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15 answers

The Iranian people aren't the problem - the Iranian government is the problem. The Church and the government are one and the same, and both the church and the president are on record as favoring Israel's destruction. Countries with nut cases for leaders (see also North Korea) are crazy enough to actually use nukes, and that is why the UN must act now.

2006-07-29 06:57:06 · answer #1 · answered by F. Frederick Skitty 7 · 2 0

It is absolutely the right of Iranians to have whatever power source they see fit. I will however predict this now.

Israel has just received a brace of bunker bursting bombs it ordered from the USA several years ago. The USA has just now decided to deliver them through the UK. Israel will use these bombs to destroy the nuclear plants in Iran and therefore widening the war in the ME. This will inevitably lead to the WWIII we are all talking about. Bush's last hoorah to the world before he departs.
To think this is where the world is headed?

2006-07-29 07:34:03 · answer #2 · answered by Blessed 1 · 0 0

Iran's goal might be for energy for the people, but in reality they want Nuke energy for their evil means of wiping Israel of the face of the earth and any one that believes different is a fool. Iran is behind Hezbollah, and so is Syria, They don't care what happens to their own people their Ideology in the only thing that matters. Israel is very small and if they use nukes on Israel they will also be killing their own people because when the nuke explodes and travels for hundreds of miles they will be killing thousands on their own people from the radiation and fall out. The Iranian leadership are nuts especially the President of Iran and if you can not see that, then you are wishing a fate worse that death on the people of Iran. I think the leaders are evil enough to use nukes on Isreal, and then Israel will unleash theirs also. So what will be left.

2006-07-29 07:05:38 · answer #3 · answered by hexa 6 · 0 0

I agree with you. Any country has a right to use any source of energy that is available and makes the best use of resources available to them. All the international community has demanded is that Iran not have the enrichment ability. Russia has been generous with their offer to perform this task for them to keep peace and stability in the region. They have flat turn them down, so their motives become suspect when you add their Leaders words of denying the holocaust and wanting Israel wiped off the map. France, Great Britain, US, Russia, and China are all pretty much in agreement on this one.
Iran threatens to quit shipping oil to Europe, their major export, but again it's Iran who will lose. With a 14% unemployment rate and a country that over 50% of their economy is based on oil, they will be shooting themselves in the foot. The civil unrest within its own borders will be more than they will be able to handle.

2006-07-29 07:08:26 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Agree; and that is why the US bartered a deal with Russia. Russia offered Iran the ability to own three nuclear power plants in Southern Russia. The power would be transmitted to Tehran to meet all of their needs. They would never even suffer any fall out. They'd (Iran) even own the power plants and could even send their people to work them.

If it its nuclear power they wanted it was offered on a silver platter; but its not nuclear power they want...at least not the electric kind.

2006-07-29 06:50:07 · answer #5 · answered by netjr 6 · 0 0

intellectual morons," smart people who make themselves stupid by letting "ideology do their thinking"; stock or fanatical answers, bad logic and lies are all part of their putative arsenal.

Why do well-educated antiwar activists call the president of the United States “the new Hitler” and argue that the U.S. government orchestrated the September 11 attacks?

Why does Al Gore believe that cars pose “a mortal threat to the security of every nation”?

Why does the Princeton professor known as the father of the animal rights movement object to humans eating animals but not to humans having sex with them—and why does PETA defend that position?

In other words, why do smart people fall for stupid ideas

It is startling how many Americans—and particularly how many media, academic, and political elites—fall for bad ideas. The trouble is, their lies become institutionalized as truth, and we all suffer as a result.

•How the environmental movement, spawned by a “scientist” whose doomsday predictions are almost always wrong, has bred fanaticism, stupidity, and dishonesty

How the hero of the animal rights crowd is a crank who promotes infanticide and euthanasia

•How a scientific fraud—and pervert—launched the sexual revolution

•How abortion rights activists ignore (or cover up) the fact that their matron saint advocated eugenics and concentration camps

•How our universities have become hothouses of leftist ideology

•How historians and journalists have airbrushed history to turn a racial separatist into a civil rights icon

2006-07-29 06:48:40 · answer #6 · answered by Heroic Liberal 1 · 0 0

heroic Liberal and "Pangea" ha ha ha should either answer the question and stop expressing opinions this is yahoo Answers not yahoo Opinions.... geezzz! Anyhoo to answer your question I think you are correct and while I don't particularly agree with that country's politics I do believe in a country's soverignity I have never enjoyed watching how the ("1st world") countries ( industrialized nations work to keep the other ("2nd and 3rd" world countries) from moving forward with modernization they gotta stay in the dark ages cause we are afraid of what might happen hmmm I don't think so. Were there any countries trying to stop us from improving our future...NO we would have a fit some other country tried that with us so why aren't we practicing what we preach and even if they do try to blow us up we will blow them up back simple as that geez Foreign policy Capt Caveman style.

2006-07-29 07:00:25 · answer #7 · answered by Monte 3 · 0 0

Only the civilized world have the right of possessing nuclear energy, and this is just to frighten the less developed nations like Iran and Arabs to ensure peace everwhere.

2006-07-29 06:53:26 · answer #8 · answered by Snow Flakes 1 · 0 0

I'm not willing to risk letting them obtain nuclear weapons when their leader has publicly declared wanting to "wipe Israel off the face of the earth"

And who needs nuclear energy when your sitting on top of one of the world's largest supplies of oil and natural gas right? Eh?

2006-07-29 06:53:27 · answer #9 · answered by Austin 3 · 0 0

im maltese and i dont know why america is making such a big deal about iran trying to power its homes with nuclear energy, usa does it, so why shoulnt iran, if usa is afraid of iran making nuclear weapons, doesnt she have them too, why should we trust america, when america decided that she wanted warplanes on our territory without asking she did it. please note that bringing warplanes over malta is like a man threatinging a gaged child, because malta doesnt have any warplanes or tanks of anykind

2006-07-29 06:58:59 · answer #10 · answered by Eric v 2 · 0 0

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