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Facts: I am not muslim

: I don't support terrorist or their activities

: My question are straight, so stright answers are welcome, if you can't answer and you suppose to give Nonsense answer, Please try to Yanki immature question, and this answering page allocates who love ANTI WAR, ANTI TERRORISM ANTI GLOBALISATION ANTI CRIME.


In 18th and 19 th centuries, there was a thought like Jews cheated Jesus and that lead him to cruise, by claiming this reason, Many christian countries brutaly killed and humilated Jews. But, when that time, Muslim, Buddish, Hindus regimes helded places, they give support and strength to jews. we can see Anti semtism lead to 60 Lakh muders of Jews by Hitler. The reason of this attack, Israel says two soilders had kidnapped by Hisbullah. Because of these 2 soliders, Isarel started brutal bloody war on Lebanon. Each day Many innocent lives cost there. Why american do support Isarel?

2006-07-29 02:53:51 · 27 answers · asked by BOYCUTE 2 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Ok. Talking about Hizabollah's rocket, but what about Isarel's phosphours weaphons ? Lebanese Doctor Says Israel Using 'Phosphorus Weapons?
We all know Wars and Attacks will create more problems. Why the country like Isarel put this type of dangerous weapons to innocent people ( according to media, there have been more civilan casualties ). So in that means, Israel is also a terrorist country ? Why can't Israel discuss matters with diplomatic, like other countries do ? Why America don't say anthing about this, while they are interfere with many things internationally? Is Israel being real threat ? I am not a muslim, and I understand people in america are very lovable. but why do they select bad presidents ?

2006-07-29 03:05:09 · update #1

27 answers

Our GOVERNMENT supports Israel. I hope that you can separate us from our government.
I do not support military actions in most cases. I think we are pitiful at diplomacy and we should be ashamed at the way we initiate conflict.
That being said, I feel we do many good things as well. We give so much aid to many deserving countries and peoples.

Our motives for supporting Israel do not seem entirely noble, and it is beyond regrettable that so many innocent lives are being lost.

2006-07-29 03:01:13 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

I am not going to let you get away with saying that Israel attacked because of the kidnapping. Even if it did, how many is enough ? Ten, one Hundred, Five hundred, maybe a thousand. My friend, that was just the icing on the cake, so to speak. Israel has been under attack since it has had it's country. Just lately in the last few years , it has given back many square miles for peace. It only got suicide bombers and rocket attacks for its gesture. Enough is enough, until Israel can be accepted as a country in this area of the world by all countries, this nonsense will never end. The innocent will die until the world is ridden of all terror against Humanity.

2006-07-29 10:05:19 · answer #2 · answered by meathead 5 · 0 0

While I am not with every "anti" cause you mentioned...I would like to commend you on your effort.

You should see though that it is not 100% accurate that all Americans support Israel. The mere fact that there are so many anti-Jew people on this site (others will claim anti-Zionism, but some are so stupid as to confuse Zionism and Judaism with the same thing) who claim to be American should prove this to you.

However in the larger picture if there is more support than condemnation to Israel by Americans it is because that:
1.) Hezbollah is in the minds of many people a terrorist organization that must be wiped out...
2.) They (the Islamic terrorists) started this whole thing by kidnapping those soldiers (In case you forget Hamas too kidnapped one soldier earlier, which resulted in another fight in Gaza-Palestine)

This war is stupid and senseless yes...but to the Israelis its probably no worse than what would happen to them should the Islamist yahoos succeed in whatever crazy efforts they are up to.

Diplomacy is desirable, but negotiating with these terrorists will only mean that the Terrorists are being rewarded (because with diplomacy comes recognition and respect...which is the last thing these terrorists deserve).

2006-07-29 10:07:25 · answer #3 · answered by betterdeadthansorry 5 · 0 0

First of all, Isreal had stated that it was not the only reason for this attack on Hezbollah (not Lebonan),since Lebanon did not have the strength to control their border like they were suppose to. All Isreal wants is Lebanon to grow balls and Protect their border from the murderous hezbollah. If you had a neighbor that would stand outside and through big rocks at your head everyday you went outside, eventually you would have enough and strike back. The reason they agreed to give back the land to lebanon control was exactly that so Lebanon can control it, not be bullied into the extremist groups who dont want peace but all they live for is to wipe out an entire race.....They are not gods yet they play that role, isreal are the best people to know how to fight against that because of the decades of fighting.....They realized from the other cease fires that they agreed to did nothing but allow the hatred continue and they just want to be left alone in an area surrounded by enemies....In Iran just recently, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad just announced that you cant say Pizzas in Iran or you will be punished....Where is the insanity....?

2006-07-29 10:05:46 · answer #4 · answered by lost&confused 5 · 0 0

I apologize but your English is a little confusing to me.

Perhaps my English will be a little confusing to you.

Here is what I think about what you have said.

Every human being living on our planet today has the opportunity to make choices.

I am American and every time I interact with another human being I try to treat them with respect and dignity.

You asked the question, "Why Americans support Israel?"

I hope this helps you understand.

We are connected by Religion.

I am so sorry that Religion separates us all.

If I were a Magician I would make one Religion for all Human Beings.

You have family, you have culture, you have history, you have aspirations, you have wants, you have needs, you have desire.

My friend the only true difference between you and me and all other human beings is that we live where we live.

