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it is an oraganization recognised by the Lebanese government, it isn't USA or Israel or any other country in the world right to decide what to do about it unless the lebanese ask. all the lebanese right now defend it, it doesn't have to be a terrorist oraganization because it is a muslim one.
u r defending israel because two soldiers were captured, what about hundreds of thousands of palestinians and lebanese being put in Israel in jails; children, youth, old, and being treated the worst treatment ever(no need to describe)

2006-07-29 03:00:10 · 25 answers · asked by Different 2 in Politics & Government Politics

25 answers

I am not a big fan of Israel.

However I do believe they have a right to protect themselves from Hezbollah kidnappings, murders & missiles.

Lebanon's government either can't or won't control the Syrian and Iranian sponsered terrorists know as Hezbollah. Lebanon could have spared itself much misery by actually TRYING to remove this cancer from their own country.

Unfortunately they waited for Israel to react (over-react). My heart goes out to the innocent Lebanese caught between these two forces.

Until other peoples in that region learn to live in peace with Israel, there will always be strive & suffering.

Yes Israel has done many things I personally think is criminal. However two wrongs never make a right as they say here in the west.

2006-07-29 03:15:31 · answer #1 · answered by carl l 6 · 1 0

First, the soldiers weren't captured, they were kidnapped, after 8 of their buddies were killed.....Hezbollah crossed into Israel, and took them.....an organization is not a government, which makes them not a military......so, if you have a group of people attacking another, and they are not a government, they are considered terrorists, and by the way, the Lebanese Govt. and the Israeli Govt were getting along fine.....it was this "organization" that broke that peace, which is why the Lebanese army is not participating in the "war"....the palestinians and lebanese that are in jail broke laws, or were caught with weapons that would be used to hurt the Israeli people.....they are not treated any worse than any others in prison there.....your queation is so filled with misinformation....no wonder you think so badly of the Israelis and Americans with this situation

2006-07-29 03:13:54 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The US blindly supports Israel because US politicians do not want to look like they are anti-Israel in any way, which the israelis would call 'anti-semitism', and equating that with Hitler and WW2, it follows by association that if US politicians say anything against Israel then they are guilty of a hate crime.

One man's terorist is another man's freedom fighter. The Minutemen fighting the British in the American Revolution would have been labelled "terrorists" by the British. Today, the US labels anyone fighting to rid themselves of Israeli oppression and occupation as a "terrorist". What the israelis call "self defense" if they do it is called by them "terrorism" if someone else does the same thing back to them. Hypocritical US Congressmen and administration officials follow the Israeli line unquestioningly, and this is a big part of the problem.

The US position on the Middle East makes no sense at all and is a gross disservice to American taxpayers. Taxpayer apathy and ignorance of the real history of the Middle East, and by 'history' I do not mean biblical mythology, is a big cause of the problem also.

2006-07-29 03:09:56 · answer #3 · answered by Kokopelli 7 · 0 0

Hezbollah is a radical Iranian-backed Lebanese Islamic Shiite group sometimes referred to by its English name, the 'Party of God'. It was founded in 1982 in response to the invasion of Lebanon by Israel that same year, having subsumed members of the 1980s coalition of groups known collectively as Islamic Jihad.

It has remained a powerful force ever since, with its established political wing holding seats in the Lebanese Parliament and its military wing gaining popular support as a de facto security force in southern Lebanon. The political wing operates welfare programmes which some say are better than those offered by the State.

Amongst its stated objectives are the establishment of a Shiite theocracy in Lebanon, the destruction of Israel and the elimination of Western influences from the region. Its militant core is said to comprise some 300-500 fighters, although there are thousands of active supporters. Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah is the current leader.

Activities and Tactics
Hezbollah and its factions are probably best known internationally for its series of kidnappings, hijackings and bombings against mainly US interests during the 1980s, both in Lebanon and overseas. It has also attacked the interests of other nations, such as France, and Hezbollah's conflict with Israel is ongoing.

Hezbollah has been credited with inventing the modern notion and use of 'suicide bombing', and is said to have provided training to terrorist groups HAMAS and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. Its most infamous attack is probably the October 1983 suicide bombing of a US Marine barracks in Beirut which killed 241 US and 56 French soldiers.

