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People say rap is crap, rock rocks, thats ur opinion and its not true at all. someone tell me whats so cool about rock? like all music rap takes talent. and just because its too fast and just because they say things you don't like, doesn't mean its not music to other peoples ears. Also, just because almost all rappers wear baggy clothes and talk about girls and stuff, thats no reason to talk **** about them and how you don't like RAP and HIP HOP CULTURE all together.

2006-07-28 16:03:44 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Entertainment & Music Music

if almost ALL rappers were white, would you still say all that stuff?

think about that

2006-07-28 16:12:43 · update #1

I like all kinds of music a

2006-07-28 16:13:35 · update #2

what i said about whats so cool about rock, i take back, i was kinda mad..

2006-07-28 16:17:13 · update #3

16 answers

first off, the color off their skin HAS NOTHING RO DO WITH IT!
but i suppose if all rappers were white, white people would be listening to it. and if all rockers were black then black people would be listening to it. i don't want to get into that though.

what is so great about rock? i find that rock is very catchy, that's what i love about it. and it just makes you want to...rock out! lol
it makes you want to dance (but not in a slutty way) and go to a concert and scream and cheer. or just listening to the lyrics gives you peace of mind and clears your thoughts, not all rock is metal and screamo. some of the lyrics contain deep thoughts and angst, and some are just so surreal.

i have a brother who listens to both rap and rock.
and all that i hear on his cd's are about golddiggers, thugs, using the n word multiple times, drugs, violence, an excessive amount profanity (not that rock doesn't have its share of sex, drugs, profanity violence). but compared to my brother's rock cd's, the lyrics to the rap ones are at least 5x worse. i don't like how they talk about women like they're objects and the lust they have. in rock at least the majority of it is about love, not lust. whether it's about bad break ups or finding that perfect someone.

another reason why rockers may feel the way they do. they feel that in rap, it's all one rythem/beat. in rock, it changes! and there is a wide variety of instruments in rock. and the voice can change from screaming, to serene, to just plain having fun. get the idea? in rap, to us it's like the emotion stays the same. it isn't interesting enough. they need to convey more than just one feeling, it's like telling a story. if a story was action all the way through, how would anything ever get resolved?

and partly, it's the clothes. it's like ALL rappers dress a like. the pants six sizes too big for them, the white tanks, the bling, the bandanas, the cornrows, etc. (or a least two of those put together). to us, it's like there is no restrictions on what to wear. (as you probably already know by the funky stuff they put together).
and most people, whether you're thin or fat, don't like seeing all that skin in public. leave it to your partner to see. i'm talking to everyone when i say this. but if you compare what the pussycat dolls or alicia keyes wears with what the lead singer from the band flyleaf wears, or even meg white from the white stripes, the clothes aren't revealing. yet it doesn't make them uncool or ugly. so why do hip hop artists wear clothes that are SO revealing? i find it crude. it looks like they're practically giving it away! why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

and, it's not just us. i've heard MANY times how much people who like rap insult rock. and believe me, i get just as pissed off as you were. i've been told before that ALL rock is about drugs, sex, and rock n roll. do you think that is true? it isn't. it is generalizing.(i even debated about it alongside my friend with two rap lovers in history class lol). you may ask: well then why do you guys generalize rap like it is all about lust, violence, etc.?
the problem is that people tend to stick to one genre of music.so they don't know anything about any others. so then their opinions become based off generalizations, whether they're true or not. if their taste in music gets insulted, they're gonna want to say something back right? well guess what? they don't know anything.
get used to it, that's how the world works. music, books, politics, religion, ethnicities, gender, everything!
it's all about generalizations and not hearing both sides and forming biased opinions.

just know, that it's not one sided. it takes two to tango (<--i'm almost positive that that is not the right usage of that saying, but it's how i get my point across haha)

this is from a rocker's point of view, so don't take it the wrong way. this is just how we think if you've ever wanted to know why we say those things. ;) and you being a major fan of rap apparently, would put up a good argument as well.

it's all in the taste! music is music hon.

