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Bush is ereasing hundreds of years of legislation with Facism policies...Overwriting our founding fathers statements with his own are blaphemy. Isn't it just his (EGO) Easing God Out the problem here? America will be rid of this criminal with a new Democrat Congress that holds him responcible for his actions.

2006-07-29 07:34:09 · 29 answers · asked by Jenny_is_Hot 6 in Politics & Government Politics

29 answers

Bush is a sociopath who is more concerned with making money for him and his criminal Neocon friends. This administration is the most devious, duplicitous, and vile this great country has ever seen. If the "founding Fathers" were around today, Bush and his criminal administration would be hung for treason in Philadelphia or Boston.

2006-07-29 07:50:34 · answer #1 · answered by Elusive 5 · 12 2

The Brady Bill expired. Reagan was the one that got rid of the Fairness Doctrine. And that had nothing to do with the First Amendment. And the Kelo Decision was make by a conservative Court. I believe all but two justices were appointed by Republican Presidents. The NSA wire tapping is against the law and violates the 5th Amendment Remember the FISA Law. The Patriot Act violates our 5th Amendment. The signing statements are violate the Constitution. It says Congress shal; make the laws and the President shall sign and enforce them or veto them if he doesn't like it. He says with his signing statement that he doesn't have to follow the law he just signed. and he used 800 signing statements on only 100 laws he signed. Why veto if you say you can ignore it!
Talk about buying your way in, how about the Walton Family, the Mars Family, The Coors Foundation and Richard Mellon Scaif. This people are the primary funders of the Riechwing think tanks. It is 18 families headed by the Waltons that are pushing to the repeal of the estate tax.
Fascism is the marriage of business and government. I think this Administration is Fascist! Any bill that is passed benefits the Corporations and the rich. Sure they throw something for" we the people" in there, but it is just to say they gave us something. Look at the Republican bill for minimum wage increase, it goes up 2 dollars over 3 years. but it also repeals the estate tax. Pennies for us, millions for the base!

2006-07-29 13:20:51 · answer #2 · answered by ggarsk 3 · 0 0

Hopefully they will know how to use spell check . As far as congress goes, you need a leader and Nancy and "Dingy" Hairy is everything but leaders. You need a voice and all you have is a screaming Howard and a whining Gore. The democrats George is Soros, I am not into Socialism like he is. Although he is trying to buy is way in, the American people , thank God, has not bought into it. makes you wonder how a Democratic leader would have done if they were in office on 9-11. Oh that's right , I am sure you think George Bush created that also.

2006-07-29 07:43:27 · answer #3 · answered by meathead 5 · 1 0

No way that I agree with the Fascism and racism from this administration. I don't want my children picking up on tyranny as the true way to live. These people are trying to create a society of people that don't give or share. America was founded as a Democracy and that is a big part missing from the Republicans politics they just take, and then take some more. I have watched physical fights and the Democrats beating these loudmouths down in public several times over George Bush and his stealing from the American people.

2006-07-29 08:53:28 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

President Bush is first and last a Politician and he will play politics. On the surface it appears Congress and President Bush have passed bills and accomplished a lot. Thus he is an effective leader as he claims, fellow politicians can claim to having been productive. Below the surface it proves to be a facade'. Yes a lie.

2006-07-29 07:43:32 · answer #5 · answered by longroad 5 · 0 0

Jenny, while you are HOT, you have no idea what you are talking about.

Facism policies? You certainly aren't talking about any republican I know. If you want pure facism, look to Clinton and Gore. They are the most facist people that have ever lead this country. If Hillary gets near the White House, then you will understand what true facism is.

2006-07-29 07:39:39 · answer #6 · answered by tjjone 5 · 1 0

Jenny, those "signing statements" were simply him putting comments on bills given to him by Congress. It is a president's right, even their duty, to do such a thing. Yes, he's such a criminal. One group thinks he's doing something wrong, so therefore he's automatically guilty in your eyes?
Whatever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Or does that not apply to the president?
I see your cronies and yes-men/women have already answered. I look forward to seeing one of them chosen for best answer. Or perhaps you'll choose someone who disagrees with you as an "example" of so-called ignorance.
I suppose it's a sign of intelligence when a person take a news article based on supposition and opinion as fact? No thanks, I'm one of those "narrow-minded" people who will only believe FACTS.

2006-07-29 14:03:27 · answer #7 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 0 1

The true strength are with the poor and suffering through these times. The good Lord always makes things right in the end..It's just a learning curve for America to know for sure about lying Republicans.

2006-07-29 09:19:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There is nothing about George Bush's policies, and he spits on the Constitution and Bill of Rights..only a Dictator would undermined America. Bush and Cheney and pals belong in prison.

2006-07-29 07:50:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

You are hot; but you are spewing incoherent gibberish. Exactly which constitutional right did Bush take away, give me the specifics.

It is the left wing democrats who seem intent on destroying the 2ND amendment (Brady Bill etc.), 1st amendment (Fairness Doctrine) and Best of all ending private property rights (Kelo decision. These are concrete examples not imaginary ones.

Confiscating firearms, silencing talk radio critics and taking away private property was all brought to you by your liberal friends who ARE ignoring the constitution.

2006-07-29 08:06:14 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

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