2006-07-29 03:20:34 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hezbollah has been trained for years by the Iranian government, and funded by Syria and Iran. Iran wants a nuke (period) Iran wants the entire world to ONLY be muslim, if you are not Muslim...then you will no longer be needed on planet earth. Iran believes that the MESSIAH will not return until the great satan ( The U.S. and Israel) are destroyed. Hezbollah is the "stick" by which Syria and Iran are using to poke Israel in the eye with, so that Israel will call on the U.S. to help and the "war" will start. The Nuke is for the rest of us...including you, my friend. That is why Hezbollah does not target military hardware...they want to kill as many "zionists" and "gentiles" as possible. They only pretend to be primitive in using their weapons, saying..."we can't really "aim' these...only hit what we can, when we can !
Make no mistake...this is a giant "CHESS GAME" thought out by the Islamic clerics in Iran for years, in yet "another" attempt to control the world.

Say what you want...The big picture is this...Iran "will" kill ALL non-Muslims given the chance...This is the next attempt to rule the word, the islamic clerics have been planning this for years...The U.S., and other govs. have known this for years. George Bush positioned the U.S. in Iraq for a reason--To get as close to Iran as possible--Yes, we were probably lied to about the U.S. intentions in the region, and the WMD'S, etc...although true, this was to keep the minds of the American people occupied while the real, purpose was being implimented...Go to Afghanistan, then to Iraq, we are where we are supposed to be...The american people think that Israel and Hezbollah are having a little skirmish, only because the gov knows "YOU CAN"T HANDLE THE TRUTH". You have to think "bigger" IRAN hopes that you won't. The world is asleep at the wheel again...Iran knows this and the U.S. is trying to wake us up before it's too late again...If we could "ask" Winston Churchill...he would tell you the story of how everyone thought he was "nuts" for his constant warnings about Germany

2006-07-29 03:10:11 · answer #5 · answered by rochelle_hall2000 3 · 0 0

Hezbollah stated it was a terrorist organization, first of all....Second of all, I have friends in Lebanon and its not as only whats reported, Like Iraq, Most of the Muslims in those areas are against the terrorists because of all the pain and anguish brought into there land by the criminal extremist groups......Its also because the school that are run by countries like Syria and Iran, Preach hate not peace, How is that a avenue for peace, to want to wipe out all that are different, including there own muslims, whats good about that....The reason at this point that you have higher dissent about isreal in southern (Shiite) lebanon, is because they need a scape goat, and there own government isnt doing anything to help........so you tell me why the world sees hezbollah as a terrorist organization......even President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is nuts, he now made a law that you cant read or write the word Pizzas.........wheres the insanity in that.....

2006-07-29 03:24:48 · answer #6 · answered by lost&confused 5 · 0 0

Hezbollah made itself a terist organization by targeting non combatents sense its origin in the early 80. Hezbollah did not JUST kidnap 2 soldiers. It KILLED 8 others for no other reason than to create this conflict. That is terrorism. The prisoners Isreal has in its prison were put there by either military tribunals or couyrts of law. What court convicted and gave the death penality to those 8 soldiers killed? What court gave those you persission to kidnap and imprison those 2 isrealie soldiers? No court did. Hate isa what the terror group hezbollah espouses and terror is its weopen.

2006-07-29 03:15:21 · answer #7 · answered by hedddon 5 · 0 0

June 1985 hezbo hijacked TWA flight 847 out of Athens diverting it to Beirut Taking the passengers hostage in return for the release of Kuwait 17 as well as another 700 prisoners held by Israel. When their demands were not met, The Muslims shot a U.S. diver Robert Dean Stethem and dumped his body on the tarmac. Sounds like a terroist organiaation to me

2006-07-29 03:16:02 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Probably the fact that Hezbollah carries out terrorist activities is a pretty good clue. Despite the fact that Hezbollah is recognized, they did start this conflict by using an old terrorist activity: taking hostages from another country. And this is merely the viewpoint of American media; we consider them as a terrorist group, judging by their actions.
This question is about the same as asking "who told you that Al-Queda is a terrorist organization?" Al-Queda is recognized as a "legitimate organization" in most of the Arab world. Both have the extermination of the Jews and hatred of the United States as main goals of their organizations. HMMMM.....

2006-07-29 03:11:46 · answer #9 · answered by Don H 3 · 0 0

Hezbollah, by its own actions, defines itself as a terrorist organization. And ANY country threatened by ANY organization has the right to defend itself. We did NOTHING after the first attack on the WTC. What was our reward? A SECOND ATTACK on 9/11. And you had the nerve to feed candy and sweets to those innocent children in celebration of the 'victory'! So don't sit there and lie about your motives. You are getting what you deserve.

2006-07-29 03:06:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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