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In 18th and 19 th centuries, there was a thought like Jews cheated Jesus and that lead him to cruise, by claiming this reason, Many christian countries brutaly killed and humilated Jews. But, when that time, Muslim, Buddish, Hindus regimes helded places, they give support and strength to jews. we can see Anti semtism lead to 60 Lakh muders of Jews by Hitler. The reason of this attack, Israel says two soilders had kidnapped by Hisbullah. Because of these 2 soliders, Isarel started brutal bloody war on Lebanon. Each day Many innocent lives cost there. Why american do support Isarel?

2006-07-29 03:07:29 · 39 answers · asked by BOYCUTE 2 in Politics & Government Politics

Ok. Talking about Hizabollah's rocket, but what about Isarel's phosphours weaphons ? Lebanese Doctor Says Israel Using 'Phosphorus Weapons?
We all know Wars and Attacks will create more problems. Why the country like Isarel put this type of dangerous weapons to innocent people ( according to media, there have been more civilan casualties ). So in that means, Israel is also a terrorist country ? Why can't Israel discuss matters with diplomatic, like other countries do ? Why America don't say anthing about this, while they are interfere with many things internationally? Is Israel being real threat ? I am not a muslim, and I understand people in america are very lovable. but why do they select bad presidents ? so People in america are being hated becasue of this stupid president, why can't bush controll child sex racket issues, and at the same time, he's eager to support israel, If bush can't control these issue even from his country ? are all americans do support for his ideas?

2006-07-29 03:09:30 · update #1

39 answers

By failing to press for the impeachment of President Bush and his most bellicose advisors, the American people and their elected members of the House of Representatives expose our country to ever greater hatred and isolation. By permitting President Bush to pursue his policy of domination through threat and lawless force, we risk ever widening international violence.

The new tragedy of Lebanon has brought death to hundreds of civilians, children, women and men. Hundreds of thousands, approaching one fourth the population of four million, are fugitives from their homes within and outside of their country. Destruction of the infrastructure will require decades to rebuild if/when peace comes. And rage at Israel and the U.S. dominate all other emotions in Lebanon and throughout the Muslim world. New anger is spreading over every continent.

If the capture of two soldiers, or one in the case of Palestine, justifies assaults against whole nations and peoples, as Israel has done, then there is no law, no alternative to war, no hope for peace. Only a person with a memory no longer than three weeks could believe the capture of three Israeli soldiers began the present violence.

Was not cross border violence between Israel and Lebanon commonplace for decades? Had not Israel kidnapped half the Palestinian cabinet, destroyed its Foreign Ministry offices and other government buildings and engaged in summary executions throughout Palestine, the West Bank and Gaza, since the elections this year of the Hamas majority in the Palestinian parliament? Was there not a continuum of assaults at will against the Palestinian people over decades?

We must ask whether the forced withdrawal of Syrian peace keepers from Lebanon earlier this year by U.S. and Israeli political pressure after the murder of former Lebanon Prime Minister Harari was the prelude of a plan for Israel to assault Lebanon and reoccupy territories up to the Litani river in Southern Lebanon. While Syrian forces were present in Lebanon, such an assault did not occur.

And we must ask whether the fierce assault on Lebanon and Palestine are the prelude to broader actions against Syria and Iran. President Bush has made it abundantly clear that he would like nothing better than regime change in Iran and Syria and has attempted to lay responsibility for violence in Lebanon and Palestine at their door.

As Iraq descends into uncontrollable sectarian war, President Bush needs new threats to distract Americans attention from what his Shock and Awe policy has brought for Iraq, for us, and for the world. War in Lebanon helps divert attention temporarily and may serve to widen the conflict to include Syria, or Iran.

If not, there are always Cuba, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Venezuela and others to act against.

With only three months to the mid term Congressional election, we must make every effort to achieve support for impeachment in the new Congress. The two most important ways are first, to demonstrate widespread national support for impeachment by multiplying to millions the hundreds of thousands who have voted for impeachment.

As with Iraq, in Lebanon we have seen a war of aggression, the supreme international crime; an attack on the equal sovereignty of Lebanon, violating the First Principle of the United Nations Charter; excessive force of a major magnitude with as many as sixty Israeli planes over the Mediterranean waiting their turn to strike a nation defenseless against aerial assaults; indiscriminate bombing; targeting civilians; collective punishment, everyone in Lebanon suffers.

The future of Palestine remains the central issue for peace in the Middle East. That future is more endangered than at any time since the Oslo Accords. Everyone in Palestine suffers from the violence unleashed on its people by Israel’s renewed Roadmap to War.

President George Bush supports every act of Israel, alone among international heads of government, supporting every strike against Lebanon and Palestine. Nothing could endanger Israel more. And Condoleezza Rice congratulates the Prime Minister of Lebanon for his courage while telling him there must be further destruction of his nation and government — an insult to every human being who cares about peace and understands the world cannot be made safe for hypocrisy.

There will be national peace demonstrations on August 12 calling for an end to the war against the Lebanese and Palestinian people. Impeachment contingents are forming for these actions in Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle. Please come out to these activities and bring the impeachment message.

2006-08-05 15:18:13 · answer #1 · answered by toota956 4 · 0 0

I'm not really sure of your question, but it isn't just the kidnapping of two soldiers that started this. On the same day the 2 soldiers were kidnapped, Hezbollah KILLED 6 other soldiers and launched rockets into Israel. Now, what is Israel supposed to do? Try and reason with these fools?

