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what is the meaning of life? why is it that me and my husband try so hard to do right and we always seem to get sh** on we are not on drugs we dont steal we have not killed anyone we pay our bills I just dont get it why is the entire world against us is it because we got married at 18 and 25

2006-07-27 23:25:26 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

12 answers

I know what it is like. My wife and I are barely able to make the bills and always seem to have setbacks and things never seem to go our way. We try to do what we know is right and we stay out of trouble but things still don't go our way.
Life is tough no matter who you are. Whether you are rich or poor, white or black, live in America or Africa. People every where have different challenges what should matter is how each one of us deals with our "lot" in life and that is what we ought to be thinking about. We need to take a look at our attitude. Are we miserable all the time because things don't ever go our way or are we happy and thankful that we have food on the table, clothes on our back and roof over our head?
I don't know if you are a religious person or not but this is my belief:
We chose to come here to be tested by God to see if we would do all things that the Lord commanded us( this includes what ever we have learned to be right and wrong and following what we know to be right). We came to have a body to be tested in. Adam and Eve partook of the fruit of knowledge, of good and evil that we might be(be born on the Earth into a mortal body). And we(everyone) are here that we might have joy. In that day that Adam and Eve partook of the fruit they were cast out of the garden of eden and the presence of the Lord(spiritual death) and would eventually suffer mortal death.
Before the Earth came to be God prepared a plan where in a Savior, Jesus Christ, would come to experience the things similar to what we experience here on earth. He also came to take upon himself all of our pains, sorrows, regrets, guilt, etc... that through his saving grace, which is oprative only through our faithfulness to God by our obedience to God and turning from our evil ways to good we could come back into the presence of God and his Christ. In other words we could be redeemed from the spiritual death incurred by Adam being removed from the presence of the Lord.
Christ also came to redeem or save us from physical death, which also came upon Adam and Eve when they partook of the Fruit of the Tree of knowledge and of Good and Evil. This was made possible when Jesus Christ arose from the tomb on the third day after his death. This is a free gift to every man, woman and child that ever lived on the Earth. Just as all of us will die, all of us will live in a perfect incorruptable body again!
The only thing that matters in this life is how we treat others (especially our spouse and children) and doing what we know is right and turning away from those things we have done that we know are wrong.
Life is hard but Jesus Christ has said: Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
(New Testament | Matthew 11:28 - 30)
Life is hard but it doesn't have to be so hard if we depend upon God to cheer us, give us hope and broaden our perspective from just this life or the here and now into an eternal perspective.
If you have questions write to me.

2006-07-29 10:10:45 · answer #1 · answered by duhanlorian 3 · 1 0

There is nothing wrong by getting two souls commited to a wonderful life time. Try to look at things at other angles. How sure are you that the things you do are right ? How do you justify your own deeds ? The answer to the meaning of life can stretch from the north pole to the south pole and yet, no answer will satisfy you if you have not found your own will, your true destiny through the days you breath and lived on earth. The world is not against you, but you are against the world. Argument does not start alone. You cant clap with a single hand. Try to open up your mind. Relax :)

Time will reveal what life will mean to you one day.

2006-07-28 06:09:09 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Honey, you had a bad day, huh. But I bet you can count a lot of good ones, too! Things will get better but sometimes they are just not. This builds your character and if you don't let it get the best of you, YOU get the victory! FORGET about people caring about when you got married. You got love! You GOT married. Rest in that. Your skin is in a thickening process we all grow through around your age emotionally. You'll laugh in about 7 years about how you let folks get to you. God hasn't promised us a carefree life: we are promised trouble, though. With knowledge of that you can live an abundant life according to John 10:10...so, you just must take the good with the bad, darlin. Okay? OK.

2006-07-28 00:00:04 · answer #3 · answered by shannonlilia 2 · 0 0

That is what life is. Like the bumper sticker say, "Sh*t Happens". I know it looks like all this great stuff is happening to others while you two are struggling. Welcome to the club. But in reality, those people probably have other issues that you would not want, nor would be able to handle. Just be thankful that you have each other to lean on during the tough times and enjoy the little things as if they were big ones.

2006-07-27 23:32:47 · answer #4 · answered by extra_37 4 · 0 0

you are not the only ones life is hard at that age I worked like a dog and struggled to. The world doesn't make your bills and choose your life ,you do, however I don't know where you live but everything is expensive.and its so hard if your in-school to work and study all my hard work paid off and yours will to I'm sure the future hold something for both of you good luck and don't let it get you down think positive.

2006-07-27 23:54:49 · answer #5 · answered by nicole l 4 · 0 0

You overlooked 2: LIFE, AND WHY? God made you since He loves you. You have any such factor known as 'reason', that's why you're distinctive, considered one of a sort. That makes you 'precise', precise to not me, who cares approximately me, however precise to the one that created you--God. So, having coming to this end it might do you such a lot well, to seek His will to your lifestyles, and reside it to the first-rate of your capacity. Good good fortune.

2016-08-28 16:35:24 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I think life is a test and a way of learning some people out there just take advantage of peoples good nature

2006-07-27 23:44:46 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Listen up. LIFE is a test. God brought us all on this life to test our endurance, and care to each other. Whatever you earn here on this life, will be rewarded to you here after. So, prove to god, that you are a good person. You will go through good, and bad times, and it is all a test to see how you do. Ever heard life is like a roller coaster.

2006-07-27 23:33:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

No Specifics and only a one side story from you. If your life is all that grand and great then there will be others that are not pleased.
Don't feel ill of them or yourself, stick to your path and still respect them........ Be happy for your own sake. Do you believe in GOD, then he will take care. If you believe in yourselves then there is noting to worry about.

2006-07-27 23:52:14 · answer #9 · answered by Bomba 1 · 0 0

Life is what it is - no guarantees about anything. Best option is to make the best of it as best you can. Good luck!

2006-07-27 23:29:40 · answer #10 · answered by Gallivanting Galactic Gadfly 6 · 0 0

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