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here's mine:
1) The uniformity of all town centres - they could put me, blindfold, on any major street in the UK, remove the blindfold and ask me where I was - it would be tough.
2) Call centres - I mean, really!
3) Rupert Murdoch
4) Crap television (see above)
5) Crap newspapers (see above)
6) Meglomaniac company chiefs (see above)
7) McDonalds
8) Instant celebrities
9) Small french cars with the backseats replaced with 1000 watt bass speakers, whose owners think we share their shite musical tastes.
10) 24 hour news channels - no wonder so many people are depressed.

2006-07-29 02:56:40 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Polls & Surveys

17 answers

1.Traffic jams
2.Political correctness gone mad
3.Too much leniency towards criminals who commit disgusting crimes
4.The way some people are so rich and some people are so poor
5.people who are rich and famous for doing nothing.( instant celebrities)
6.The leaders of the `free world` being fuckin idiots
7.The way you have to work giving your blood sweat and tears to a company only for a fat cat to get fatter
8.the way the government tells you to eat healthy but healthy food is always more expensive than fatty convenience foods.
9.The way you are made to feel like a pointless minion and that your opinion doesnt count, i.e on the war in iraq the brittish public demonstrated and were ignored, it feels like the wool is constantly being pulled over your eyes.
10.the selfishness and arrogance of people today.

wow cheers for letting me vent all of that it feels like a weight has been lifted , good question.

2006-07-29 03:11:39 · answer #1 · answered by jonnybeanos 2 · 5 7

1. Cell phones
2. Automated Customer Service
3. Ever-changing technology (my "brand new" computer is already out-of-date)
4. Ugly hybrid cars.
5. Parents not being able to discipline thier kids anymore.
6. Schools not being able to discipline your kids anymore.
7. The inability to live without "modern" things.
8. Reality TV (There's only so much Survivor one can take)
9. The ability for everyone to know almost everything about you just by "googling" you.
10. Dumbing down of things (like TV and newspapers) to a 5th grade level.

2006-07-29 03:05:06 · answer #2 · answered by searchin4evr 3 · 0 0

1. The uniformity of our cities
2. Unfriendly people
3. People without any education
4. German TV
5. Radio
6. Bad food
7. Restaurants and shopping mails
with so called "background-music"
8. Paying too much taxes
9. Too many beggars in mega-cities
10. The intolerance of the Muslim-people

2006-07-29 03:08:12 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

a million. God 2. My family individuals 3. My friends 4. My sought after soccer communities 5. My sought after soccer gamers 6. wet days too 7. My books 8. the desirable woods 9. My existence 10. My 2 international locations. :-)

2016-11-03 06:18:50 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

This language texting generation (how r u etc).
As aforementioned the rape of any character of any UK town thanks to corporate branding.
Call centres would also be up there.
This 15 minutes of fame where people are famous for being famous as opposed to having any talent or creativeness.
Political correctness to the point of absurdity.

2006-07-29 03:04:32 · answer #5 · answered by Mclaren 3 · 0 0

1) Point less celebs
2)reality tv
3)victoria beckham
4)bad fast food
5)theres no starbucks where i live thats a crime
6)no one believes in santa anymore!
7)everys out 4 themselves
8)double standards in the health service
9)tony blairs still priminister come on !!!
10)the moanin i do now that im over 21 is unreal i need to learn to shut it.

2006-07-29 11:51:23 · answer #6 · answered by fifi 2 · 0 0

1) Reality tv and the pathetic instant celebs it spawns

2)Obese children..what are parents thinking?? I hate seeing overweight toddlers stuffing candy/junk into their faces. These poor kids are more than likely being condemmed to life-long obesity just because parents can't say no to junk food themselves.

3)Anorexic celebs who claim "they eat like pigs & never exercise", ie Nicole Richie, Victoria Beckham, etc

4) The Beckhams..if there is another completely annoying gobshite couple out there please point them out.

5)Mobile phones

6) People who wear their hands-free mobile phone earpieces (bluetooths??) when they aren't even driving. It's sooo irritating to see those silly numpties walking through Tesco with those damn things attached to their ears. They look like they should be working on the bridge of the original Starship Enterprise.

...getting more and more irritated as this list goes on...*lol*

7)The War of Terror/Patriot Act..both just an excuse to invade people's personal lives(Patriot Act), jail people without trials and of course unilaterally invade countries and destroy them all "for your own good".

8)Chavs..their sense of "style", their accents..need I go on?

9) People who hate on all Americans just because they don't like the US govt policy. Ever stopped to think that maybe, just maybe the American people themselves hate their govt policy? Why tar everybody with the same brush??

10)The breakdown of today's families/rampant divorce/parents who don't step up and take care of their children..all of these contribute to today's selfish, spoiled, apathetic teens/kids.

2006-07-29 03:39:45 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1) Too many brainwashing gadgets
2) Breakdown of the nuclear family
3) Too many cars
4) People going on about Global Warming
5) Stressful jobs
6) Less trusting people
7) Gun crime
8) Political correctness gone mad
9) Fat people and their McDonalds
10) Big Brother

2006-07-29 03:03:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

women on the rag
women who are cheated on -they wine and wine and wine
people with nasty teeth
people who dont bathe
60=-70% of asian women, asian me are cool but most (not all) asian women are very weird and extremely stuck up and bitchyy
white people with dreadlocks- sorry only black people from the caribbean look good with these
people who seriously think salamanders are lizards and turtles are amphibians but know everything about britney spears or all the lyrics to any one particular song-- priorities people
muslims who dislike intolerant white people-- they are just a time bomb ready to go off aaaiiiiaaiiiaaaii ali ali ali
lastly having to wear a scarf every time i visit iraq

2006-07-29 03:08:59 · answer #9 · answered by enviroman2222 3 · 0 0

1.People who can't seem to function without talking on a cell phone
2. Three tv channels(we don't get cable where I live..) and nothing to watch
3.Super centers..(like walmart.....)
4. Power companies that want to put high voltage power lines through the center of your village and virtually wipe it out..(seriously..they want to do that here...)
7.people with their music turned up so loud it makes your heart feel like it's going to pound out of you chest...and you're 2 blocks away....
8.people who become "entertainers" and can't sing....or they sound like everyone else....UGH!!
9.Service charges on everything....or so it seems...(I think they even charge you for farting these days...)
10.gas prices...i can't afford to go much of anywhere.....

2006-07-29 03:24:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

2.I pod
3.kids answering back to parents or any adult in general
4.poor countries(we are in the 21century for god sake!)
5.people who have got big car but can't drive them!
6.house prices in London
7. prices in London
8.people throwing away food when some are dying
9.horrible people
10.going back to work in September after maternity leave!

2006-07-29 03:07:37 · answer #11 · answered by LOL 5 · 0 0

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