yeah i would agree, the fanasy in principle may seem like fun, but the aftermath might be a little difficult to get over.
2006-07-28 23:13:32
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
It always destroys the intimacy ... and if one of you prized sexual thrills higher than intimacy, how trustworthy can that person be?
We are not just biochemical machines. You can never just have sex. We have souls and spirits. The union of your souls will be transgressed ... and the trust damage will necessarily follow.
Have you really exhausted all the one on one options available for you? How much underwear to you wear? If the answer is NOT none, then there's a great place to start. Public fun? In the car, the side of the road, in a deserted store, supermarket late at night?
Invest your imagination in yourself ... don't bring in another autonomous stimulous because you are lazy.
Good luck.
2006-07-29 09:30:27
answer #2
answered by robabard 5
it destroys relationships, my partner of 6 years asked me 3 years ago that he wanted a second woman on our bed for additional fun, although i came from a catholic country and i didnt want to lose him, i agreed with the condition that i have to trust the woman by making her as my friend, it worked with the first woman we invited but lately, my partner already wanted a woman not for fun alone, he wanted more from a woman like passion and sympathy and this hurts me so much, plus the fact that he wanted a woman who is totally an opposite of me, young and sexy. I am now depressed and afraid of the future because i dont know if he still love me or just live with me until he finds another woman who will love him. Right now, i dont know if we still have a relationship , i am just waiting for him to tell me that he doesnt love me anymore
2006-07-28 23:47:35
answer #3
answered by kanzig g 2
No, not if you are both in agreement! It's healthy to fantasize! Is it just talk or do you want to actually try it?
Here is some info for you from another question I answered, if you wanted to try:
There are lots of reasons that couples fantasize about another person.
For one, many people enjoy watching others particpate in sexual activity.
You MUST develop a set of rules in order to be successful.
Rules allow each of you to understand each other's comfort levels, interests and "sore spots", and without a good set of rules, you will almost definitely suffer jealousy, and anger, and being uncomfortable. How far you both will go, what can he do, what can she do...ect. And you respect each others feelings.
There are alot of people out there who play, if they follow their own rules of what their partner wants and doesn't want it can be successful without losing that trust. But you must talk openly and honestly for it to work out.
It's a very big step in fantasizing and then making it become a reality.
The fantasies can be just as good!!!
2006-07-28 23:22:22
answer #4
answered by rdhedhottie 5
Yes. There's always one person feels left out. Not very nice, the recriminations will last for a long time. Unless you are very lucky and have 3 people who all want exactly the same thing from the experience, then steer clear.
2006-07-28 23:21:57
answer #5
answered by AndyThespian 2
That wopuld depend on if its purely sexual with a casual aquaintence or emotional envolvement comes into play. If emotional attachemnt forms your relationship is doomed.
2006-07-28 23:13:26
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
depends, if your partner is in the threesom and you like that kind of thing... but yes, all in all
2006-07-28 23:13:26
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
Been asked but never done it,I belive if you truly love some1 why mess with it just for one night of fun! I would be ill watching another mess with my man!
2006-07-28 23:14:09
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
yes of course
2006-07-28 23:18:02
answer #9
answered by thila 2
2006-07-28 23:14:59
answer #10
answered by Anonymous