You don't like the US president.....Well guess what, I think the Iranian president is crazy, and certainly Kim Jong Il is too, but I don't hate Iranians or North Koreans. And just so you get it, the US president does not have free reign to do what he wants. He has to have the approval from the US Congress for every decision he makes. He can't do anything without their approval. And that includes supporting Israel

2006-07-29 03:18:27 · answer #2 · answered by Taffi 5 · 0 0

It really isn't just about 2 soldiers. It is about Hizbollah and the regimes that support them wanting to destroy Israel and the jews. Islam is terrorizing the world. If the followers don't learn to live in peace with all of the "infidels," they can expect to go the same route as Hitler.
The only way for the Palestinians to get their own homeland is to accept the fact that it will be created with the help of Israel. They seem to think that they are taking it by force by behaving like animals and attacking people.
If Lebanon had control of their country instead of the thugs, Israel would not feel the need to defend themselves.

2006-07-29 03:17:42 · answer #3 · answered by Robb 5 · 0 0

The world seems to give George Bush more power than he actually has. Israel is its own country. Yes, the US sells Israel weapons. Personally, I DO believe that if the Jews were not better armed than the Arabs, they would be destroyed. The Arabs say this all the time. There leaders say it in their speeches.

The reason the US backs Israel, is because its a Western style democracy in a region that hates Western lifestyle and believes in a religion whose law is in contradiction to our beliefs.

I'm unsure of all the ancient history with the Jews and don't think it's relevant. What is happening now and how to make it better in the future is what matters. The American culture does not put a lot of emphasis on the past, it believes in the future.

2006-07-29 03:15:05 · answer #4 · answered by MEL T 7 · 0 0

You asked why can't Israel use diplomatic means like other countries?

The problem is the group that attacked Israel and kidnapped their soldiers (on Israeli land, by the way) is not a country. They are a terrorist group made up of radical fundamentalists that don't negotiate. They are back by two states, Syria and Iran, who should be brought into negotiate and be forced to stop supplying radical muslims with money and weapons.

Also, America is providing supplies and aide to Lebanon throughout this conflict. They are not just supporting Israel.

2006-08-05 14:58:57 · answer #5 · answered by bazeballboi 2 · 0 0

America's support of Israel has nothing to do with Bush's stupidity. America will support Israel no matter who is the president. There is a pact that cannot be broken, it does not matter what atrocities Israel commits, America will always take th side of Israel.

I don't know about other christian countries, but the US is and will always be allied with Israel whether they are right or wrong. Personally, I think Israel overreacted to the kidnapping of two soldiers. But considering the region and the fact that there are groups that want to erase Israel and Jews from the earth, I don't think they can afford to be diplomatic. We cannot afford to abandon them.

2006-07-29 06:50:01 · answer #6 · answered by grdnoviz 4 · 0 0

ok buddy first of all we are not talking about the past here but even if you wanna go there then yes they did turn on jesus but jesus was still jewish and they are still his people. his mother and father are jewish.Jesus forgave everyone and died for our sins.Ok now to the present time. Israel has backed out of lebanon a few yrs aga and also gave up the Gaza strip ...showed that they are willing to cooperate and help the peace effort. Now hezballah being the eveil terriost organiztion they are cross Israels border and kills 8 soldgiers and kidnaps 2.Israel then retailiates by hitting a few Hezballah areas with tanks and laser guided missles. then Hezballah points all there rockets at Israel.How in the world can you possibly blame Israel for any of this??hezballah is a terriorist organiztion hiding bombs and rockets among innocent civilians . that is sick.the 2 partys that I know in my heart are to blame are #1 Hezballah. #2 the Lebanon Government for not having control of there country and letting this eveil oraganiztion do as they please.If you wanna debate this any further please write me at shawnb2480@yahoo.com

2006-07-29 03:24:36 · answer #7 · answered by shawnb2480 2 · 0 0

Jesus was executed by a combination of the religious right and the military establishment of his day, not by "the Jews."
As for Israel, it is approximately the size of Massachusetts while the "Arab World" is about the size of the USA as a whole with roughly the same population. Why can't the Arabs just quit messing with them?
And by the way I have NEVER voted for Bush nor any other Republican nominee in a partisan election.

2006-07-29 03:12:28 · answer #8 · answered by wmp55 6 · 0 0

Is there a cogent question in there? It is hard to tell with the mis-spellings and mangled syntax.

But here goes................

The Israelis are defending their nation.

President Bush is President of The United States Of America. He did not run for President of France or Secretary General of he United Nations. His actions are SUPPOSED to be in the best interests of the US.

If you will check the news of the world, you will see Moslems fighting with Hindus in India. You will find Moslems fighting with Buddhists in Thailand. You will find Moslems fighting with Christians in much of Africa. You will find Moslems fighting with Jews in Israel. Everyone else (to include the English and the Irish) are getting along pretty well right now. Perhaps the members of that Seventh Century Death Cult should look inward for the source of their anger.

2006-08-05 09:15:31 · answer #9 · answered by JAMES11A 4 · 0 0

For past wrongs to Jews and others (by people now dead, mostly) most Americans are sorry. Isreal was clearly attacked. If Israel has more effective weapons that doesn't make her wrong or bad, just somebody you should probably not attack. If she's in the right, which she is, we are not wrong to help her. As to lawbreaking, even the best President can't make everybody honest and good. Bush is not so bad.

2006-07-29 03:18:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Okay, America supports Israel because we always support the innocent underdog. Israel has been under threat since 1947, so of course they're not gonna take any sh*t. If they did, they wouldn't be here today. And we can pick our presidents just fine, thank you. So why do you hate your kin so much? Israel is, after all, a child of Abraham. So much for Muslim respect for family!

2006-07-29 03:19:46 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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