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clean up the house for them without them asking you

2006-07-28 06:29:30 · answer #1 · answered by $BLUECRIP$ 3 · 6 10

Start by listening to them and doing what they ask without too much question. Some questions are good but don't push.

Follow their rules.

Keep your room clean.

Although you sound like you probably already do this stuff.

So after those things simply tell them "I love you mom and dad."
Tell them they are the best parents in the world to you.

Two things that give a parent the absolute most pride.
1. Hearing from their child that the child appreciates what they do.
2. Hearing unsolicited comments from others about the good things the child has done.

After that not much more is really necessar but hey you could take them to dinner and a movie. You know an inexpesive fun night out. Pizza and a show.

Best of Luck and you probably are a good kid if your asking this kind of a question. Kudos to you and your folks.

2006-07-30 02:07:16 · answer #2 · answered by John 6 · 0 0

Tell them you appreciate them and show it by actions. If you still live at home, help out around the house without complaint beyond what you normally do. Cook them a special dinner or breakfast (or take them out to a great restaurant for the meal). If you don't live with your parents, drop by after work or on a weekend and mow the lawn or do something else helpful. If these types of things aren't your "style", you could always write them a letter or send a card. A whiz with poetry? Write them some pros about how much you appreciate and love them.

The ways that people can show they appreciate another are limitless. It just begins with realizing that you appreciate someone and deciding to let them know.

2006-07-30 05:39:41 · answer #3 · answered by quasipuca 4 · 0 0

Tell them. Be good. Actions speak louder than words anyway so telling them is a great idea and a great thought but if you disrespect them the next day then that all went out the window. Some kids can't just come out and say it so they write a letter - that's what I did. My mom and I fought a lot so I had to write a letter or it never would've been said. The best way is to show them and that is by being respectful, doing duties around the house, etc.

2006-07-29 03:53:07 · answer #4 · answered by Sadie 3 · 0 0

I personally think that there are so many ways we could show our parents how much we appreciate them, but a lot of people don't take advantage of these opportunities. We can just tell them each day in simple actions; like a note, a hug, or just saying thank you. If you see them working, offer to take over for them. You can also do big stuff, like taking them out to eat, or even better; organizing a way for them to be together for dinner or even a night out. Parents dont always get to be together, so that's be special for them. Little and big things that show you see their hard work show you appreciate them.

2006-07-29 13:18:17 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well actions speak louder than words , so i would do my best in school , i would also do little things arond the house for them without them asking u to do it , another thing is if your old enough to cook or have an allowence or something , try ordering like a pizza for mom so she dont have to cook dinner that night , and give them a little card with maybe enough money to where they dad n mom can maybe go out to a movie together , and put a little note saying mom and dad this is for all the things u do for me and my siblings and i really appreciat all the sacrafises you both have made so that i and my siblings can have the things we do most of all JUST TELL THEM EVERY DAY THAT U LOVE THEM AND SHOW THEM HOW MUCH YOU CARE BYE DOING THE THINGS THEY HAVE TAUGHT U TO DO

2006-07-30 14:46:37 · answer #6 · answered by dale621 5 · 0 0

As a parent I think the best way is to do as they ask. Work hard on your schooling, keep clean and neat, eat well, sleep well, clean up after yourself, help with the housework, and any other details asked of you that are reasonable. If you don't think they are reasonable, express your views in a calm and logical way.

Be respectful of your family members, friends, neighbors, and yourself.

A parent wants their child to be well mannered, truthful and responsible so they can go out into the world as young adults and handle their lives with a minimal amount of difficulties.

A good education is a must and to get that you will need to do your homework and keep a good attitude.

Anyone who would ask this question is already doing well by their parents. It shows that you care and hold them in high esteem.

Good for you.......

2006-07-30 16:59:19 · answer #7 · answered by purplewings123 5 · 0 0

I was raised on the Ten Commandments and the only one that has a promise is the one that says: "Honor your Father and Mother and you will live a long and happy life".

I am almost 50 years old. My parents are nearing their 80's. I still honor and respect my parents. That doesn't mean that I agree with everything they say. It means that I don't argue with them, contradict them, or get show anger toward them.

I have found, through the years, that the best way to show appreciation is to give of myself. My Mom has Parkinson's. My Dad has a heart condition. I just show up on a regular basis and help them out. If they are sick, I show up and cook a meal or two. I walked my Dad's dog for him when he had knee surgery. I help my Mom clean her house. I help my Dad with yard chores. (This is pretty easy because they are compulsively scheduled, and I already know that they clean house on Wednesday's and do yard work on Thursday.) I call them to check on them EVERY day. I ask if they need anything when I go to the store or to WalMart. When Mom sends out Christmas cards, I make sure I'm around to help her address them because her hands shake really bad and she doesn't write too legibly any more. We bank at the same institution, so when I get my statement, I make sure I go by and help her balance her bank book.

Showing appreciation is really treating your parents the way you would want to be treated, yourself. I don't ever "take over" because that would rob them of their independence. I "just happen" to be in the neighborhood when I know they could use a helping hand. I also ask to go along on Dr. visits, medical tests, and of course, any surgery. By doing this, I can be available to help remember what was said. If they tell me they don't need me on that visit, I don't go, because they need to have their privacy, just as much as I need mine.

I also honored my Mom and Dad by naming my two children after them. They both had unusual names which had to do with family history and I honored them, as well as my other ancestors by carrying that history forward into another generation.

2006-07-30 14:49:26 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

As a mom, I appreciate random acts of kindness such as a phone call, a funny card in the mail, or a little present when it's not even a holiday. Most of all I just like to hear the everyday stuff that's going on in my daughter's and granddaughter's lives-good & bad. All the milestones & accomplishments large or small. The laughter & the tears. The things that make us human & connect us.

2006-07-29 03:13:49 · answer #9 · answered by girlfriend 3 · 0 0

As a mom of a 17 year old boy, I can say the very best way to show you appreciate your parents is to listen to them, without debate or argument, or rolling of the eyes. Just a simple yes ma'am, yes sir. IF you want to go a step further, you can also do something for them to make their life easier, like cleaning up the kitchen for your mom, or cutting the grass, or washing the car. Something they don't expect. Good luck!

2006-07-28 08:52:09 · answer #10 · answered by tooyoung2bagrannybabe 7 · 0 0

Besides telling them, the best way is to get a good job, surround yourself with wonderful people, hold on to your morals, and raise your kids up right once you're an adult. When one does some good in the world, most often it reflects on their parents, and that's the largest compliment and sign of appreciation that any child can show towards their mother or father.

2006-07-28 06:40:41 · answer #11 · answered by wrtrchk 5 · 0 0

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