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millions of girls worldwide are lured or forced into commercial sex activities every year. many are sold and work in the sex trade under constant threat of violence. almost all come from improvished families.
lured by employment in the cities, but lacking education & skills, girls become easy prey for predators in the sex trade. they risk prostitution, exposure to HIV/ AIDS & physical abuse.

2006-07-27 23:26:49 · 13 answers · asked by sista! 6 in Social Science Sociology

13 answers

This is a question that should be very easy to answer but solving the actual problem is just very difficult.

Maybe the biggest reason is our perverted relationship to sex. When little boys grow and learn that their completely normal sexual needs are something bad and sinful, they will develop these perverted habits that can do so much harm when they are adults. These men are our fathers and brothers and sons. So, heal our societies sick and fearful attitude to sex and one of the root causes is removed. When someone is sick, you should heal, not destroy.

How "official" slavery ended back in the 18th or 19th century? Maybe we could learn from it. Wasn't one of the biggest reasons for the ending that a black man was officially accepted as worthy human being as a white man? Now we should accept that a woman is as worthy as a man.

And all the big solutions: remove poverty, support the equality of sexes, make proper laws, have a good system to support the laws and well-being in the society...

The fact that we are discussing this in the Yahoo! Answers is a step forward.

2006-07-29 22:15:46 · answer #1 · answered by BonAqua Identity 3 · 0 0

Well, I get what you're saying, and I do think that a 50 year old with a 20-something year old is a bit extreme (even though it does happen), but as you get older the gap closes. For example a 22 year old and a 14 year old sounds gross- it is gross, but what about a 32 year old with a 24 year old? Same age difference, but it doesn't sound as disgusting. I do believe that at some point in time (50 and 20-something) it's not love, it's something else (money). But that's my opinion. I've never been in that extreme of a situation to say for fact though.

2016-03-27 03:11:02 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't think you will hear from the men. The only reason such things exist is because there is a market for it. You have to target that market, and that is men. For some reason, they seem to forget that these women and girls are someone's daughter, grand daughter, sister, the are more an object than a real person. That is the only way anyone could get any enjoyment out of what is created by their being used in such a manner. They don't see them as a real person, who has people who love and care about them. The people who prey on these woman and girls, need to be destroyed when they are caught.

2006-07-27 23:33:06 · answer #3 · answered by buggsnme2 4 · 0 0

unfortunately exploitation of the weak and less fortunate is becoming a global way of life. it is in fact accepted corporate practice at the highest levels of society. However that being said the unconscionable sexual exploitation of young girls and boys speaks to the lowest of mans nature and should be set upon internationally with the full weight of all applicable laws and a few new ones.Including but not limited to exposure comparable to the international terrorist watch list so that those who commit these heinous acts will be known throughout the world for their behaviors and will not be able to sneak back into their pristine little lives undetected.they should have it put on their passports when and if they ever get out of prison. I feel that legalizing prostitution will bring it out of the dark and into the public arena where the health and disease issues can be monitored and dealt with. I believe there is a place in society for it and a need. But anyone caught tampering or abusing or interacting sexually with a child should be smoked. period. If you begin monitoring the sex trade and get it out of back alleys and dirty hotels it would generate revenue for govt. and increase the quality of life for the women involved. It's not going away so let's make it safe and viable for those who choose it.simultaneously removing the criminal profit incentive,through taxation, regulation and rigid enforcement(no pun intended).

2006-07-27 23:59:12 · answer #4 · answered by unklkvn308 2 · 1 0

Child Trafficking is the most atrocious of all immoral activities in the world. I shudder at the very thought of children and young women being lured into this vicious and obnoxious living, due to poverty, illiteracy and the machinations of the unscrupulous elements in the society. My eyes welled up, recently when I saw a TV report on the child trafficking. The governments every where should consider this issue very seriously and come down heavily against the perpetrators of these crimes against the innocent young women.

2006-07-27 23:41:22 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You are right! You mentioned it, poverty is the big reason why the young girls or sometimes their parents lure their girls into white slavery or prostitution! We could not easily stop the said dillema because that is one of the oldest professions and now become rampant as well as in the internet sex den(Better than selling flesh in the avenue)To stop this all men should stop buying those girls and be monogamous to their relationship,but that is far to be happened, men are so agressive!If there are no buyers the market will close!

2006-07-27 23:32:37 · answer #6 · answered by tutax 4 · 0 0

Yes and the greatest dangers here are deseeses and psichycal damages that can never be healed.
One way to stop this is by proper education - no, i am not talking about the 7 years of home. I'm talking about school education, or publicity just like there is anti-drog publicity and anti-tabaco publicity. Girls should know what to stay away from, what to be afraide of. The rest is all about police.

2006-07-27 23:35:43 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

This might sound heartless, but i really don't care.

I don't condone child sex, but it's really not my problem either.

If it happened to my kid, well then it becomes my issue.

I think the police and fbi are probably doing the best they can right now against it.

2006-07-27 23:32:01 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Website of these things should be closed and people caught doing these things should be hanged. United nation should stand up and lead. Some kind of organization should be formed.

2006-07-27 23:50:42 · answer #9 · answered by Kiss Me 2 · 1 0

You've got to take money out of the equation. When it's a profitable business, it's hard to tell a poor woman not to do it.

2006-07-28 00:02:43 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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