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Ir you're more worried about the 4 flags that were burned last year, you are a Republican. If you're more concerned about the 20% of the population without health insurance, then you're a Democrat.

Which issue do you think Jesus would be more interested in?

2006-07-29 03:48:59 · 129 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

129 answers

It is somewhat moronic to make this an either or question!!!

That is the problem with these liberal weenies - they try to take 2 completely separate issues and make it a "this or that" argument!

Bush sucks, but Democrats should be ashamed for their lack of GOOD & VIABLE alternative programs (and socialist programs don't count, as we are a capitalistic country)!

2006-07-29 04:03:31 · answer #1 · answered by JackJester 5 · 3 3

I don't get into religion only because it's a political tool that works very well. I don't like flags being burned and I think that all people should be able to be treated by doctors. However, there do exist some areas of Socialized medicine in the US. At least in the big cities, there are. A few hospitals that treat people for litttle or nothing, as well as several clinics that treat people that may leave a donation at their discretion.
I have health insurance and I still pay an arm and leg if I need EMS or in some cases doctors exams. I think I actually payed less before I had it, but the up side is that I won't be concerned so terribly if I ever need surgery. I hope I won't.

2006-07-29 04:11:58 · answer #2 · answered by profile image 5 · 0 0

It seems to me that if so much of the rest of the world were able to go successfully to socialized medicine, than we have simply been duped by the insurance companies. I think they question should be "If 50 million people in America don't have health care and therefore can't go to the doctors, what do you suppose ONE of the reasons 4 American flags got burned? They burned the flag to get attention on the issues that are concerning them, but we never really get that information.
For the Media, the flag being burnt is a hot topic that will sell a paper, and get the loyalist Americans riled up, and otherwise be benign. To publish the list of reasons they burnt that flag could start a chain reaction that might create change in this our nation. For some reason, that is just not the popular thing in America today.
So for marketing purposes, the flags are far more important. They are short term and have positive loyalist results.
But for reality the people without insurance are far more pertanant. a healthy American citizen is a happy american citizen. That is long term, but requires great change that would cause incredible ripples in the way things are layerd together today, so it is just considered a threat to our "way of life" and brushed away.
That way of life, Ladies and gentlemen; doesn't include the lower or middle class American. We are the cogs in their wheel, and we are expendable... Until and unless we prove that we are not.
Obviously the people should be more important.

2006-07-30 04:12:24 · answer #3 · answered by vvxxzzvv 2 · 0 0

It is more important to save the lives of our countrymen than to worry about flag burning. How many of those offenders have ever been convicted. Now how many people die because they lack health care because they can't aford insurance. Insurance companys lobby congress so we can not get a national health plan put into effect. They say it won't work. The bottom line is that they'll lose billions if it happened..
Flag burning has been going on in this country since the Viet Nam era. Very few offenders have ever even went to court or let alone be arrested. Now if these people have so little patriotist to preform such act well maybe they would like to live elsewhere. Maybe the Middle East.

2006-07-29 04:11:40 · answer #4 · answered by Marcel L 2 · 0 0

I don't know, Jesus would've probably been smart enough (unlike you) to realize the 50 million number was red-herring. First, it's the number of people without heath insurance, not the number of people who "can't see a doctor". People can actually go to a doctor without heath insurance. I'm sure that's and odd concept for some people though. Second, It's a snapshot, there aren't 50 million CHRONICALLY uninsured people - mostly it's people who are temporarily without insurance because they are between jobs.

To really get a picture of the heath care problems (related to cost and insurance) in this country, that statistic you sited would need to be broken down a lot further. Not that you'd be interested in doing that I'm sure, you get more political mileage out of saying "50 million people can't see a doctor".

2006-07-29 06:17:16 · answer #5 · answered by Will 6 · 0 0

Obviously, you are wanting to make a political statement rather than ask a question. Having asked and answered your own first question and then envoking the name of Jesus in the hopes of lending some credence to your own answer. I don't feel at this point you deserve an honest and sensible answer to either question but will give one just the same as I feel others may care to hear it.
I am worried about both at about an equal level. Although many Americans have little or no health insurance, any American can recieve health care. They may not be able to run to the doctor for every minor complaint, but basic and emergency care are available to all. In many parts of the world where that flag does not fly, NO doctors or hospitals even exist. And if it ever comes to pass that it no longer flies here, the number will be much higher than 50 million. Jesus will have to post his own answer as I feel unqualified to speak as to his feelings.

2006-08-01 09:21:50 · answer #6 · answered by Justin Case 4 · 0 0

In a way I think they are the same,maybe if we had more respect for the flag and what it stands for we would care more about the people that live under it.
And I hate to disagree with the girl that tried to blame Bush for this problem it has been a problem long before this administration. I am not a Hillary Clinton fan but when she went in and tried to change the health care system and was stopped cold it just goes to show how controlling the insurance company's are.

I think we need to work on both issues, one person at a time actually caring about other people can make a difference. But then to you will always have the people that try and scam and ruin things for people.

2006-07-29 04:11:17 · answer #7 · answered by T S 3 · 0 0

That health care problem will only get worse to the extent that gov't interferes with it. It will get better as soon as the gov't puts limits on malpractice fees for lawyers.

As it stands now, too much of our medical money just goes to lawyers.

At the same time taxes must be lowered so that citizens can afford to visit a doctor. If you seriously want to alleviate the health care crisis, vote the high-taxers out of Congress. Every dollar the feds take from us makes everything more expensive, and especially health care. Higher prices caused by high taxes hurts the poor the most. And makes Americans less competitive in the job market. This is causing our jobs to move overseas.

2006-07-29 04:19:11 · answer #8 · answered by AardVark 2 · 0 0

Answer 69, that ought to be good for something. I am one of the 50 million with no health care, a diabetic, while I have received some help with my medications there are some medicines that I do not take because they are too expensive. One trip to the hospital will wipe me out financially and will leave me homeless. So I think that while I do not endorse the burning of the American flag for any reason, I am much more concerned about the lack of health care.

2006-07-29 04:09:03 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Amen, this whole republican/ democrat stuff is really starting to get to me. Jesus could not be a staunch republican and have the viewpoint that he has. I am more concerned about those 50 million. the riches country on earth is also has some of the most selfish citizens. Some favor cheaper labor but higher prices. For instance,a lot manufacturing jobs have left the country to get cheaper labor adding to the 50 million without health care or benefits, but the prices haven't gotten any lower. For someone to say they are republican and say they are Christian is blasphemous. How can you be conservative and be Christ-like, the whole christian thing is about giving and helping. I am not either Dem or Rep but the conservative attitudes in the media is becoming ridiculous. Conservative: "Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change". Now that definition I understand but the way it is used now is not like that at all.

2006-07-29 04:03:50 · answer #10 · answered by ihadnuttin2dowitit 2 · 0 0

If someone truly needs to see a doctor than they can go to the Emergency Room. They will not be turned away. I will never support yet another inefficient plan that sucks my wallet dry and doesn't deliver the goods. The elderly have Medicare and poor have Medicaid. Many can afford health care and they just choose not to purchase it. But by golly they drive a $40K dollar vehicle. We can expand our services if we weren't paying out over 68 billion a year to support the illegals in this nation.
So my answer is , the 4 flags, and yes I'm a republican without health insurance.

2006-07-29 03:56:40 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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