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to be for gays but something is now changeing my mind here is the scripture.genesis the tale of Sodom is often debated. In it, Lot has two angels staying in his house. The men of Sodom surrounded the house. "They called to Lot and asked him where the men were who had entered his house that night. 'Bring them out,' they shouted, 'so that we might have intercourse with them.'"

To protect his visitors from an act which Lot describes as "wicked", he offers the crowd his two virgin daughters instead. The crowd are not satisfied and break the door down - the angels then make the intruders blind and Sodom is eventually destroyed by "fire and brimstone more over,Leviticus 18 vs 22 "You shall not lie with a man as with a woman; that is an abomination." i dont know its a tug of war in my mind now.who should i support?i mean someone showed me proof in the bible.no rude comments please.:)

2006-07-29 06:47:03 · 21 answers · asked by Nafertiti 2 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

21 answers


2006-07-29 07:41:07 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

It is generally agreed on by scholars that the book of Genesis as we know it had at least 3 authors and was written over a long period of time. With that in mind you have to take everything written there with a grain of salt.(it is possible that one of the authors was homophobic and therefore put the story there)

For more information regarding the book of genesis and it's less lieterla interpretation you can read:

"In the beginning" by Karen Armstrong.

Also it is possible that at the time such an act could be considered wicked for various reason( hygiene, no condoms, no lubricant, etc)

The main problem here is that it does not state which aspect of the homosexual act was wicked.

Additionally, one way to understand the above text is that they wanted to "rape" the guests and hence the consideration of the act to be wicked.( This of course is not the official dogmatic interpretation)

I sort of do understand why the religions of the time were not so keen about homosexuality. The human race numbers were not so great and humanity could have been wiped out by any sort of infective outbreak. And since Homosexual did not procreate, they were a threat to keeping the human race away from extinction.

One of the most annoying thing about religion is that it tells you "do not do this", but does not say why. That might have been fine for a human from 2000yrs ago. But with modern humans, we need to know the real reason and we want to evaluate if it makes sense.

2006-07-29 07:20:08 · answer #2 · answered by Mohammed R 4 · 0 0

You are reading a bible that has been translated, re-translated, and so on and so forth until the point that what you are reading has little relationship to the actual scroll writings. The Bible did NOT come into existence until between 300AD and 400AD, translations from Greek and ancient Arabic, ancient Hebrew, and ancient Egyptian were all pooled by scholars who spent a lot of time TRYING to translate and fill in the blanks of the missing parts. The Catholic Church supervised the creation of the Bible, deciding what scrolls to include, what scrolls were unsuitable, etc. NONE of the new testament can be counted on as really true. It is retelling of stories passed down by word of mouth for many many generations. As we all know, word of mouth is usually exagerated with each generation's telling. The OLD testament is so fragmented that it becomes no more than an interesting tale often created to explain natural phenomina to the uneducated by use of parable, metaphor, and mystic referrences. All in all, to be blunt, magic was used to stress points the elders wanted to make. ALL translations were made to fit an agenda of that time...The Catholic Church certainly had an agenda with the first translation, King James commissioned a new translation from the original scrolls where he could, improvised where needed...all to his AGENDA. All translations carry someone's agenda. It was much later that church(s) decided that "it was the word of God delivered to man to be written. That seems to make everything concrete, but in reality, the only way the bible can mean anything is to see and translate the real scrolls, and each translator will come up with a different message. Current thinking on Sodam is that the city(ies) were punished for being inhospitable, not homosexual. Hospitality was a very real neccessity in days where surroundings were very hostile to travelers. But over the ages, this meaning has been warped to agenda of those who are unreasonably prejudiced. Hence, we have the Anti Gay thing going on in the Bible. IN days when population increases were required to protect a tribe, homosexuality was frowned upon because it led to NO increase in population. Today, it should be welcomed, for we are far too overpopulated. IT makes me sick to see a church leader promote large families, as the Pope just did...each family's duty was to bring 10 children into the world...now that is an agenda posing as a religious tenant! The Catholic church is shrinking quickly, and he wants more members to pay up money to support the church...pure and simple! As with this, all you read in any translation of the bible is to further someone's end goal...nothing more, nothing less. Good luck. Sorry this is so long, but you asked the question, and I answered it.

2006-07-29 07:01:34 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Oh please! Most people have been using the Bible for gay bashing, slavery, violence against women, and any other form of hate and abuse for centuries. The Bible has been translated over and over so much that you really don't know what to believe anymore. By the way, that's the OLD testament and no one really gets into that anymore. If you were a true supporter of the GLBT community, you wouldn't care what ANYONE showed you, you'd still have mad love and respect. You really never cared in the first place, and that's really a shame if you flipped the script like that.

2006-07-29 08:26:30 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

First of all: if YOU think it's religiously wrong, that shouldn't change too much about the way you treat the people involved; they're still people. As for the passages: do you happen to think rape is wrong? I sure do! These men in the village, aside from not observing sacred hospitality, furthermore wanted to essentially gang-rape the angels. Nowhere is there any mention about two consenting adults.

