with the utmost respect.

Oh hey this defines a good cowboy as well, how about that.

2006-07-29 08:10:55 · answer #5 · answered by O'Shea 5 · 0 0

As a man, if you hold open doors, pull out chairs, stand up when women enter the room etc. then you can be seen as patronising and sexist. Whereas if you don't comply with these old traditions of the 'gentleman' then you are seen as being unchivalrous. This is why the gentleman has declined in number.

2006-07-29 08:10:21 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Some say it began in the 60's with bra burning.

Some say it began in the 70's with women's equality (whatever that means!)

Some say it began when women decided they wanted sensitve, girlie men.

If a boy child is not taught to be a man then he will not be one. Boys are naturally more agressive, wilder and loud. When we shush and curb this in our sons we make whimps for men.

Sad but true.

Teach your sons to be gentle and kind but also to be strong and courteous. I raised two boys and they are nothing like the friends I see them hanging around with.

Both will open doors, let girlfriends go first, hand over jackets if it's cold, and stand up to their friends if needed on their girlfriends behalf.

They will also sit and watch a chick flick (painfully I must add) just to make the girls happy.

On the other hand they both like cars, motorcycles, taking risks and palling with the boys.

I'm quite proud of them actually.

2006-08-06 00:12:44 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

I still help ladies in trouble , when I can & pay them respect all the time. Unfortunateley because there are some nasty people in the world some women are frightened to ask for help. It is how life is now Im afraid.

2006-07-30 06:45:54 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think is a matter of culture, times are changing so quickly that we didn’t realize that old things begin to fade. Those “old things” I’m referring to, are common values, moral attitudes that our grandparents used to teach us as well behavior, good manners, polite stuff, etc. If you notice the new generations are strange of seeing, accept or even acquire those “old things”, they don’t seem to notice or need them.

I believe that a gentleman, does not to need to be handsome, or rich only, it’s a matter of attitude to be consider to the needs of others when a helping hand is expected, specially women, because he considers them as one of the most wonderful creations of this world made by God. And you are correct, he never expect to be paid in any manner for what he believes it's right.

2006-08-05 06:02:04 · answer #9 · answered by Viko 5 · 0 0

My hubby BEFORE we got married. He used to open doors for me and do all that crazy stuff you see in the old movies. He even asked if he could kiss me the first time he kissed me! You are so right that there is a shortage of gentelmen! It seems all they want to do anymore is get to the "good stuff!"

2006-07-29 08:14:20 · answer #10 · answered by momx4 4 · 0 0

damn right theres a shortage!
a gentlemen always outs a women first before himself.

i get what u mean, i guess women are slightly to blame to we can't put all the blame on men. theres less respect for women from men because women respect themselves less too.


2006-07-29 08:12:41 · answer #11 · answered by indamood 2 · 0 0

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