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If so why war? why people are dying of Tsunamis and Katrinas....... why kids are killed so brutally? why people die of poverty????? what do you think? somebody is there to control the whole universe? somebody is there as a creator? creates everything as i told above???????

2006-07-29 01:51:12 · 19 answers · asked by lizard king 1 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

19 answers

I believe we all have a chart....even the Earth.

War and natural disasters are part of the Earth's chart. We all have to die at some point. (( to make room for the population growth ))

Just think how 9-11 brought so many people together as a community and it also reminded us that we could be here today, gone tomorrow.

God created the Universe. He made all of us creators too.

Man created the negative things, like hate, arrogance, selfishness, war, murder, and economical disasters.... amongst others.

Oh, and YES, He is all-knowing!

2006-07-29 02:07:53 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

A minister and an atheist barber were walking through the seedy part of their city. As they saw the suffering around them, the barber said "This is why I could never believe in a God of love. If he is as kind as they say, why doesn't he do something about all this crime, disease, poverty, drug-dealing and vandalism?"

The minister said nothing until they came across an unkempt and filthy man with hair down his back and far too much stubble on his face. The minister said to the atheist: "You can't be a very good barber, or you wouldn't let people live around here without a haircut and a shave."

More than a little offended, the barber answered: "Why blame me for that man's condition? I can't help it if he's like that! He's never given me a chance! If he'd only come to my shop, I could fix him up and make him look respectable."

The minister replied: "Then don't blame God for the condition of these people. They've never given God a chance. If they would only come to him, he would fix them up and turn their lives around."

2006-07-29 01:58:09 · answer #2 · answered by obai 2 · 0 0

God does know every thing - but you don't so you question.

Is it a parent's fault if their child robs a bank? Should parents make every decision for the child? If you love your child shouldn't you guide and teach them into becoming responsible adults so they can make their own decisions? Isn't one way to do that by letting them learn from their mistakes?

Many "natural" disasters have their origins in what we are doing to the planet. The greenhouse affect is causing rapid climatic changes that will increase the frequency and intensity of weather changes. It has been suggested that as oil\gas is removed from underground the resulting hollow, even if filled with another substance, will shift causing earthquakes that again, will increase and intensify as more oil\gas is removed.

Have we learned our lesson about that yet? Is it God's fault? What have you done to change the situation? Are you willing to go without petroleum products? Are you willing to go without manufactured goods?

God is always in control. A child doesn't understand every thing their parents do, but they know they are in control.

Live your life the best you can and let God take care of the rest. If these things bother you then work to change them.

2006-07-29 03:10:32 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Love Obai's answer!

Most of the time it is a result of free will. People are terrible to each other and start wars. People make stupid choices about where to live (build your house on rock instead of sand) or who to associate with (better to live alone happily than with someone who makes you miserable).

However, I also believe there is a plan for the overall picture of the world. Read Job and Revelation for more insight.

2006-07-29 03:12:13 · answer #4 · answered by curiouschick18 4 · 0 0

First, in my own humble understanding of the definition of the word "Omniscience", God knows everything KNOWABLE.

That means that we truly DO have free will.

Along with free will comes moral accountability.

And THAT means there WILL be justice, and a day of judgement truly IS coming.

The question I would like to pose back to you is: are you part of the solution (ie taking God's side and doing what God said in order to stop these atrocities), or are you part of the problem?

Only those who have been cleansed of their sins and trying to win others to the Lord can honestly say they are part of the solution, because God already told us how to "fix" these problems, and that is to fix people's hearts through Jesus Christ.

Remember, Jesus said "Love your enemies". He also said, "Love those who hate you, bless them who persecute you, do good to those who abuse you. In so doing, you will be children of your Father in heaven." It also says, "If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him a drink." THIS is the way to solve the problems you listed. (wars, brutal killings, even poverty, etc.)

Without Jesus, this is impossible for us to do, because the root problem of sin is selfishness - "me first". Jesus died to pay the penalty for OUR crimes against God (ie sins); and at the same time, to cleanse us of these sins, and to reconcile us to God, so when we ask His forgiveness, and repent, and make Him the Lord (Boss) of our lives, only THEN can we fully work towards the goal of helping to fix others, through the methods I described above (only after we, ourselves have been "fixed").

