I agree with you. Some people are ready earlier than othes. Have fun.
2006-07-28 18:56:33
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I started having sex when I was 14 I ended up pregnant at 15. With the use of contraceptives . You have no idea what u are getting ur self into . I am 23 now and my son will be 8 years old. I had no job I was not old enough to drive . I couldnt get my own apartment . Honey ,u can't even sign ur name legally. I would really make sure u love this person before u do anything like that with him . I can not sit here and tell u know because I would be a hypocrite. I am still with my childs father and we have to other sons together . Just make sure u want this . You could just end up hurting ur self in the long run .
2006-07-29 02:08:24
answer #2
answered by Shannon 2
Of course you don't think sex is an age issue when you are 15 years old. You are still to in-mature to make that decision. I know that sounds harsh...but it's the truth.
Question...are you ready to raise a child? Is the boy you love ready to make a commitment to you and raise a child?
Contraceptives are not 100%. You could get pregnant the first time or the 50 time using the same or different methods.
You think you are old enough...we make a mature decision and wait until you are physically, mentally and financially able to raise the child you may conceive during sex.
((Boys want sex and it's not about love. It doesn't matter what he tells you. He is hormonal (as you are)). (Girls want sex so they can feel loved).
He says he loves you and you think you love him...but what happens after you give yourself away and he walks away? You don't know it yet, but it will be very painful. Why would you want to put yourself in that position?
You are young, you have so much time ahead of you. Why are you in any hurry to become sexually active? ((Don't tell me "because I love him or everyone else is doing it." Those two answer don't count)). What's the real reason?
Before you do anything; talk with your parents.
2006-07-29 01:57:03
answer #3
answered by Salvation is a gift, Eph 2:8-9 6
I agree with you. Age is not an issue. A lot of people on here were saying that you have no experience so you don't know what you are getting yourself into. How are you going to get experience if you don't try it? The people on here are just trying to make up reasons why you can't but i'm sure that you can. They want to think that they are right. If you can accept all of the consequences that come with having sex than I say go ahead and do it. Also, people on here were saying that at your age you aren't mature enough to do that. I am the same age as you and although I have not done that yet I know that I am more mature than a lot of the adults around here. You sound very mature for your age too. My only advice to you is to make sure that you use protection unless you want to have a child. I will say once again that you are right. Good luck with your decision.
2006-07-29 19:31:36
answer #4
answered by usa_grl15 4
Why are you even asking this question since you already expressed how you feel about the issue. Maturity is a big key.but a mature personal is a responsible person. If you were to get pregenent would you be ready to take on responsibility of having a baby. Many people say oh there's nothing wrong with having sex and if you doand get pregnent, get an abortion . If your responsible enough to have sex you should be repsonsible enough to take on the responsibility of a baby . The problem with many people they don't want to be real with theirself and others.There is nothing wrong with being a virgin and being moral. When I was in high school , I was a major drug addict and lived the party life for years. God dealt with me one day but did that make me a religous fool? No. It makes me aperson that by the graceof God,desires to do better for my life. I learned alot of lessons the hard way - by being crazy and rebellious. I have alot of regrets in my life but not any more. I 'll never regret walking in a new life for God. People have labeled me- believe me- but I know what is like living on both sides of the fence Stay pure it will be worth the wait.
2006-07-30 15:14:13
answer #5
answered by Agent E 3
i agree with u. im 18 yrs old, i started having sex when i was 14 yrs old. yes there are a few times i really wish i could take back but once u hit the maturity that ur at ur good. seriously society religion parents friends media none of theat can tell u when you are ready for sex. it's a personal decision and as long as u do it responsibly and use protection and keep urself informed of the lastest std going around then i think ur mature enough. but do urself a favor, for x-tra protection get ur self on some kind of birth control b/c condoms break quite frequently. and **** happens. if ur gonna have sex u gotta b ready 4 the consequences too.
2006-07-29 01:59:06
answer #6
answered by blond_bomb_shell0404 1
The only people who will object to your question are those who have a Biblical World view. If you don't want there opinion, then don't solicit it. You obviously do not share those values and that is your choice.
I am however of the mindset that a Biblical worldview serves you well. It seems that through personal experience and history of people I know, the Bible has been 100% accurate. It seems to be supported (not that it has to be), but is supported by scientific data.
There are some 30 year olds that should not have sex.