Leviticus: it's the book for priests. There's a LOT of stuff in there about things you should do as a good Jew to set yourself apart from other religions that were common at the time. It's kinda like how Catholics (I think other christians do too?) eat fish on Fridays. There's nothing inherently wrong or sinful about eating fish on any given day of the week; it's about religious differentiation. That's the same book (and, if I recall, the same chapter) that says you shouldn't wear your cotton / poly blends or sow two different types of seed in the same field, etc etc.

My humble suggestion: think about the purpose of the Bible. Remember it was written by men, and that it consists of several different books which were selected by men. I'm familiar with the catholic tradition, which says that the bible is accurate on matters of faith; especially if you're not gay, what the bible has to say on the matter should have no bearing on your faith. Also: gay people aren't going anywhere, you're going to need to at least know how to live with them respectfully, and you're going to need to remember that in Western Society, we tend to beleive that religion shouldn't be governed by the state; not everyone believes what you do, and our laws should reflect that.

2006-07-29 21:58:48 · answer #5 · answered by Atropis 5 · 0 0

This passage in Genesis isn't the only reference to God's command that sexual activities should just be between men and woman. Jesus and Paul speak about it a lot in the New Test. as well. The Bible says that certain activities will keep you out of heaven (I suspect because if you are doing them, you really haven't been born again, trusted Jesus to pay your sin, and turned from your ways- the real meaning of repentence) and sexual immorality is one of them. God talks a lot about keeping couples the way He naturally meant them- a man with a woman. I'm encouraged that God is talking with you and convicting you about this!! A good read would be the New Testament, and you'll see how many times (especially in the letters that Paul wrote) this topic comes up!! You can always trust what God says. Even if it isn't the popular choice in the culture at the time, the Master of the Universe probably knows better than we. Even if we don't understand all of something, if God said it, than we can stand firm on it. Jesus said, "The world will hate you, but have heart!! I have overcome this world."

2016-03-16 08:13:00 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Whether you think homosexuality is ok or not - just remember, Bible verse Matthew 7:1, "Judge not that ye be not judged ....."

You can question if you feel that it is not right - but don't abandon anyone you know that is gay. But be more of a listener if that is the case. I would also refrain from overadvising and preaching.

We should not condemn anyone or be "for" or "against" anyone culture, lifestyle, religion, different beliefs. Let God do God's job and judge them at their time. Live and let live. Have your opinion and so be it just that.

I am not gay but have gay friends and will also remain that to them. I have no particular opinion on the matter (right or wrong) - but I feel that they do deserve to be treated the same as you would anyone and given the same rights as anyone else.

I hope this was not rude. I was just trying to give you my opinion to live with xtian charity and kindness.

2006-07-29 06:50:44 · answer #7 · answered by ami 4 · 0 0

"Proof" and "Bible" are not compatible. The Bible states a particular doctrine, compiled thousands of years ago from a variety of sources. The Bible is not the ultimate arbiter of knowledge, justice or indeed anything beyond its context. Eating shrimp or lobster is also on the condemned list if you consider the Bible an authoritative source.

It is more appropriate to say "the Bible considers homosexuality an abomination." That is provable. Whether one decides to believe everything (or indeed anything) in the Bible in light of better, more reliable, more recent, more informed sources is a personal matter. By way of example, would you prefer to go to a modern hospital to be treated by an illness or be treated through prayer or the methods available 2,000 years ago?

If one selects which parts they believe and which they do not, what are the criteria one uses and are those criteria fair or even rational?

2006-07-29 07:06:49 · answer #8 · answered by vladbath 2 · 0 0

OK ya and it says that god loves EVERYONE no matter what so think about that there is nothing wrong with being gay or bi u know think about this when someone goes to jail and gets the death penalty for killing kids or rapen women something bad sometimes u will see church people out there protesting it why would they do that when the man killed a child???????? but yet they have such hate-tread towards gay people and alls they did was love the same sex it makes no fricken sense to me

2006-07-29 07:01:13 · answer #9 · answered by ♥ missy ♥ 2 · 0 0

The story you tell is about a gang of men (in fact all the men of Sodom, except for Lot) who wanted to gang-rape the two angels. Rape is not a sexual act, it is an act of violence. And if you read carefully, the law broken here is the law that you must show hospitality to strangers.

Other references to sex acts between men that you didn't mention are about adult men who find pleasure in young boys. We see this as child abuse, and this too is wrong. Those men were also not homosexual, but simply abusive.

The purity codes in Leviticus condom all kinds of practices. Besides sex with men, it condemns wearing a garment made from two fibers (like the poly-cotton blend shirt you have on right now, or the cotton socks you wear with some nylon mixed it too keep them from falling down around your ankles). Divorce is equally condemned as is eating meat more than one day after it has been slaughtered. These rules were made because they made sense for the times, but they are superseded by the laws delivered by Jesus in the New Testament. He never spoke of gay sex, but spoke repeatedly of universal love.

2006-07-29 16:43:11 · answer #10 · answered by michael941260 5 · 0 0

It is not a matter of support. Gay and Lesbian people have a tough enough battle without thier friends abandoning them. What they are doing is wrong but that doesn't mean you cannot love and support them as they try to get through this fight. If they refuse to do anything about thier sin then that is a slightly different story you may find that you need to have some distance so as not to be caught up in thier problems but I would still pray for them and love them. Eventually either God will get through or they will figure it out themselves.

2006-07-29 06:52:12 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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