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some ppl call me a "troubled kid"...n i think i am...but not as bad as people have been makin it out to be...im going to b a senior on high school...i drink w/my friends mayb twice a week...n i hate to say it but i smoke marijuana on the occasion....i one goto "trashed" once...n noone even knew....but everyone thinks im dealin drugs...smoking crack...and just being a horrible kid and im not....there was this one thing that blew everything over the top....i had met this kid a few mnths back...i hung around him for a few weeks...n he just got arrested yesterday...he was 23...n im 17...he had a warrant out for his arrest because he stole a car in a different state....the police busted into a party n arrested him...and i ran...but someone seen me....n everyone especially thinks im a bad kid now...im just trying to right my life now...im done w/the booze....im done with the weed.....i just wanna live the right way....does anyone have any suggestions to help me do this?

2006-07-29 01:20:18 · 18 answers · asked by d_unit2k7 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Adolescent

18 answers

ok so your a typical teen, you've smoked a lil weed, youve got mixed up with the wrong crowd, and now you have made a choice, from that which you have experienced, you have grown and thats was its all about, the things we experience in life both good and bad are all experiences in which we learn and grow from and become the people we are at adulthood, sounds like you have made a good choice from all this and have chose to be on the right track now, and im sure things will cool down re everyone thinking ur a dope dealer etc, next week everyone will find something else to gossip about, so my suggestion would be to now make the choices you know are right and you know whats right from your expereinces - ya get me

2006-07-29 01:32:24 · answer #1 · answered by oz_gurl2005 4 · 0 1

your not a troubled kid you a normal teenager, dude u didn't steal the car so the cops weren't after you, i used to drink every thursday friday sat night never went to school smoked weed all the time every where i went the cops would go off at me for something because of the people i was friends with, i was a lil sh*it when i was younger but not really troubled and everyone else was doing when i was doing it aswell so i don't believe ur troubled because u've smoked weed and drink booze. just don't go stealin car and sellin drugs keep focused on ur school work have fun on the weekend live it up like ur ment to be doin as long as you don't get behind in school. like i said i did all that stuff and still manged to get a good job in a respected law firm so i didn't turn out bad even tho i experienced things

2006-07-29 02:06:12 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It's great that you want to live the right way. It sounds to me that you're not the terrible kid everyone seems to make you out to be. You're just being a kid! But...I must warn you...when someone puts you in the role of the 'bad kid,' it is VERY easy to actually slip into that role. Don't be that guy! You KNOW you're not the 'bad kid,' so don't be the 'bad kid.'

Life is so much easier with your parents and teachers when you take the right path in your life. You will be so surprised that, when you start doing right, they will start to respect you and actually give you MORE freedom. Be truthful with them and give them respect...they will reciprocate. I really wish I had known that when I was your age. Life would have been SO much easier without all the fighting, groundings, disappointments, etc.

You're doing a good job so far. Quit the partying and start heading toward the right direction. You will reap the benefits of your positive actions very soon.

Best of luck!!!

2006-07-29 01:34:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are assuming too much--that what you are doing is "typical."

You won't be a senior in a regular high school if you don't stop the drugs and drinking--most schools have zero tolerance.

It sounds like you might be starting to mature--and look at how dangerously you are behaving.

Talk to you parents and get some help--your future is worth it!

Have you always imagined that some day you will be a good mom? Well, start now, by taking care of your health, your education and making sure you wait until you are ready to become a mom.

2006-07-29 02:04:15 · answer #4 · answered by Love2Sew 5 · 0 0

Believe it or not! But one of the best ways to improve your Image in front of everybody else is to actually CHANGE your style of clothes and especially hair.
For Example-If you are wearing lets say black clothes, and really baggy pants, then change the black clothes to regular clothes like wearing clothes from Gap or Old Navy. wear bright co lours, such as even dull yellow, light blue, red, etc.
and change the baggy pants to regular jeans or even cargo pants. and also get groomed up! if u did'nt comb your hair then start doing it! and also get a NEW haircut and style. Preferably something like a crew cut. and if you just follow these steps i gave you then you will be different in no time. then the only thing left will be just change your attitude, by becoming nice, and friendly. Before you know it everybody will look to you as an average person who has a life.
Trust me on this one it will work. change from the Thug/Gangster style to a old navy or a Gap model.
P.S.- i was the kinda guy like you also but i changed this way and it made a great impact not only on others view of me but also made me feel ALOT better about my self. and made some major improvements in school.
Take care and Good luck!

2006-07-29 07:05:39 · answer #5 · answered by jay z 1 · 0 0

Lots of kids go through a rough patch. You're not as troubled as you think you are. The teen years are hard...you are trying to figure out who you are and what you want in life.

The fact that you have made changes in your life means that you are a powerful person with strength of character. Good for you!

But it takes time to lose a bad reputation. You need to be patient. Continue to make healthy choices, and choose friends with similar values. Gradually those around you will realize that you are a different person, and you will earn their trust and respect.

2006-07-29 01:35:19 · answer #6 · answered by keepsondancing 5 · 0 0

DANG!! you sound jus like my boi!! is your name mike by any chance? anywayz jus cuz you smoked and drank sometimes doesn't mean you a bad kid. you jus need some attention in ya life. and if everyone thinks your bad....who cares? you don't have to listen to what they say. cuz you do sound a lot like my friend. he smoked, he drank, he hung around wit a few bad kids, but the boi is HELLA smart and one of the most sweetest and coolest guys i met since i got here. so all you gotta do is jus concentrate on ya school work, mind your own business, do your best and try not to get in no fights or arguments, and jus live your life the way you want it. it don't matter what you did in the past. it matters what you doin to get to the future you want. so let the haterz think what they want about you and jus live yo life! good luck!

2006-07-30 20:36:34 · answer #7 · answered by Kimmie 4 · 0 0

Admitting that you have a problem is a good first step. You don't have to be troubled to display that kind of behavior. It's normal for a teenager to experiment with things. You still care about yourself and that's what doesn't make you troubled. Because the last time I knew somebody who I called troubled he didn't care about his well-being and he died in a ditch after a horrific motorbike accident because he didn't care.

2006-07-29 03:41:38 · answer #8 · answered by World of Suffering 3 · 0 0

Well I'm glad that you want to make your life right at an early age because sometimes people continue to do this into their 20's and it becomes a lifestyle for them. I would say go to church, you'll be amazed at how much church will open your eyes and give you a sense on fulfillment. I hope everything works out for you.

2006-07-29 03:17:46 · answer #9 · answered by CPSweetie 3 · 0 0

i was a troubled kid too, but when i got tired of being disrespected, i began to carry myself in a manner that was respectable, even to me. When you take a stand and responsibility for the life you want to lead, expect some opposition and folks that you thought had your back, keep trying to get you to go back .STOP, LET THEM GO, MOVE ON, and stay on the straight path. It's good you see yourself early because what you do now.can put you in jail and mess up your future. Plan your future. I'm rooting for you. You've got courage and strength.

2006-07-29 02:14:25 · answer #10 · answered by cheryl w 3 · 0 0

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