Call us ignorant, foolish or whatever, but it seems funny how people who ridicule the "Christian" finds themself in trouble, they solicit the advice of Christians. We have life changing answers.
2006-07-29 02:01:01
answer #7
answered by Wise ol' owl 6
You believe that you are responsible and knowledgeable, but you in fact are not. The reality is you are immature and not ready to deal with the consequences. The reality is that the boy you "love" will only break up with you shortly after. You can only learn these lessons by getting older. All the fools who answer your questions by saying "yeah, go for it" etc. etc. are likely immature boys.
2006-07-29 02:03:42
answer #8
answered by candl91402 4
I think people can start their sex lives whenever they want to and it should be nobody's business, even the parents. Of course, like you said, I'm not saying that 8 year olds should be having sex, because i'm sure sex hasn't even crossed their minds yet, and their bodies and minds are surely not developed enough to handle it, but, I believe once a person has become emotionally ready to handle sex, they should be able to have it. For example, If a girl is "ready" for masturbation, and is sexually educated, Why can't she have sex? I know some people start masturbating as early as 7, or 8, but they don't know what masturbation is, and they don't know what sex is; They are simply exploring their bodies as opposed to a 14 year old who masturbates, understands orgasms, understands sex, knows about sex and protection, and wants to and is emotionally ready to have sex.
I lost my virginity at 15, and did NOT regret it. It was wonderful. After my first time, I wanted more and more. I was emotionally ready for it, so why not? I would have hated it if I would have had to wait longer to have it. Why should somebody be deprived?
If somebody "gives in to temptation" by eating too much chocolate cake, nobody will critisize them, But if somebody "gives in to temptation" by having sex, EVERYBODY will critisize them.
I honestly think it's worse to eat too much. Eating too much will get you fat which might give you other health problems such as heart conditions, etc. Can you honestly say that having sex is worse than being fat, and unhealthy?
If you are ready for sex, then go ahead!
I would rather have my kids be sexually educated and have sex instead of being obese and unhealthy. There is nothing wrong with sex. Sex can actually SAVE people...
Sex helps stress; too much stress can cause depression, anxiety attacks, AND real heart attacks.
Sex helps depression; depression can lead to suicide.
Sex helps mood swings; hormonal females can sometimes be TOO hard to deal with.
Sex helps concentration; lack of concentration can interfere with many things.
Sex helps menstrual cramps; menstrual cramps can sometimes be unbarable.
Sex helps with many other things.
Don't listen to people who say "if you're not ready for a child, you're NOT ready for sex!". That is stupid, and irrelevant.
Sex doesn't always have to be about children. It's about pleasure. If you're sexually educated, want to have sex, are emotionally ready for pleasure, then you are emotionally ready for sex!
In case protection doesn't work (it's rare, but possible), you can easily have an abortion. Planned parenthood gives abortions for cheap, and you do not need parental consent.
Anyway, Here's a question for the religious adults who don't believe in premarital sex and say "if you're not ready for a child, you're not ready for sex!" :
After already having a few children, and not being emotionally and financially ready for more, why do you continue to have sex?
You're contradicting yourselves! You're having sex even though you are NOT emotional and financially ready for more children.
So, don't listen to those religious fools. They don't know what they are talking about, and are too stupid to use their own brains because the only book they've ever read is the bible, so they rely on "god" to guide them through life. Everything they say is wrong because there is NO proof of "god", therefore their "facts" are fiction and can NOT be proven.
...I say that if you are emotionally ready to have sex, are educated and aware of all the risks, and if you truly want to have sex, you should go for it! Just remember to find a partner who respects you, and one you feel comfortable with. There should be mutual respect, and mutual pleasure involved. Also, ...use protection!
Good luck!
2006-07-30 02:12:30
answer #9
answered by Stella 4
You know you are ready to have sex when you can deal with the consequences of raising and caring for a baby - financially and emotionally. That is the bottom line. One can always find a way to deal with a broken heart, but should you be bringing a baby into the world when you are too young to deal with it?
2006-07-29 10:20:52
answer #10
answered by Lydia 7
mature menatlity is not the only thing u shud consider..condoms dont even work most of the times..and a 15 yr old is in no position to have a child..either way though..the choice will always be urs..but maybe u shud think about it deeply..what are the motives for u to want to have sex anywas (beside wild raging teenage hormones..)..remeber..sex is NOT love in every case..
2006-07-29 02:53:29
answer #11
answered by shana 2