It is my sincere hope that one day, Buddists, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Atheists, and so many more can one day join to celebrate life.

Life is a miracle.

Best Wishes to you Always

2006-07-29 10:22:59 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

We support Isreal because it was an act of war. If Isreal sat around and did nothing then Hezbollah would have done worse things. Plus Hezbollah is a terrrorist organization and us Americans definately have no compassion for terrorists. Also, Hezbollah is supported by Iran, which is not quite on the best terms with the US. I know many innocent lives are lost in Lebanon each day but don't hate Isreal, hate the people who started this war, hezbollah and his followers

2006-07-29 10:00:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

October 23, 1983 - A suicide car bomb attack against the U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut kills 241 servicemen. A simultaneous attack on a French base kills 58 paratroopers. The attack was credited by Hezbollah extremists.

March 16, 1984 - CIA Beirut station chief William Buckley is kidnaped by militant Hezbollah extremists in Lebanon. He is said to have died after prolonged torture. His body was found on December 27, 1991 in southern Beirut, nearly eight years after his abduction.

June 14, 1985 - TWA flight 847 is hijacked over the Mediterranean, the start of a two-week hostage ordeal. The hijackers, linked to Hezbollah, demand the release of prisoners being held in Kuwait as well as the release of 700 Shiite Muslim prisoners being held in Israeli and Lebanese prisons. U.S. Navy diver Robert Dean Stethem is killed and 39 passengers are held hostage when the demands were not met. The passengers are eventually released in Damascus after being held in various locations in Beirut.

These are just 3 attacks carried out by Hezbollah, there are many more I could list. It was not just "2 soldiers". It was the feeling that, enough is enough.

We support Israel because after an evil dictator tried to exterminate their entire race, they were given permission by a United Nations action to have their own country. They are now trying to survive amid countries that want to see them perish. In World War 2, an estimated 5, 750,000 Jews perished. This is only an estimate and the real number could very well be much more.

This is why we support Israel against those that would like to her destroyed..........

2006-07-29 10:17:28 · answer #7 · answered by hardy_stabs 1 · 0 0

I think the main reason Americans support Isreal is found right in your question.....
You said "Because of these 2 soliders, Isarel started brutal bloody war on Lebanon."
You have mis stated a fact to promote your hate.....
Isreal did not "start" this conflict with Lebonan. Hezbollah did by infiltrating into a sovern state... KILLING 8 soldiers, kidnapping 2 others. This agression on a sovern state that had been compling with world opinion to give back land for peace. Hezbollah was not interested in peace tho... it was interested in terrorizing isreal and the world with its terror tactics. The only way this conflict will ever be resolved if for you, and other with your hate based thoughts to reconcile your differnces with Isreal peacefully and live together in peace.

2006-07-29 10:05:42 · answer #8 · answered by hedddon 5 · 0 0

First, what do you think Condi Rice is doing over there, she is speaking for america, and trying to put some sort of stop to this.....Secondly, the war is not on Lebanon, which is why the Lebanese army is not being effected..... also the soldiers that were kidnapped were on Israeli land, their country, the Hezbollah cross teh border, killed 6 soldiers, and then took two.....in most any country, that would constitute an act of war.....Lastly, you ask why did we, Christians, hate Jews way back when, and now love them...well, why are the ones that are trying to kill them, used to stand by them? easy answer would be all things change.......

2006-07-29 10:23:37 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

christianity has grown so that it accepts all religeons as being valid. why have some other faiths regressed, if they once defended jews? why do countries of the middle east just want jews gone? aren't they modern day hitlers? isreal signed a peace treaty with the palestinians, why did they sneak under the border and kidnap the 2 israeli soldiers? it's because they want unrest to be ongoing. they want to keep a fight going on, so they can rule. lebanon allows terrorists to find refuge in their country. if your country signed a treaty with another country, and gave up land as a gesture of goodwill, and the country you signed this treaty with did not stop their practice of terrorism, what would your country do? say, well, it's only 2 people? no those 2 people are representative of the lack of truth in the treaty you just signed with these people, and proof that not you nor anyone else will be allowed to live in peace, free of terrorism.

2006-07-29 10:16:22 · answer #10 · answered by Debi K 4 · 0 0

OK, as to the first part of your question. The United States is a very new nation when compared to those in Europe and culturally quite different from those nations on the mainland of Europe. We have a tradition in the United States of religious tolerance. Our Constitution protects the rights of Muslims, Christians, Jews, Hindus, Baha'is Buddhists and members of any other religion. Our support for Israel is due to the fact that, for all its faults, it provides the same kinds of liberties for its citizens that we do for ours. If you are skeptical of this compare the Arabs living in Israel with the Arabs living in the Palestinian Territories under the thumb of the corrupt Palestinian Authority. Compare also the fact that Israel allows peaceful people of any faith to pray at Al Aqsa and yet the Saudi government does not allow Baha'i (who consider Mohamed a messenger of God) to enter Mecca. The reason so many Innocents are dying in Lebanon is that Hezbollah is cowardly hiding under the skirts of civilians. Israel has gone out of its way to warn civilians to get out of the way. They have drooped leaflets and even made phone calls. If innocents die it is because of Hezbollah, not because of Israel. If the Arab nations truly want peace they need to open up and grant their people more liberty. If you are fluent in Arabic I recommend you read the link below.

2006-07-29 10:12:29 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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