(i also enjoy classical, jazz, and a few select singers)

(pick me as best answer *wink wink* :D)

2006-07-28 21:07:42 · answer #1 · answered by ~Jenny 3 · 3 0

i personally don't like it, i feel that it's hard to find much depth to the songs, musically speaking. Not to mention i think some rap artists are too influential and paint a negative picture for younger children that take these artists too seriously. however, the same can sometimes be said for rock. Rap puts more emphasis on words and lyrics, whereas rock usually puts more emphasis on musical/instrumental talent. It all comes down to personal preferences and respect (or lack thereof) for someone Else's tastes in music.

2006-07-28 16:15:00 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

It also depends on the way the peoplezz were raised, and stuff. Communly, you like rap cause your friends got you into it, or cause you like the lyrics and the beats and stuff. Rock is composed of guitars and drums and more instrumental. Rap also may be less about polotics and Rap´s way of expression is normally seen as sex music like reggeton where most rap talks about sex related things. right?! well, 2pac and some other rappers seem to be more conciouss than other Rap music. Rap also represents the gangs/sters most of the times and its a way they express themselvess. I like rock more than rap because its more about music/instruments, and it expresses itself normally against systems, corruption, and revolutionary, and anti religious, and stuff like that (the rock i like) which Rap doesnt really express a lot. I do like some Rap because the beats and music but the lyrics might just kill it, lol. A lot of adults see Rap and Rock as unhealthy, but its normal to like music and decide which one sounds better. Also, there is talent in both, a guitarist with a guitar, and a raper with his/her voice, and i believe good Rap is a talented voice that could rap quick and rhyme. Of corse, simple/easy people will always be fanatic about one and hate the other! while rebelious/revolutionary seem to like underground rap, or just Rock. Rock cant be danced to (hahah) , while Rap can, some people like dancing, some people dont, that about explains a bit of why others might like one more than the other. I respect rap and rock so, i wouldnt argue about which one is better. hope this info was usefull! (took some time to think)(LMAO) =P.

2006-07-28 16:28:21 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I like both. Most of the rap I listen to is about dancing and going to the club not killing each other. A lot of rock music talk about violence too.

Since we are talking about rock and rap. I personally hate money. I could scream cuss words in a mic too. Just give me the money. I bet I just pissed of a lot of people.

I'm glad someone finally said something about people talking about rap/ hip-hop.

Thank you.

2006-07-28 16:44:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I am a rockaholic, and I love rap, R&B, and hip hop, too, because I think all are styles of expression and like all music, you need a certain amount of talent and ability to succeed. Plus, hip hop/R&B/rap is AMAZING, it just fits my personality really well. So I like all of those. I know, I'm Oxymoron Girl, the next Super!

2006-07-28 16:09:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know why some do that. I happen to like both! I love Panterra, Metallica, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nickelback. But I also love 50 Cent, Ice Cube, Ludacris, P. Diddy, Nelly, and my all time favorite is Snoop Dogg!

2006-07-28 16:12:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Well,personally i find that all music is unique.I tend to listen to whatever i like.People who limit themselves to whatever music is "in" or whatever are only missing out on some music that they may like.Everyone has different taste i will give music of any genre a chance and any artist if i dont like it so what.I wont say i wont like it ever because an artist we may normally not listen to or who is catagorized in a genre we dont like may come out with something that we do,we just have to give it all a chance.

2006-07-28 16:11:54 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

someone is offended..lol

everyone has their own opinion
and since u expressed urs. someone is going to ask the same question u asked but vice versa..

aww how does it feel to waste ur time...

im sry
i just dont think it makes sense for people to get mad at people who dont like their type of music and than make the same statement about the other person's type of music.

2006-07-28 16:15:15 · answer #8 · answered by ♥James 2:19♥ 4 · 0 0

uuum it has nothin to do with the color of yer skiin and i love rap and rock but for rockers it is the beat and the meanin behind the music, bcuz to a lot of rockers all they think that rap talks about is *** shakin and ****** girls money, grills and stuff like that

2006-07-28 16:20:42 · answer #9 · answered by thisgrrllovespurple 2 · 0 0

thank U how would people that like rock like it if ppl that liked rap dissed ROCK Music.
but i bet it would be a diffrent story if Most rappers were white

2006-07-28 16:09:52 · answer #10 · answered by prettyjp1019 3 · 0 0

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