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Is the American psyche too simplistic to understand ‘hearts and minds’ - can they only understand ‘shock and awe’?

Their attitude in Iraq of “we don’t care if we p**s off the Muslims and the rest of the world, we just going to kick some foreign a*s” has antagonised the rest of the world, created more Muslim extremists and made terrorist attacks more likely.

Eventual military action on Iraq was probably JUSTIFIED -the real failure was the inability of the US to understand PR.

Now we have a situation where many NON-Muslims are more sympathetic to the terrorists than the US.

Before the president of Iran displayed even worse PR skills than ‘Dubya’ with his comments about Israel it seemed the much of the world had more sympathy for Iran for standing up to the ‘bullying’ Americans.

THAT would have been a disaster for world peace and security.

2006-07-29 03:23:46 · 29 answers · asked by Y 2 in Politics & Government Politics

29 answers

Please don't judge Americans by the actions of their government.

2006-07-29 03:26:16 · answer #1 · answered by _Kraygh_ 5 · 0 0

Americans are'nt always this stupid when it comes to matters of war and diplomacy. It's just that the country has been hijacked by a more idiotic brand of American in recent years that can't even understand their own beliefs let alone another culture's, ten thousand miles away. When confronted with the way things have turned out, the more idiotic Americans make a vague reference to 9-11, the fact the America has not been attacked on it's soil since then, and make believe that the problem has been solved forever. These so called Americans have a delusional and warped view of reality in which everything they hear of from the outside world that does not conform to their narrow and primitive view is part of some imaginary worldwide conspiracy to make their elected leaders' policies look like they have failed. When confronted with zealots that hold such a delusional view of reality, all the facts and evidence are never enough, and in their childish minds none of the policies their leaders have contributed to can never be wrong. They are very similar to the religous extremists that this country is engaged in battle with overseas, even sharing similar views on their respective religions. Until we have real Americans who have the capability of using common sense in charge of the United States, our efforts to fight Islamic extremism and make the world a safer place will sadly ultimately fail, no matter how many blind and irrelevant references to past attacks are made.

2006-07-29 10:47:56 · answer #2 · answered by JoeThatUKnow 3 · 0 0

Hezbollah has been trained for years by the Iranian government, and funded by Syria and Iran. Iran wants a nuke (period) Iran wants the entire world to ONLY be muslim, if you are not Muslim...then you will no longer be needed on planet earth. Iran believes that the MESSIAH will not return until the great satan ( The U.S. and Israel) are destroyed. Hezbollah is the "stick" by which Syria and Iran are using to poke Israel in the eye with, so that Israel will call on the U.S. to help and the "war" will start. The Nuke is for the rest of us...including you, my friend. That is why Hezbollah does not target military hardware...they want to kill as many "zionists" and "gentiles" as possible. They only pretend to be primitive in using their weapons, saying..."we can't really "aim' these...only hit what we can, when we can !
Make no mistake...this is a giant "CHESS GAME" thought out by the Islamic clerics in Iran for years, in yet "another" attempt to control the world.

Say what you want...The big picture is this...Iran "will" kill ALL non-Muslims given the chance...This is the next attempt to rule the word, the islamic clerics have been planning this for years...The U.S., and other govs. have known this for years. George Bush positioned the U.S. in Iraq for a reason--To get as close to Iran as possible--Yes, we were probably lied to about the U.S. intentions in the region, and the WMD'S, etc...although true, this was to keep the minds of the American people occupied while the real, purpose was being implimented...Go to Afghanistan, then to Iraq, we are where we are supposed to be...The american people think that Israel and Hezbollah are having a little skirmish, only because the gov knows "YOU CAN"T HANDLE THE TRUTH". You have to think "bigger" IRAN hopes that you won't. The world is asleep at the wheel again...Iran knows this and the U.S. is trying to wake us up before it's too late again...If we could "ask" Winston Churchill...he would tell you the story of how everyone thought he was "nuts" for his constant warnings about Germany

2006-07-29 10:29:40 · answer #3 · answered by rochelle_hall2000 3 · 0 0

You can't class a whole nation as simple minded.
The problem is that no single country should be trying to sway world politics when they have such selfish motives. The sad thing is that the US did not learn it's lessons in Vietnam or from it's whole anti-Communist foreign policy during the cold war.

Sadder still is the fact that world leaders are becoming increasingly hostile to each other over their obsessive global domination fantasies.

