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well its 45.50 a week its too low

how am I going to survive

its not easy getting a job you know, and when I did the pay was even lower of job seekers per week

but what Im saying is how am I going to surive , I live with my mum right , but if I was on my own how do I pay the bills with that kind of money , any one know

2006-07-29 07:21:58 · 21 answers · asked by 67678687 8 1 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

21 answers

I agree, benefit rates are pathetically low.

What I want to know (& Im sure as Donna supports the government & agrees that us benefit claimants should all live like complete paupers & not even be able to pay for our gas/electricity etc) is why the Jobseekers Allowance Rate is "What the Law says you need to LIVE on" - yet the Crisis Loan Rate - which is "What the Law says you need to SURVIVE on" is higher (please note the difference...you should need more to LIVE than to SURVIVE)

Both me & my partner are on Contribution based, which means we dont get the free prescriptions etc so out of our pathetic amount we have to cover all medical expenses.

We do appreciate the helpt from Housing Benefit & Council Tax Benefit - if we didnt get that we'd lose our home.

I did work for the Jobcentre a few years ago & know that a few of the staff agree & feel sorry for the claimants, but unfortunately most are judgmental & think you deserve what you get if you cant get a job.

I lost my job 3 months ago - I was made redundant (so its not like I chose to stop working) & not only do I find it very hard to get a new job (despite numerous qualifications & a lot of experience in my field of work) but I hate having to sign on & get my pittance & be treated like scum just cos some of the dregs of society choose to live their lives like that.

I was on a good salary & by no means expect the goverment to give me the kind of money I was earning - but I do need enough to make sure Im not taken to court cos benefit rates are that low I cant pay my necessary miniscule household bills (ie water & electric) & put a bit of food on my table

2006-07-29 07:44:28 · answer #1 · answered by Lisa 3 · 0 0

No, I don't think that £45.50 is low for not working.
You are going to survive by giving your mum £30.00 per week for food & rent, the rest you spend on getting a job, i.e. train fair to interview or C.V. printing.
Do not try to tell me getting a job is hard, do you not have a McDonalds in your town? do you not have an office block that needs cleaning? Is it imposible for you to travel to another town for a job?
If you want a job you can get a job, it may not be well paid or what you want to do, but, thats life!
I'm currently unemployed, I work apox 5 years and save money, then I take about a year off. I am 36, I have been doing this since I left school. I have not worked for 6 months but when I want a job I'll get one, even if it's cleaning toilets (which I have done before), I can work up from there!

2006-07-29 11:27:26 · answer #2 · answered by ridcully69 3 · 0 0

If you aren't happy with living on benefits - get a job!

As for it being hard to find work, if you live with your mum, don't be so proud and work at MacDonald's!...they will pay you more than JSA, and you will have the pride of knowing you are contributing rather than just taking from the system.

I'm a lone parent with a full time job and 2 kids, and this school holiday I am paying nearly £300 per week for the privilege of working (and no I do not earn millions I rely on tax credits!)

Don't tell me there is no work out there!...get out of your bed and off your computer and do something about finding a job!

2006-07-30 07:25:43 · answer #3 · answered by lippz 4 · 0 0

Jobseekers Allowance is what it says on the tin!!!! It's an allowance to help you go and find a job - do you get it, a job!
It is not an early retirement pension. You will survive by taking responsibility for your own life, standing up on your own two legs. Hopefully you will have friends and family to give you a hand if things get rough.
If you were not capable of working you would claim Income Support, the State would not let you starve, but by your own admission you are claiming Jobseekers Good luck in your job hunting!

2006-07-29 07:29:51 · answer #4 · answered by Raymo 6 · 0 0

My answer is going to sound horrible - but I've been where you are and I do understand.

However, it is not the responsibility of the government or the tax payers of this country to keep you in luxury - welfare is designed to get you through tough times and help you get back on your feet.

The amount you get is enough to feed you and pay your basic bills. You should also be getting 100% of your rent entitlement paid. So it covers the basics.

If you smoke, like the odd drink in the pub and treat yourself to clothes - then it has to be you that pays for them, not us. In which case, you need to get yourself a job - even if its just stacking shelves for a while.

I promise I'm not getting at you, like I say, I've been there - and it's hard.

Good luck xx

Lisa D (below): Don't single me out, please. I don't think my view that people should try and live on their own two feet is really that outrageous, surely.

2006-07-29 07:38:03 · answer #5 · answered by Hello Dave 6 · 0 0

You don't, that's the problem. If we were in another european country we would get a lot more, but it goes down through time.

You have to get out and earn. 37hrs per week at min wage will be well more than 45.50 dole.

it sucks but its an effective way of forcing us into crap jobs that pay poorly and offer no security.

You coulkd always apply for a credit card

2006-07-29 07:26:36 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I've been on Jobseekers for 6 months, I recently got a job, now it will take me two or three years to get out of debt. Your right it's far from enough. Sometimes though it doesn't pay to work as some wages are so low.

2006-07-29 07:45:52 · answer #7 · answered by nannacrocodiles 3 · 0 0

Lets face it if it was a higher amount no one would bother going to work. The whole point of job seekers is to encourage you to get a job. So stop moaning and go find one, cos i bet you just lie around in your own filth everyday thinking the world owes you a favour

2006-07-29 07:29:16 · answer #8 · answered by BUNKUM! 2 · 0 0

its the basic amount and it is calculated on your living expenses - ie if you lived alone then you would get more than you do living with your mum.
It is set at a low figure to encourage you to get off your bum and work. There are always jobs out there if you aren't picky! sign on with agencies even if it is factory work and not what you wanted to do a 7 hour shift 5 days a week should give you over £160 per week!!!!!!!!!

2006-07-30 20:42:53 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

get a real job. i went to the UK with no work experience straight out of school and got a job where i earn just under £20000 a year and i was only 19! i arrived with £150

You probably just can't be bothered to put in the hours. Stop being so lazy there are plenty of good paying jobs out there

2006-07-29 07:27:30 · answer #10 · answered by amzalama 3 · 0 0

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