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Use of chemical weapons - news report -Scotsman
Killing of 4 UN soldiers
Refusal of outside investigators
600 dead Lebonese mostly civilians 200 of which are children as opposed to 50 dead Israeli's mostly soldiers.
Israel is attemping a genocide not destoying Hezbollah.

Isn't it time to wake up realise they have decieved us and say stop?

2006-07-29 06:53:39 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

This shouldn't have been allowed to happen in first place...And now we can't stop it...As long as US has a right to veto in the UN council Israel will never be punished so they can go ahead and kill some more innocent people...

2006-07-29 06:58:56 · answer #1 · answered by Tinkerbell05 6 · 2 1

It's so amazingly funny that Israel can exist for nearly 60 years under constant terrorist attack and that when they decide to put away an organization (Hezbollah) that has publicly declared its intent to completely wipe Israel off the face of the earth, suddenly it is Israel that is wrong for responding with war.

How many Israeli innocents have been killed this year, or last year, or over the past 10 years? Do you not know how often they get bombed?

Israel is not attempting genocide. Are you so ignorant as to not know that the Palestinians have been placing armed children at the front of their lines? Sometimes they place unarmed children in front of their soldiers and place arms stores in hospitals and schools intentionally so when those places get destroyed they can claim their "innocent women and children" are being murdered. (Saddam did this trick too)

I'm not a fan of war, but you're pretty ignorant if you think Israel doesn't have a right to fight back. Hezbollah does not need to be in civilian occupied areas, that is their choice. They could also move their families but they choose not to.

Unfortunately civilian casualties is a fact of war. Always has been; likely always will be.

No one has been deceived, you are just misinterpreting the information you've been given.

2006-07-29 14:03:42 · answer #2 · answered by Lori A 6 · 0 0

Israel is simply responding to the fact that Hezbollah terrorists trespassed into Israel, kidnapped citizens and launched rockets into Israel. You come into my yard, take my child and damage my home, and I'll kick your butt. Israel DID notify the citizens of Lebanon, before the war, so if they stayed, they did so at their own risk. No other country ever gave such a warning. Israel does not want to harm innocents, but if Hezbollah continues to hide behind innocent civilians, as they do, then blame the Hezbollah, not Israel, for making them targets. Hezbollah are cowards by hiding behind civilians and hiding their faces.

Israel is not refusing to allow outside investigators, but that area is under attack, and not safe because Hezbollah are still there. It was the Hezbollah who killed the UN observers (they were not soldiers), and the UN observers should have left when they saw that the Hezbollah were shooting off rockets toward Israel only TEN FEET from their position. They were stupid to stay.

The reason more Lebanese have died than Israelis is intelligence. The stupid Hezbollah are shooting their rockets into vacant land. Also, the Israelis are in bomb shelters, not out in the open, like the stupid Lebanese, who stayed after being warned to leave.

It is the Hezbollah who are attempting genocide. Nazrollah is just another Hitler and soon the Mosaad will take him out!

2006-07-29 14:02:50 · answer #3 · answered by sweetsinglemom 4 · 0 0

Hezbollah & Hamas have kicked the hornet's nest one too many times. The Lebanese & Palestininas both think it is great to have terrorist members as apart of their gov't. If your gov't supports the elected terrorist and the terrorist attack a peaceful country - don't be surprised when Israel starts to crush the terrorists. How do we actually know that numerous civilians are dying? Does Hezbollah have a military uniform or dog tags to ID themselves? If civilians are dying then that's the price they pay for allowing & supporting elected terrorist. Civilian deaths are avioded as much as possible BUT when the coward terrorist use the civilian population as a sheild, when terrorist use UN outpost to attack Israel - there will be innocent deaths. The only people that have decieved us are the terrorist. They are the ones that have demanded Israel return land to them that they lost in battle. Israel complied with the demands in return for peace and a cease fire - only to have the terrorist attack them after they had built up an arsenal. When are you going to wake up and realize that a Cease Fire = stock piling the arsenal. There will never be peace over there until the terrorist and nations that support them are beaten into submission. The Arab mentality is so messed up - that they truly see diplomacy as a sign of weakness. They don't see talks as a solution - they see it as a time to rebuild and then attack again.