The biggest threat to world security at this time is that we have world leaders who are false, two-faced and greedy. It doesn't matter what their political "ideals" or religions are - they lie to us, each other and themselves. Sincerity would be a major tool to use against extremism in the middle east but seeing as none of our politicians are sincere, we're out of luck.

If British infantry soldiers can use a "hearts and minds" policy in Northern Ireland, it says nothing good about a Government like George Dubya's when we can see that they clearly can't.

The Iraq situation has been approached in the wrong way from the start and frankly, too much attention has been paid to PR. Dubya and Blair both lied about the WMD's in Iraq. They could have pushed for further UN resolutions over arms in Iraq years ago and received UN backing. Regime change should have happened in 1991 in Iraq. This huge delay has allowed things to spiral out of control.

America have to sort out their foreign policy toward Islamic states.
Islamic states have to sort out their policies towards their own people, foreign countries and especially towards Israel. Israel has to sort out it's behaviour towards Palestinians. Hezbollah have to stop making things worse.

Sadly, none of the above have any faith in God so they ignore their own religion's teachings and will get us all killed through their own stupidity.

2006-07-29 10:59:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

actually, the Spanish, the French,and the Indians were here first-- a white man did not find America-- neither the less Texas. No They don't have a right to go elsewhere to attempt to take other property that they don't rightfully own. There are issues in the united states that need to be addressed in order to produce a safer environment for the U.S. without interfering with others. That is what is wrong today. Too many instigators and not enough solutions.

2006-07-29 10:34:08 · answer #5 · answered by Tired of lies 3 · 0 0

The only countries that are agaisnt us are those that support the terrorists, and maybe a few that have not been hit by terrorists......france stood back, and though they haven't joined in.....once hit...they looked towards us with a little more respect.....as for Iran standing up to the USA....so did Iraq....look where their loud talking got them....running for their lives....and the people of Iraq coming in the streets loving the liberators......jsut as Iran will do some day....be it us, or some other country....or maybe, even from within

2006-07-29 10:30:43 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


But it's not just that, their Government is far too arrogant to do things any way other than their way. They ignore international laws, they don't care how many innocent civilians are dying as long as they are benefiting, they themselves go in all guns blazing and have caused the deaths of thousands of innocent men, women and children.
Any Government worth it's salt would have at least stood up and said, 'Actually, I don't think Israel should be allowed to kill hundreds of innocent men, women and children in the hope of taking a few terrorists with them', but the US Gov is actively encouraging Israel.
World affairs would be much better without their arrogance.

2006-07-29 17:08:45 · answer #7 · answered by AndyB 5 · 0 0

America is like King Kong in the recent movie. You may not like what we do when your not in real deep. But when the T-Rexs come to eat you, you'll be glad King Kong was there, even if you don't appreciate King Kong being there.
Right now we are at the point where King Kong has killed the first T-Rex and is wrestleing the second, when #2 is dead, #3 will get his mouth busted too. The world is stuck in the cage with King Kong during the fight and they are scared sh*tless!
King Kong IS going to get free and watch what happens then. Unlike the movie King Kong is going to flourish and I mean big time. It will be a new day dawning, and whole world will be in awe!

2006-07-29 14:24:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The problem is Bush. If he wasnt such a f*** up then we would not still be over there. Most americans dont even know why we are there let alone why it has taken so much time to get our boys out of there. The probloem comes in is now that Bush is in controll there is no way to stop him from is stupitidy. Not all americans are morons, Bush os just one of the few

2006-07-29 10:30:30 · answer #9 · answered by loverbird20032003 2 · 0 0

That depends on your definition of successful. If success is removing a dictator, I'd say no. If success is installing a democratic government in a muslim-fundamentalist society that hasn't advanced a whole lot in the last 500 years, I'd say yes.

As to people being sympathetic to terrorists . . . I don't think so. Baby-killers don't usually garnish too much sympathy.

2006-07-29 10:32:14 · answer #10 · answered by szydkids 5 · 0 0

i guess if u lived in the u.s. you would know that more than 2/3 of the country doesnt approve of the way that bush handled Iraq and also 2/3 of the country dissaproves of the job he has done running the country. once the president is in offiice there nothing that the average american can do to change america's world policies. if we could i would be first on line.

2006-07-29 10:30:21 · answer #11 · answered by joker222798 2 · 0 0

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