God has given us the solution. It's up to us to follow it or not. Don't blame God when we refuse to obey Him. We push God out of our lives, we push Him out of our schools, we push Him out of our community, and then we complain when bad things happen! If that isn't hypocrasy, then I don't know what is!

You may not like this answer, but Truth doesn't always come in candy-coated packages, and sometimes we need hard gut-level Truth to get us to change so we can see things from a bigger prospective.

2006-07-29 02:10:08 · answer #5 · answered by no1home2day 7 · 0 0

Im assuming your question is why does the creator let his, children and land be destroyed. First off, God has plans above our realm of understanding, so this question cannot be answered. But in my opinion I believe he allows these things to happen to see who has real faith and continues to follow him, even when it may be hard. If god came down to earth and stopped every bad thing from happening, everyone would of course praise him and worship, but it would be to easy, they wouldnt even have to believe in him cause they would see him, but in this way we have now only the true believers will continue to believe and worship in these darkest days of earth.

2006-07-29 02:01:23 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I have to quote from my book "The Plain Truth About God-101" (what the church doesn't want you to know!) for an answer here.
It's an actual quote from God!

“I look after the big picture, son.”
Said God!
“Life is a crap-shoot.”
“You take your chances like everyone else!”
-George Burns as God-

As for the quote from "no one home today," that's not what Jesus said. Quote from God-101 again;

**The foundation of Christian ideology revolves around "Love" for one and another. To understand this we need to define exactly how the term or meaning of "Love" is used when compared to (the small) love!!

In the first instance, there is the true “Love," which means it is rooted in the power of the kingdom of God. This is the "Love" that the historical Jesus preached to his followers.

The second type of Christian "love" (small L) is defined solely as an ethical idea that was propagated by the spreading Christian faith in trying to define the words of Christ.

Nietzsche probably best defined this form of Christian 'love' as a masked feeling of pity or charity. In other words, we feel sorry for others and from this superior moral ground, we lend a helping hand.

Nietzsche claims that Christian 'pity' (love) is a device used by those who are not themselves truly vital and alive to obtain a perverse elevation of their own position by undermining others. - A.W.J.

In other words, "I can make myself feel better by thinking you or someone else is worse-off and deserving of love.” We often confuse the feeling of Christian "love" for someone with:
1. Pity for them.
2. Humanitarianism-or a love of Mankind.
3. Altruism, or self denial, and
4. Sentimentalism, or wanting to be with others.

**These concepts of “love" have been re-enforced over and over again through one story or another. What Jesus actually said was something more basic and infinitely harder to achieve.

The historical Jesus did not urge us to love humankind or to feel pity for someone else. He did not tell us to deny ourselves for someone else's sake, or flagellate ourselves, or even to enjoy another’s company!

What He did say was pure and simple and straight to the point, "Love one another!”

This sort of Love is not the altruistic love of humanity, nor the possessive love for our mate, but rather something that requires hard work, tenacity, and sacrifice.

It is easy to love your wife or husband, child or parent, but to Love your neighbor (or stranger) is a task that is never ending and always requires effort. It is a Love that seems to have no immediate benefit and is therefore not practiced by many people.

However, in the end, this is what will make Humanity rise up to it is potential and approach what Jesus referred to as the "Kingdom of God (The Father).”

This is not something that is to be expected in the near, or far, future. Rather, it was a state of being that is present at this time, and only has to be observed and followed in order to achieve a state of Grace.

Your faithfull scribe;
--Allan W. Janssen

2006-07-29 02:45:49 · answer #7 · answered by Moses 2 · 0 0

One reason for suffering in this life is to point our hopes and expectations toward another life. This world is never going to be perfect. We need to look forward to the world that is to come, and we need to be sure that we will be in it rather than cast out of it.

2006-07-29 03:22:35 · answer #8 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

no i wish atleast not our chat here!!
which is perfect example of waste!!
War ? --> Did god start war ??
Tsunamis and Katrinas ---> They are natural calamities...nature can not change it's way...we are dependent on it...not it on us.
and dependency can at times cost!!
God -> is controlling the universe....for sure...
We aassssholes keep dumping our mistakes on his head

2006-07-29 01:57:35 · answer #9 · answered by Anand Kulkarni 1 · 0 0

Why do you assume that if there is a God, He or She likes and dislikes the exact same things as you do?

Sounds to me like you have delusions of grandeur.

2006-07-29 07:16:47 · answer #10 · answered by Keither 3 · 0 0

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