2006-07-29 14:13:13 · answer #4 · answered by therandman 5 · 0 0

No. Apparently you are the one decieved. You can't base right or wrong on the numbers of deaths..Would Israel suddenly be right if they had more civilian deaths than Lebanon? The fact is there are many innocents being killed on both sides. It is indded time for you to wake up and realize that Israel prefers peace and that the deaths on both sides can be attributed to Hezbollah who refuses to surrender there arms(which was a U.N. mandate years ago) and to sureender the kidnapped soldiers taken illegaly while killing eight other soldiers on Israeli soil.

2006-07-29 14:37:49 · answer #5 · answered by djmantx 7 · 0 0

Israel has the right to show Hezbollah that it's been pushed too far. The UN acted unwisely by not allowing its soldiers to move out from a hotspot. Hezbollah fighters forced Lebanese civilians to remain, because without human shields, Hezbollah is nothing. But the main theme in the answers is, let Israel do what they think is best.

2006-07-29 14:05:08 · answer #6 · answered by moleman 3 · 0 0

Quit listening to propaganda and grow up. It's quite apparent that you're not much of a history buff. If you were you would have alot more understanding of things. It would be great if the people of the world could live in peace but unfortunately, we don't. Since the beginning of time there has been a battle going on between good and evil. Yeah, people talk their crap about it being for this reason and that reason and yes other factors do enter in but at the base of it all lies the battle of good and evil. Sometimes if you don't have a full scope of what's happening, it might seem hard to tell which is which but if you arm yourself with knowledge, you can see things more clearly. Atheist blame war on religion but what they and people like you don't understand is, if evil was not fought against, evil would run rampant over us all. It is sad that Innocent people must die but most of the people dieing in Lebanon are people who back the terrorist which make them terrorist themselves. Israel has a right to their country. It was theirs before it was the Palestinians. They only took it back. If you are not on the side of good then you are on the side of evil and will be judged accordingly.

2006-07-29 14:23:14 · answer #7 · answered by oldman 7 · 0 0

They need to stop Israelis, what are doing there right now.
I don't know why the US supporting Israel? They sending weapons over Scandinavian to Israel... just hear that today at the news. They all need to sit down and find a way for peace. So many women and children get killed everyday. That's terrible.

2006-07-29 14:00:16 · answer #8 · answered by cat 6 · 0 0

No. Hezzbolah needs to disarm completely and then the battle stops. Have never seen a report of them using chemical weapons?

Did you read the letter from the UN Soldier killed? He claimed to his parents he was in dire straights because Hezzbolah was all around him firing rockets off into Israel and the UN gave him no weapons for which to stop them.

2006-07-29 13:56:49 · answer #9 · answered by netjr 6 · 0 0

No one will ever stop Israel. The only reason America has survived this long is because for the most part we have supported Israel. God's favor is upon Israel and always will be.

So get with the program - or fade into the ashes of history.

2006-07-29 13:58:24 · answer #10 · answered by LL 4 · 0 0

intellectual morons," smart people who make themselves stupid by letting "ideology do their thinking"; stock or fanatical answers, bad logic and lies are all part of their putative arsenal.

Why do well-educated antiwar activists call the president of the United States “the new Hitler” and argue that the U.S. government orchestrated the September 11 attacks?

Why does Al Gore believe that cars pose “a mortal threat to the security of every nation”?

Why does the Princeton professor known as the father of the animal rights movement object to humans eating animals but not to humans having sex with them—and why does PETA defend that position?

In other words, why do smart people fall for stupid ideas

It is startling how many Americans—and particularly how many media, academic, and political elites—fall for bad ideas. The trouble is, their lies become institutionalized as truth, and we all suffer as a result.

•How the environmental movement, spawned by a “scientist” whose doomsday predictions are almost always wrong, has bred fanaticism, stupidity, and dishonesty

How the hero of the animal rights crowd is a crank who promotes infanticide and euthanasia

•How a scientific fraud—and pervert—launched the sexual revolution

•How abortion rights activists ignore (or cover up) the fact that their matron saint advocated eugenics and concentration camps

•How our universities have become hothouses of leftist ideology

•How historians and journalists have airbrushed history to turn a racial separatist into a civil rights icon

2006-07-29 13:58:27 · answer #11 · answered by Heroic Liberal 1 · 0 0

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